Players In Marvel

Chapter 138: The gate of **** opens, 6 reincarnation cannons! !

S.H.I.E.L.D., within the sky carrier!

On the big screen in front of Nick Fury, at this moment, it was illuminated by the dazzling light.

This is the scene of the battlefield captured by the drone. As Lan Tianyu stabbed his arrows at Bo Gang, the entire battlefield was covered by a big explosion! !

This power is extremely powerful! !

"This uncontrolled force is too powerful."

Nick Fury's face can be said to be ugly!

All the information Coulson got through his father had already been passed on to him.

At this time, Nick Fury already knew the basic information about Lantianyu.

It also belongs to the Nature Returners organization and holds the title of Thousand Kills Shinra.

He suddenly appeared and attacked Bo Gang, the demon of the mountain. The specific purpose is unknown. From my father's point of view, this guy is a fighter.

At least in the eyes of this "mage", Lan Tianyu's aura made him unhappy!

This is undoubtedly a point that needs to be vigilant. From what S.H.I.E.L.D. has learned so far, as long as it is a member of this natural returnee organization, then no one is good.

Starting from Wallon, Moria brought out a zombie invasion incident in the middle, and it can be said that the doomsday scenes in New York are all the masterpieces of this natural returner organization.


Nick Fury was silent for a moment, then reached out and swiped the screen in front of him.

The internal database of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be analyzed, and the relevant information that matches the situation of Lantianyu will be transmitted.

The stick in his hand, the two golden luminous feathers on the top of his head, and when Lan Tianyu appeared, he said "Equal to the sky"!

Such images seem to be in line with a certain monkey in Eastern mythology.

very good! !

Finally, there is a character they have information about.

Although it is a man-made myth, something is better than nothing.

Nick Fury is very satisfied with such a breakthrough.

Unlike the previous data on demons, the documents drawn from the internal database of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the demon of the mountain in the scene at this time have absolutely nothing in common.


There is another good news.

Because of Lan Tianyu's sudden appearance, no matter what his specific purpose was, at least he truly protected half of New York!

This is also a fortune among misfortunes!

At the same time, there was news from both Coulson and Rumlow, which is barely good news.

Coulson was saying that "Mage" needs a special container to hold the demonic energy of the demon of the mountain, and the old man doesn't pay much attention to the demonic energy, so they can recover it smoothly.

After handing it over to the laboratory for research, it is very possible to find a way to deal with the demon of the mountain.

And the S.H.I.E.L.D. quick-response special forces led by Rumlow have also successfully taken Moria away, not all of them were buried in the destruction of Bogang.

Of course, this also has something to do with Bo Gang never getting close to the Dread Barque, which is why Rumlow can lead the team to evacuate safely.

The magic of the mountain and Moriah, these two gains are undoubtedly significant for S.H.I.E.L.D.

If you add the jar of Wei Zheng who sealed the Demon Qi Oz, it can be said that in the chaos in New York, the biggest gainer is S.H.I.E.L.D.

But the question now is, how can we end this chaos?

The communication on Nick Fury's side was about to blow up the Congress, and those big men were eager to deal with the monsters on the battlefield.

Even launching a nuclear bomb would cost the whole of New York!

But now Nick Fury knows that nuclear bombs can't solve the problem, it will only make the problem more complicated. At this time, we must listen to the advice of professionals. If we want to solve the devil, we still have to fall on the "Mage"!


Nick Fury opened the communication.

"I have sent logistics agents to deliver the sealed container to you. How is the "Mage" preparing?"


"The situation seems to be very complicated!"

Coulson angrily responded to Commissioner Fury's inquiry!

The old man is still tinkering with the Panku treasure box, because he has never found the corresponding hexagram, the old man looks very irritable, and is now holding the treasure box and banging it!

"Sir, take your time."

"It's very important to seal the demon, so you can't be in such a hurry."

Coulson looked at his father violently twisting the Panku treasure box in his hand, somewhat distressed.

This is an artifact created by the legendary undead god. It must be a good treasure. Isn't it too unkind to treat it so rudely?

"Oh, how can Dad not be in a hurry?"

"If the demon of the mountain is not sealed, have you ever thought about the days of being ruled by demons?"

Dad glared at Coulson angrily.

"Uh, I don't want to live that day."

