Players In Marvel

Chapter 131: 【Demon of the Mountain · Bogang】

Outside New York Harbor, large areas are quarantined by the military!

Although due to some authority issues, most military soldiers do not know the cause and effect of the disaster that swept New York!

But they know one thing, that is, the chaotic battle situation has calmed down, and the chaos of the zombie invasion is finally over!

However, there are high-level people who can understand some of the authority, such as Colonel Rhodes, and General Ross who has been hilarious since the appearance of zombies.

They have entered the most anticipated harvest stage!

The war is over, no matter how it ends, now is the time to make a fortune!

Those gentlemen are all sober.

In the past, the zombie invasion was dangerous to them, so they were anxious to attack with missiles, but now the situation is very different.

The huge island ship in front of you, and the zombie shells on the island, these are all great treasures.

They were very interested in this sailboat that suddenly appeared and was as large as an island!

How did this island ship suddenly appear in New York Harbor, and what kind of power source was used to support its navigation? !

Where does the owner of this island come from?

Are there any other secrets hidden on this terrifying island ship?

Of course, the most important thing, the most important to everyone, is naturally the zombies. How were they created?

If you can master this technology, master the zombie army, and use the characteristics that the dead are not afraid of casualties, you may be able to change the direction of many wars!

If the laboratory is powerful, maybe...

They can study the secret of resurrection from zombies!

The boundary between life and death is broken, what a seductive fruit!

Controlling life and death, resurrecting the dead, and letting the dead fight for themselves, this kind of technology, this kind of power, really makes too many people jealous!

The high-level military officials know that the fast-action team of SHIELD has already arrived on the island. This kind of big gain cannot be monopolized by SHIELD, they must have their own share!

However, just when the top military leaders were busy assembling an action team, thinking about the landing of the Terror Island Ship, a sudden change occurred!

Near New York Harbor, on the edge of New York City, a huge green devil suddenly came to the world!


Boom! !

A huge green body descended from the sky, the streets crumbled and disintegrated, and the tall buildings were constantly shaking!

"Holy Lord!!"

The terrifying monster roared in the sky, and a real demon was summoned in New York City, which had just calmed down!

She has Japanese-style braids on her head, huge red lips on her hideous face, extremely fat and short limbs, and those khaki bumps on her body!

Just looking at it is like seeing a big terror!

She is the incarnation of the mountains, the demon of the mountain, one of the eight great demons!

The gluttonous Bo Gang is here! !

Boom! !

The postbox in the street was crushed by one foot, and Bo Gang squeezed it with his short paws, and then stuffed it into his mouth!

The first thing she did when she came to the new world was to eat. She was already very hungry!

However, no matter how hungry she was, she didn't forget her business while eating, that is, scolding the Holy Master!

"Who called me out?"

"Is it you, Holy Master?!"

"Coward, where have you been hiding?!"

"Or, are you trying to lie to me again?!"

Bo Gang howled angrily. She was not clear-headed, and she couldn't understand her current state!

However, none of this prevents her from eating!

Following Bo Gang's scolding, the giant mouth, which was split open like an abyss, sucked, and a storm seemed to flow from its mouth.

Ka Ka Ka! !

Billboards, roadside signboards, and small cars are all sucked into Bogang's mouth under the sweeping suction!


Bo Gang patted his stomach with his stubby hands, and an ominous devilish energy shrouded his body!

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Bo Gang's huge body is growing rapidly, and she is recovering her own abilities. As long as she keeps eating, she will get bigger and bigger!

In the end, he became a demon of gluttony that devoured everything, digested everything, like entering the mountains of clouds! !

"Hungry, so hungry!!"

"These are not enough, where is my food?!"

There was an evil red light in Bo Gang's eyes.

Her body is getting bigger and bigger, and billboards can't satisfy her anymore!

Her goals began to be placed on the small shops on the third and fourth floors, the double-decker buses parked by the roadside and other dishes!

Boom! !

The building collapsed, the bus was crushed into a discus, and it all entered Bo Gang's mouth!


Bo Gang let out a roar of contentment after swallowing, her body was extremely inflated, and she was already dozens of meters tall!

