Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse
Chapter 77 Sex God
The situation in the bedroom was far more chaotic than on the lower floors.
"K-KaaaaaahhhhhHhHhHhHhHAZEE~!" Sarah screamed in pleasure, regaining her perspective after a hallucinogenic out-of-body experience.
Riley was on the bed with a dazed expression. Her pleasure gauge with the blonde's mortal mouth on her nipple got broken in half a second, and her soul partially left her body in an unworldly cosmic experience.
While the situation and her slight out-of-body experience were unnatural and concerning, she had difficulty caring. Riley had a much more serious issue—she was horny.
Not manageable sexual repression level horny.
Desperate sex addict picking up a partner at the local [sex addicts anonymous] meeting level horny.
Her bikini was soaked, and her breaths were ragged.
Riley looked at Sarah, whose eyes had rolled to the back of her skull, moaning like a sexually oppressed banshee after 2,000 years of haunting people as Kaze thrust slowly.
The brunette swallowed nervously; she didn't want to initiate anything, especially when Sarah was 30 layers deep in the depths of lunacy… but… she was desperate!
"Um… Sarah… will you…." Riley began hesitantly.
While she didn't expect the blonde to hear her over the ear-bleeding volume of her moaning, there was an immediate reaction.
Eerily possessive, even.
Spiritual Connection tried establishing a connection with Riley. While it was only partially effective, they were all connected with synesthesia and a form of mental communication.
"D-Do… you want me to p-ple-ease you?" Sarah stammered between moans.
Riley turned bright red in embarrassment. Of course, she did!
However, the sheer casualness and naturalness of the blonde's response were so strange and surreal that she couldn't understand what had happened.
"I… I do need… want… pleasing...." Riley awkwardly replied, blushing furiously and covering her mortified expression.
After letting out another moan that made the faction members fear for the woman's wellbeing, Sarah locked gazes with the brunette. "W-WhaaaaH~ d-d-do you want… m-me to do?"
Riley stared into the blonde's crazed eyes, which held a deep desire to die so that she could go out at the peak moment of pleasure and happiness she'd ever reach again.
Sarah had checked out from life itself.
The brunette wanted to feel concerned for her, inquire about her mental health, or fear that she'd end up like her, but she was going insane herself!
"I… will you… use your mouth to…." Riley explained awkwardly, cringing at every moment.
"W-What-whatever y-you want me to use my m-mouth on…." Sarah stuttered between screaming in overwhelming pleasure, "J-Just… give… give it."
"G-Give it?" The brunette stammered.
"Y-Yeah. Give it…." The blonde said, pushing her disheveled hair from her eyes with a shaky hand, "W-Whatever… you want my m-mouth on, just give it… to meeeeeeeEEEEE~!"
Her arms gave out, and she smashed face-first into the bed.
Riley thought she might have gone comatose if not for the shrilling moans barely muffled by the ultra-luxurious foam mattress.
"You want me to just… put whatever I want for you to… use your mouth on…." She gulped, "In front of you?"
"Yes! I-I don't care… wh-what it is, just give it." Sarah moaned, "If it p-pleases you, I'll accept a-anything."
"W-Wait, you [want] me to give you something to use your mouth on?" Riley asked in confusion.
"I-I want… sex, you, something, w-words, gone…." The blonde stuttered in a moaning haze, "I w-want to h-h-have sex with you. N-Name your p-price."
"P-Price!? No, what? Free, Sarah, free, seriously fucking free." The brunette cried with hands over her face, "Just… please."
Kaze was laughing in disbelief. It had been millennia since he had seen a similar scene.
His harem was made exclusively of immortals that were powerful enough to destroy Earth with a wave of their hands.
He'd have trouble drawing a reaction like this out of them with a dark arts technique!
"T-Than give it…." Sarah pleaded desperately.
Riley blushed but gave up with posturing and stripped off her bikini bottom, exposing her cleanly shaven pussy, which was embarrassingly wet.
She stared down in mortification and then back at the blond, who had crashed face first into the mattress again, screaming into it like a death metal microphone.
The brunette sat up and crawled over to face her. She sat down again with her legs closed awkwardly. "I-I… a-are you sure that you want—"
"Yes, oh f-fuck yes!" Sarah screamed into the mattress, somehow still able to communicate with her from the alternate dimension she was banished to.
Everything about what happened next resembled a certain b-rated horror film.
Sarah, face first on the mattress, with her hair covering her face, crawled slowly between Riley's feet.