Coulson paused and said helplessly.

"Then go away for Dad, don't get in the way here."

Dad is so tired of this agent now that he was the one who was rushing to seal the demon before, but now he is the one who makes Dad slow down and don't worry.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} What's going on with this agent, isn't there a trace? !


With Dad's angry slap, he slapped the treasure box!


It's like triggering some kind of mechanism.

The next second, a green light appeared on the Panku treasure box, and it slowly floated up in mid-air.

The treasure box began to rotate on its own, and the hexagrams representing different demons kept changing, and finally stopped at "Gen", which corresponds to the hexagram of Bogang, the demon of the mountain.


With a crisp sound, the Panku treasure box slowly opened, and a small green ball shot out suddenly.

"Oh, it's done!"

Dad suddenly screamed in surprise.

"That's it?!"

"Is the gate of **** about to open, where?!"

Coulson was also very surprised, but he looked up and down, left and right, and he didn't see any change.

Apart from the fact that this treasure box is indeed floating in the air, I haven't seen the gate of **** that my father said that seals the devil!

"Not yet!"

"If you want to open the gate of **** of the demon of the Sealed Mountain, you have to determine the real seal location."

"It can run but can't walk. It has a mouth but can't speak. We want to lead to the mouth that can't speak. The final seal of the demon of the mountain will fall on this mouth."

After Dad said a riddle, he suddenly looked at Coulson seriously.

"Tell daddy, where is this mouth?"


Coulson looked dazed.

"Sir, do you ask me?"

"if not?!"

"Dad has only been in New York for a month, and Daddy doesn't know what's going on here."

Daddy was holding a fluorescent Panku treasure box, cocked his goatee, and stared at Coulson! !

If it was San Francisco, it would be better. Dad used to have an antique shop there, but now Dad is not familiar with New York! !


"But I'm not too sure!"

Coulson was at a loss at that time, and the seal demon was too troublesome. It was not enough to solve the correct hexagram of the Panku treasure box.

Coulson is not good at solving puzzles, even if his mind is bald, he can't figure it out.

"It's a river!"

"Can run but can't walk, the answer is the river!!"

"The Hudson!!"

Natasha, who had been on the sidelines and did not speak, was the one with the clearest thinking at this time.

She quickly guessed the answer, the Hudson River flowing through New York is the answer Dad wanted!

As for what Dad said, the place of the seal should be on the mouth.


"It leads to the silent mouth. This mouth is the end of the Hudson River and the New York Harbor where the water finally flows."

"The final location of the demon of the Sealed Mountain is the New York Harbor, which has been reduced to the ruins of a battlefield!!"

"Yes, is that so?!"

Coulson looked at his father in disbelief! !

"Oh, what are you still doing, where is the agent's car?!"

"We're going to New York Harbor to open the sealed door."

The battlefield at the other end of New York Harbor has been completely shattered by Lan Tianyu and Bo Gang at this time, and it is undoubtedly very dangerous to approach at this time.

But no matter how dangerous it is, it can only go up at this time, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has to take the lead in rushing forward.

Coulson prepared a safety vehicle at the fastest speed. Dad and his party got into the car. This time Coulson drove by himself, just to get close to the battlefield and open the gate of hell.

And it turns out that the process is not complicated, after getting close to New York Harbor.

Just after reaching a certain distance, the Panku treasure box emitted a soft light.


Like a scroll horizontally in the night sky, as the gate slowly opened, the dark red gate of **** twisted like a vortex, opened!

A door representing the demon of the mountain has been opened in New York Harbor! !


New York, the battle is over! !

Bo Gang fell into the deep pit. She was just hit by the light cannon fired by Lan Tianyu, and she felt very uncomfortable at this time.


Bo Gang growled.

But before Bo Gang got up from the pit, that feeling of extreme disgust appeared.


The violent wind pressure came, and Bo Gang felt a huge suction.

She turned her head with all her might, and saw the gate of **** like a nightmare.

The effect of the seal began to activate, and it was precisely to pull the demon of the mountain into hell!


"I don't want to go back to that ghost place!!!"

Bo Gang roared and struggled.

"Dead old man~"

Bo Gang finally remembered her father again, the archmage she should have focused on!

However, it was only now that I remembered what was the use. The gates of **** were all opened.