However, this is not enough, she has to continue to grow and eat!

"The appetizers are over, what about the main course?"

Main course? !

As soon as Bo Gang turned his head, his eyes fell on New York Harbor!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Or, the undisguised huge round cake, the dreaded barque!

"Hooho, the main course is found, let's have a snack first!!"

Bo Gang smiled happily, she picked up the two tall buildings like a spring onion, and then rolled them into her mouth!

Boom! !

The demonic energy of the mountain spreads, and the wave is even bigger! !

Facing the ever-rising, more and more ferocious monsters, it really seems like a huge monster that wants to eat New York to the ground in one breath!

The military in New York Harbor is completely numb! !

After eating so much, this monster can still eat it, as if there is a black hole in its stomach, it will never be full, and it will eat whatever it catches.

Meat and vegetarian food are not taboo, and those who come are not rejected.

But in a short time, this monster almost devoured the neighborhood of New York Harbor.

Well, this time it's really the doomsday scene! !


In the sky above New York Harbor, A Gang hovered in the darkness. At this time, he had reached the sky above the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

When she was in Prospect Park before, Perona sold her face and rescued Absalom!

Of course, A Gang is not the kind of person who will kill him. He just wants to stop Moriah and end this farce of the zombie invasion!

However, it is obvious that A Gang is late!

At the moment, in addition to the messy island boats demolished by Moriah, there are also mountains of zombie bodies on the island in New York Harbor. It is obvious that the war is over!

But...what about Miss Kikyo? !

Judging from the arrows on Moria's belly, who fell to the ground, it should be the Miko who sealed Moria!

But now Miss Miko is gone, and the vast area on the ground is covered with frost!

This reminds A Gang of the extreme cold from the underworld when Zhao Li just appeared last time!

So, the underworld intervened? !

Miss Kikyo went to the underworld? !

A Gang frowned tightly, feeling something was wrong!

Didn't Li Zhao take the old men to go first? I heard from Parker that he was looking for the player who was a natural returnee. Wallon's trouble is gone!

A Gang used a private chat to ask Dad a few questions before, but Dad didn't answer, and now I don't know what happened!

Moreover, Zhao Li clearly told him before that the underworld doesn't get involved with Moriah's affairs, but why now? !

It seems that when I go back, I need to ask about the underworld!

Now, there is still a problem in front of A Gang, and that is Moria, who has already been defeated!

A Gang saw that a group of fully-armed soldiers was surrounding Moria, which made A Gang a little embarrassed!

It would be very bad for these soldiers to take them away. After all, he promised Perona to give Moria a chance!

And now that Moriah has been beaten, it's not good to let the other party be taken away by this group of soldiers!

A Gang is always like this. All the enemies he has encountered in the past, once the battle is over, A Gang has never entangled each other again!

Dakong's will is inclusive of everything, including his own enemies. If he can talk well, Agang will always give him a chance!

Of course, this is on the premise that the other party has to pay for his own mistakes!

Now that Perona has sold her face, Ah Gang is hesitating whether to take La Moria!


A huge roar sounded, interrupting A Gang's thoughts!

what happens?

A Gang was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction of the source of the sound!

"That is……"

The next second, his pupils shrank suddenly!

In New York City, a huge monster is coming, with a green body, like a huge monster like a mountain, just showing up brings huge panic!

Especially on the top of the monster's head, the bright characters [Mountain Wave Gang] made people feel suffocated and dizzy.

What the hell!

Such a big guy is actually a player? ? ?

A Gang was stunned!


"Damn old man!!!"

A roar like a tsunami sounded!

Bo Gang, who was working on a buffet in New York City, suddenly found an acquaintance she couldn't forget!

In a nimble car, there was an old man sticking his head out of the window, pointing at himself and shouting something!

With a yellow vest, white shirt, signature glasses and white hair, he looks like an old goat.


it's him!

The archmage who once sealed himself!

Po Gang's pair of small eyes were all round, but it wasn't because of how good her eyes were, the main reason was that Wa Long threw Po Gang out to track the position of his father's ninja soldiers!

Coupled with the flexible walking position of Patton who was driving, he avoided a lot of obstacles along the way, and immediately attracted the attention of Bo Gang who was eating!