Kaze smiled and walked with his knees slowly, laughing his ass off internally as he watched the poor brunette's emotionally confused facial expressions.
She saw the resurrected banshee crawling toward her as a symbol of sexual horror and a beacon of hope. Her sheer mortification and pulsing desires were fighting a bloody battle.
But when the woman gently tapped on both of her shins in a desperate [please open up] gesture, she wisely let her desire win.
The blushing brunette spread her legs slowly and hid her face, so she didn't have to watch the wretched banshee crawl between her legs like a screaming, wounded soldier.
When Riley felt the blonde's hair on her inner thighs, she gasped in sexual frustration.
Sarah lifted her head for the first time since crawling and pushed herself up with shaky arms.
"L-Look, I-I have… no fucking clue what I'm d-doing." She gasped between moans, "But… say something, anything… seriously, anything b-but no, and I'll f-fall face first into you."
"If you…." The brunette gulped, blushing furiously.
"Good enough." Sarah chuckled before literally falling headfirst into her crotch.
After two seconds of awkward confusion, she pushed herself up, stuck out her tongue like a half-starved vampire, and lowered it.
"AhahahHHhhHHHhHHhHHhHHhhhHHH!" Riley screamed in wild euphoria as God came down from the heavens and personally pulled her soul from her body.
—One minute ago: Third Floor; Sober Squad Headquarters—
"Oh my god… is that a wounded animal up there!?" A man cried.
"Yeah, definitely wounded… wait, what!?" A female cried, "No! She's not 'wounded' are you serious?"
"Look, this isn't the time to grill me for being vulgar. That's not natural!"
"Or-gasm. That's an 'orgasm.' I know you've never given a woman one, but you should be able to identify one instead of calling her a [wounded animal]."
"Don't clap between words. I hate when people do that."
"Then stop treating women like animals, you misogynistic pig."
Another group of men and women joined in passionately.
"Look, I'm with him, Karen. I'm not sure if you've ever had an orgasm, but one second of this would be a soul-shattering orgasm, and she hasn't stopped for three minutes.
I'm genuinely concerned for her wellbeing and extraordinarily jealous simultaneously."
"Don't bring my sex life into this! It doesn't change that we're listening to an [orgasm] and orgasms won't kill you, Sarah!"
"Yoooooo, look, lady. Can you start talking sense? People need air to live and screaming in pleasure releases air.
I'm surprised that she's still conscious after hyperventilating that hard."
"Can everyone shut up? I'm trying to burn this sound into my memory forever!"
"Riiiiiight!? This guy's a total sex god!"
"Didn't those women say there were two women?"
"Yeah, I'm curious if he can pull this off again after he's finished up."
"I'm surprised he's not tapping both of them right now. It seems kinda anti-climatic for a threesome if he's only getting one of them off."
"Putting aside people being unable to tap two people at once… do you think it's possible for someone to please two people with this level of—"
"W-Whoa-whoa-woah-WHOA! Hold the phone! Was that the second woman?"
"Dude, that seriously was! He's making them both howl!"
"Hah. This sounds awful! Sex isn't supposed to be resistance training!"
"Is there a waitlist or something, Mandy?"
"Wait, you can't be serious, Lisa!"
"No, Mandy. Do you think we should make one? If we take the initiative and he accepts it, we'll be on the top!"
"Too bad, I've already made one. You can get on mine, though."
"Dude, teach has students arguing over who will make the sign-up list to sleep with him. What a legend!"
"Right!? There's a sign-up list to create sign-up lists! I wish I could post this on Yanko!"
"Wait! Are the women going down on each other!? This is epic!"
"I'm confused. How's he getting the two women to have the same reaction?"
"I'm not sure, but I am curious!"
The sound from upstairs abruptly stopped, and the area fell silent for a minute.
"Wait, is that it? I'm not sure why, but it feels kinda anti-climactic.
I get that people can scream harder than max volume, but wasn't there supposed to be… like a mega super orgasm or something?"
"Is that is? Are you serious? The women have been screaming non-stop for like 20 minutes!"
"It's been five minutes. You're acting like [this] needs to be exaggerated."
"Yeah…. Those five minutes have been absolutely gruesome. It's a been a massacre up there."
"Why isn't anyone talking about the main issue here?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Okay, hear me out. You know how the second woman screamed the other's name instead of the Emperors? Well, I was thinking… what would happen if she took that D?"
