“What’s next? Why can’t I sense my father and Luo Chen when I see the domineering? Above the surface of the sea, Marko frowned and looked at the bottom of the sea, but he didn’t understand what had happened.

Seeing the domineering can sense the bottom of the sea, just now they have been watching the battle between Dad and Luo Chen, but now it seems that something has happened, and Dad and Luo Chen have all disappeared into the perception of seeing and smelling domineering.


Marko and others are extremely worried, even Tiqi, who has no feelings for Whitebeard, is extremely dignified, Whitebeard is the strongest in the world, it should be right, even if the body cannot keep up with the strength due to old age, the name of the strongest is worthy of the name.

Could it be that the emperor of the sea, Luo Chen, is it really that strong?

“It’s out!” Renly’s eyes froze, and everyone also followed his line of sight, only to see that the sea suddenly burst open, and a figure jumped out of the sea.

“How come!” Marko continued to look at the sea in a panic, but the sea had gradually calmed down, and even the sea that had just been separated by his father had returned to its original state.

Dad… Daddy died?

Marko’s eyes were dark, his body shook and he almost fainted directly, the captains didn’t know what to say, Luo Chen came out, daddy is still in the sea, and daddy is an ability, how can this make them not think about it?

“Luo Chen, what about Daddy!” The good old man Saatchi changed his previous kind appearance, and his eyes were even more aggressive, if something really happened to Daddy, then even if the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group was buried here, they would have to avenge Daddy!

“Don’t talk to me in that tone, Saatchi!” The eyes froze, and the fierce gaze made Sachi and the others subconsciously take a step back, and after retreating, they remembered this subconscious action.

It’s terrible… This man’s eyes are really terrifying!

“For the powerful seniors to use honorifics, seniors or gentlemen can be, don’t you know after so long on the sea?” His gaze swept around, looking at the white-bearded pirate group that seemed to want to tear himself apart, after Luo Chen chuckled, golden ripples suddenly appeared in the sky, and then countless light golden chains suddenly flew out upside down in the sea, but in an instant, the kung fu was completely connected.

And the people of the Luo Chen Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group saw such an amazing scene, countless light golden chains extended from the sea, and seemed to appear out of thin air, they were actually shot out of the air, roughly looking like there were hundreds of them, densely covering the sun, and not even a single gap was left.

“This is… What!? “Swallow a mouthful of spit, let alone the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, even if they laugh, they have not seen this ability, when did their captain make this chain-like attack? What the hell is this intended to do?

“Up!” Ignoring the shocked people, Luo Chen’s right hand was raised upward, and the sea surface burst open again, and the tall figure like a small giant was directly lifted from the water, and Marko and the others had blood-red eyes.

“Daddy!!!” Cyan flames suddenly burst out of Marko’s body, and Saatchi also jumped high on the deck, rushing towards the whitebeard who had fainted in the air.



Two consecutive air breaking sounds cut through the sky, and I saw two pale golden chains shooting towards the two with lightning speed, and Marko and Saatchi did not expect that this chain could attack automatically, and the speed was only faster than them, scarlet blood spilled into the air, and the two flew back upside down at a faster speed than when they came, holding the wound on their shoulder and staring viciously at Luo Chen.

How did Daddy get caught? What kind of intrigue did this guy use? And what exactly is this golden chain?

“Hey, it’s a terrible prop, I didn’t expect things to be so easy.” Looking at the white beard tightly bound by the lock of the sky, Luo Chen couldn’t help but sigh at the horror of diamond-level props, the so-called god-binding thing, although it is not so awesome in this world, but even the white beard has no way to easily break free, and he shook the sea water away the moment he restrained the white beard.

No matter how strong Whitebeard is, after all, he is also an ability, and he will be instantly weak when he touches the sea, plus he is bound by the lock of heaven, and naturally he quickly loses consciousness. Luo Chen also couldn’t help it, after completing the task, he suddenly had no idea of continuing to fight with Whitebeard, and looking at Whitebeard’s appearance, it was completely to fight with his own desperate rhythm.

“To you!” Hesitated to throw Whitebeard towards the Moby Dick, although the chance of killing Whitebeard was very high now, Luo Chen still didn’t really start.

Using the weakness of the sea and the ability to kill Whitebeard, this is definitely something that everyone will look down on, Luo Chen naturally does not disdain to do it, he is not Blackbeard, and his most basic self-esteem as a strong person,

Thinking of Blackbeard, Luo Chen’s eyes stared directly at the black fat guy on the Moby Dick like an eagle falcon, and Blackbeard also noticed Luo Chen’s hostile gaze, but his heart was very shocked.

He should be a guy who doesn’t attract much attention in the Whitebeard Pirates, right? Why should this Luo Chen stare at so many captains if they don’t stare?

“Blackbeard Tichy?” Looking at the confused blackbeard, Luo Chen also smiled strangely, it was really unimaginable that the three strongest people in the white-bearded pirate group now turned out to be Marko, Joz and Tichy, the bastard.

This guy really worked hard for the dark fruit, 20 years ah… Isn’t it just a dark fruit? And the thought of Blackbeard paying such a big price in order to get a dark fruit, Luo Chen couldn’t help but pout, this guy really has no future at all, he would think that the dark fruit is the strongest ability.

The Dark Fruit does have a strong restraining power over other fruit abilities, but when it comes to itself… Heh, if this guy provokes himself, he will definitely let him taste the god horse called Les Miserables!

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