The huge suction continued to pull her, trying to drag Bo Gang into that demon hell.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Ah, I don't want it!!"

Bo Gang struggled as hard as she could, and there was a huge amount of demonic energy of the mountain rising from her body! !

For a while, Bo Gang and the suction of the seal confronted each other! !

Her huge body really looked like a mountain rooted in roots, and in the suction of the seal that set off the strong wind, she actually stayed in place and didn't move.

"Hahaha, dead old man, you can't seal me."

Bo Gang lay down his chubby body, but the gates of **** really couldn't attract her!

"Well, what's going on?!"

Coulson is stupid! !

He thought that Dad had opened the door of the seal, and this New York farce was finally coming to an end.

But, what did he see? !

Coulson compared the size ratio of Hell's Gate and Bogang!

Wait a minute!

The proportions of the gates of **** are not right.

The demon of the mountain is so big, are you sure that such a narrow door can **** this demon in?

You must know that at this time Bo Gang has already swallowed half of New York City, and with the "feeding" of two waves of missiles from the military, her body size can be said to have swelled extremely large!

Although the demonic energy of the mountain has been worn down a lot after the fierce battle of Lan Tianyu at this time, compared to the gate of hell, Bo Gang is still too big.

Just like the scene right now, the demon of the mountain lies motionless on the ground, and the gate of **** is completely immobile.

This sealing ceremony must fail again!

Coulson suddenly had a bad feeling.


"Oh, she's too big!!"

Dad slapped his thigh in a hurry. He said that he should fight magic with magic. Now that Bo has eaten so much, he can't even **** it in. What should I do?

This group of people made a special trip to be angry with the old man, they really are with the devil! ! !

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Coulson asked quickly.

Now the hope of sealing Bo Gang can only be pinned on Dad, and he can't do anything about it!

"Small, find a way to make Bo Gang smaller!!"

Father angrily gave Coulson a hand knife directly at his head.

what happened?

This agent is not even as good as the guys in District 13, so obviously he can't see it, of course, he wants to make Bo Gang smaller so that he can be sucked away.

So, Dad hates trouble, Dad hates agents~


"How can I make her smaller?"

Coulson is going crazy.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. had a way to deal with the demon of the mountain, they would have already done it, how could they have waited until now!

"Then don't ask dad, ask that monkey!"

Dad arrived viciously and waited for Coulson. The agent was useless, so he knew it was an eyesore.


"Hit her~"

"Don't look at it, let her be smaller and put her in~"

Facing Lan Tianyu, the old man shouted at the top of his voice! !



"The old man is nosy!!"

Lan Tianyu is in the midst of an extreme battle frenzy!

Under the influence of the mad **** mask, his spirit has entered an extremely violent On the battlefield, the gate of **** that suddenly opened suppressed Bo Gang, which made Lan Tianyu very unhappy!

Afterwards, he didn't hear a word of what his father shouted to him, but that didn't prevent Lan Tianyu from taking the opportunity to give the Demon of the Mountain a ruthless attack.


"My uncle is getting more and more excited, so let me give you a ride!"

Along with a deep laughter, six flags appeared behind Lan Tianyu's back, and the flags glowed with golden light.

At the same time, these golden lights climbed onto the magic stick in Lan Tianyu's hand, and then the shape of the stick in his hand changed!

Like golden dragons spreading, the magic sticks turned into rays of light and gradually gathered in Lan Tianyu's hands! !

There was a dragon head imprinted on the side of a plane, and a golden six-wheeled Gatling appeared in Lan Tianyu's hands. The terrifying golden barrel brought an unspeakable terrifying pressure! !

"Armed skills!"

"Six reincarnation cannons!"

"Every 666 rounds, send you this big guy to reincarnation!!!"

"Da da da!!"

Terrifying gunfire sounded! !

The dense firepower glowed with golden light, and every bullet could bring about a big explosion. This turbulent shock was like a torrent, and it was directly shrouded in the mountain demon Bo Gang lying on the ground! !


Bo Gang howled angrily, the demonic energy of the mountain in her body was constantly being worn away by the power of the six reincarnation cannons!

At the same time, there is something even more terrifying.

That is, under the impetus of the torrent of bullets, Bo Gang is being pushed towards the gate of hell! !

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