As if by magic, they got their answer immediately, and it started a riot.
"K-KaaaaaahhhhhHhHhHhHhHAZEE~!" Sarah screamed in pleasure, regaining her perspective after a hallucinogenic out-of-body experience.
Riley was on the bed with a dazed expression. Her pleasure gauge with the blonde's mortal mouth on her nipple got broken in half a second, and her soul partially left her body in an unworldly cosmic experience.
While the situation and her slight out-of-body experience were unnatural and concerning, she had difficulty caring. Riley had a much more serious issue—she was horny.
Not manageable sexual repression level horny.
Desperate sex addict picking up a partner at the local [sex addicts anonymous] meeting level horny.
Her bikini was soaked, and her breaths were ragged.
Riley looked at Sarah, whose eyes had rolled to the back of her skull, moaning like a sexually oppressed banshee after 2,000 years of haunting people as Kaze thrust slowly.
The brunette swallowed nervously; she didn't want to initiate anything, especially when Sarah was 30 layers deep in the depths of lunacy… but… she was desperate!
"Um… Sarah… will you…." Riley began hesitantly.
While she didn't expect the blonde to hear her over the ear-bleeding volume of her moaning, there was an immediate reaction.
Eerily possessive, even.
Spiritual Connection tried establishing a connection with Riley. While it was only partially effective, they were all connected with synesthesia and a form of mental communication.
"D-Do… you want me to p-ple-ease you?" Sarah stammered between moans.
Riley turned bright red in embarrassment. Of course, she did!
However, the sheer casualness and naturalness of the blonde's response were so strange and surreal that she couldn't understand what had happened.
"I… I do need… want… pleasing...." Riley awkwardly replied, blushing furiously and covering her mortified expression.
After letting out another moan that made the faction members fear for the woman's wellbeing, Sarah locked gazes with the brunette. "W-WhaaaaH~ d-d-do you want… m-me to do?"
Riley stared into the blonde's crazed eyes, which held a deep desire to die so that she could go out at the peak moment of pleasure and happiness she'd ever reach again.
Sarah had checked out from life itself.
The brunette wanted to feel concerned for her, inquire about her mental health, or fear that she'd end up like her, but she was going insane herself!
"I… will you… use your mouth to…." Riley explained awkwardly, cringing at every moment.
"W-What-whatever y-you want me to use my m-mouth on…." Sarah stuttered between screaming in overwhelming pleasure, "J-Just… give… give it."
"G-Give it?" The brunette stammered.
"Y-Yeah. Give it…." The blonde said, pushing her disheveled hair from her eyes with a shaky hand, "W-Whatever… you want my m-mouth on, just give it… to meeeeeeeEEEEE~!"
Her arms gave out, and she smashed face-first into the bed.
Riley thought she might have gone comatose if not for the shrilling moans barely muffled by the ultra-luxurious foam mattress.
"You want me to just… put whatever I want for you to… use your mouth on…." She gulped, "In front of you?"
"Yes! I-I don't care… wh-what it is, just give it." Sarah moaned, "If it p-pleases you, I'll accept a-anything."
"W-Wait, you [want] me to give you something to use your mouth on?" Riley asked in confusion.
"I-I want… sex, you, something, w-words, gone…." The blonde stuttered in a moaning haze, "I w-want to h-h-have sex with you. N-Name your p-price."
"P-Price!? No, what? Free, Sarah, free, seriously fucking free." The brunette cried with hands over her face, "Just… please."
Kaze was laughing in disbelief. It had been millennia since he had seen a similar scene.
His harem was made exclusively of immortals that were powerful enough to destroy Earth with a wave of their hands.
He'd have trouble drawing a reaction like this out of them with a dark arts technique!
"T-Than give it…." Sarah pleaded desperately.
Riley blushed but gave up with posturing and stripped off her bikini bottom, exposing her cleanly shaven pussy, which was embarrassingly wet.
She stared down in mortification and then back at the blond, who had crashed face first into the mattress again, screaming into it like a death metal microphone.
The brunette sat up and crawled over to face her. She sat down again with her legs closed awkwardly. "I-I… a-are you sure that you want—"
"Yes, oh f-fuck yes!" Sarah screamed into the mattress, somehow still able to communicate with her from the alternate dimension she was banished to.
Everything about what happened next resembled a certain b-rated horror film.
Sarah, face first on the mattress, with her hair covering her face, crawled slowly between Riley's feet.