"I remember you, I must eat you this time!!"

Bo Gang roared violently!

If other demons were suddenly summoned and saw the old man who had sealed them, most of them would feel cheated, and maybe they would have run away!

But Big Sister Bogang is different. Although she is scolding the Holy Master, but now she is eating really cool!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} When the appetite came up, Bo Gang had an idea, dipped this abominable righteous old man with a pinch of salt and swallowed it!

"Don't run!!"

Bo Gang moved her huge body and chased after her father. With her movements, the buildings in New York City collapsed even faster! !


"Old, old man?!"

A Gang was stunned for a moment!

not good!


A Gang's intuition worked, and he had a very bad premonition!

Now is not the time to worry about Moriah, it may not be a problem for him to let the soldiers take him away!

But if you don't care about the old man, after the old man is caught up by Bo Gang, he will really be swallowed!

There was a burst of fire in the night sky, A Gang reversed the direction and chased in the direction of Dad!


At this time in New York City, after the zombies receded, with the comfort of the New York Police Department, most people thought that this nightmare was over.

But now, the appearance of those terrifying monsters that are dozens of meters high and are still rising, completely shattered their remaining rationality.

Many people fell on the street, they were howling and crying, saying that this is the end of the world!

Some people began to vent their fears and joined the thugs who beat, smashed, looted and burned before, and the gangsters who were originally under control also started to stir up chaos again!


"The devil is here!"

At the same time, the theory of the advent of demons began to be preached, and a bunch of people cried and knelt down and prayed!

They saw the real devil, but where did the benevolent angel go, they never saw it!

"Lord, where are you?!"

"Come and save your lamb!"

The wailing and prayers of the sky and the earth are endless.

"The Lord has forsaken us!"

"Devil, only the devil can save us!!"

"Yes, yes, worship the devil, he will not hurt his followers!"

"That's right, this is the new Lord!"

The black crowd knelt on the ground, or bowed down to the huge green demon in piety or despair.

"This is what the Lord gave us!"

An old man in a priest's uniform stood on the street and read out his philosophy aloud!

The zombie invasion is just the beginning. It is a necessary ritual before baptism. Now that the great God has come, the true believers will be integrated with that mighty body!

"Congratulations, believers, it is an invincible great existence!"

"We will all be one with it and ascend to the kingdom of the Holy Spirit!"

Desperate and ignorant people are frantically giving a reasonable explanation to this world that is beginning to be absurd.

If they could go back alive tonight, they might pull down the statues of gods in the church, and maybe even erect the statues of mountain-like demons!



Button turned the steering wheel, the black car made a big drift, and got into the small corner of the street!


And just behind them, Bo Gang's huge body slammed the building in the way directly, pulled it into his mouth, and roared while chewing.

"Damn old man, don't run!"


Button rarely swears, but this kind of death race is so exciting!

As a senior veteran agent the famous Hawkeye has never seen anything, but this is really the first time for Patton to race against a demon with a height of tens of meters!

"What the **** is that?!"

Natasha was holding the jar that sealed Oz, leaning against the car window, watching the demons chasing them.

The demon identified the "Mage" in the car and roared to eat him!

At the moment, I was eating roadside side dishes, like some kind of car, building debris, etc., while chasing after them, and smashing them with these "food scraps"!

If it weren't for Button's top-notch driving skills, and the special agent's car was strong enough, it would have broken apart in the turbulence!

"That's the devil, the devil!"

Dad also looked anxious, and the thing he was most worried about still happened.

"I can see that it is a demon, but why does he have to chase us?"

Button has stepped on the accelerator all the way. It's no longer a matter of whether he's driving fast or not, or he's flying a little low.

But even so, it is very difficult to get rid of the big guy behind!

Because, Patton had to avoid obstacles while driving, but Po was just able to walk in a straight line, and he caught up while eating, which really made him want to die!

In the face of Patton's question, the old man said in a presence.

"Oh, what did you ask Dad for?"

"Maybe it's because Dad sealed her, these demons are very careful!"

"And one more thing!"

"Stop at the supermarket in front, Dad needs salt!!"

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