Kaze smiled and walked with his knees slowly, laughing his ass off internally as he watched the poor brunette's emotionally confused facial expressions.
She saw the resurrected banshee crawling toward her as a symbol of sexual horror and a beacon of hope. Her sheer mortification and pulsing desires were fighting a bloody battle.
But when the woman gently tapped on both of her shins in a desperate [please open up] gesture, she wisely let her desire win.
The blushing brunette spread her legs slowly and hid her face, so she didn't have to watch the wretched banshee crawl between her legs like a screaming, wounded soldier.
When Riley felt the blonde's hair on her inner thighs, she gasped in sexual frustration.
Sarah lifted her head for the first time since crawling and pushed herself up with shaky arms.
"L-Look, I-I have… no fucking clue what I'm d-doing." She gasped between moans, "But… say something, anything… seriously, anything b-but no, and I'll f-fall face first into you."
"If you…." The brunette gulped, blushing furiously.
"Good enough." Sarah chuckled before literally falling headfirst into her crotch.
After two seconds of awkward confusion, she pushed herself up, stuck out her tongue like a half-starved vampire, and lowered it.
"AhahahHHhhHHHhHHhHHhHHhhhHHH!" Riley screamed in wild euphoria as God came down from the heavens and personally pulled her soul from her body.
—One minute ago: Third Floor; Sober Squad Headquarters—
"Oh my god… is that a wounded animal up there!?" A man cried.
"Yeah, definitely wounded… wait, what!?" A female cried, "No! She's not 'wounded' are you serious?"
"Look, this isn't the time to grill me for being vulgar. That's not natural!"
"Or-gasm. That's an 'orgasm.' I know you've never given a woman one, but you should be able to identify one instead of calling her a [wounded animal]."
"Don't clap between words. I hate when people do that."
"Then stop treating women like animals, you misogynistic pig."
Another group of men and women joined in passionately.
"Look, I'm with him, Karen. I'm not sure if you've ever had an orgasm, but one second of this would be a soul-shattering orgasm, and she hasn't stopped for three minutes.
I'm genuinely concerned for her wellbeing and extraordinarily jealous simultaneously."
"Don't bring my sex life into this! It doesn't change that we're listening to an [orgasm] and orgasms won't kill you, Sarah!"
"Yoooooo, look, lady. Can you start talking sense? People need air to live and screaming in pleasure releases air.
I'm surprised that she's still conscious after hyperventilating that hard."
"Can everyone shut up? I'm trying to burn this sound into my memory forever!"
"Riiiiiight!? This guy's a total sex god!"
"Didn't those women say there were two women?"
"Yeah, I'm curious if he can pull this off again after he's finished up."
"I'm surprised he's not tapping both of them right now. It seems kinda anti-climatic for a threesome if he's only getting one of them off."
"Putting aside people being unable to tap two people at once… do you think it's possible for someone to please two people with this level of—"
"W-Whoa-whoa-woah-WHOA! Hold the phone! Was that the second woman?"
"Dude, that seriously was! He's making them both howl!"
"Hah. This sounds awful! Sex isn't supposed to be resistance training!"
"Is there a waitlist or something, Mandy?"
"Wait, you can't be serious, Lisa!"
"No, Mandy. Do you think we should make one? If we take the initiative and he accepts it, we'll be on the top!"
"Too bad, I've already made one. You can get on mine, though."
"Dude, teach has students arguing over who will make the sign-up list to sleep with him. What a legend!"
"Right!? There's a sign-up list to create sign-up lists! I wish I could post this on Yanko!"
"Wait! Are the women going down on each other!? This is epic!"
"I'm confused. How's he getting the two women to have the same reaction?"
"I'm not sure, but I am curious!"
The sound from upstairs abruptly stopped, and the area fell silent for a minute.
"Wait, is that it? I'm not sure why, but it feels kinda anti-climactic.
I get that people can scream harder than max volume, but wasn't there supposed to be… like a mega super orgasm or something?"
"Is that is? Are you serious? The women have been screaming non-stop for like 20 minutes!"
"It's been five minutes. You're acting like [this] needs to be exaggerated."
"Yeah…. Those five minutes have been absolutely gruesome. It's a been a massacre up there."
"Why isn't anyone talking about the main issue here?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Okay, hear me out. You know how the second woman screamed the other's name instead of the Emperors? Well, I was thinking… what would happen if she took that D?"
As if by magic, they got their answer immediately, and it started a riot.
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