Players In Marvel

Chapter 513: Oops, Dad has a very bad feeling!

"Oops, Tru, hurry up."

After packing up the package, preparing hot tea and edamame sandwiches, Dad is planning to take the baby apprentice on a journey.

Behind him, Trudeau was holding three suitcases in one hand, while the other hand hurriedly flipped through the travel guide.

I don't know if this expired travel magazine has any reference value under the circumstances of the world's great changes.

"Sir, I'm ready, just... you know, I've been having a headache lately."

Tru shook his head.

Since he came back from Walloon, because of the magic of the Holy Lord, Tru, who was out of control again, is still in the recovery stage.

Of course, if you use a little [White Jade], you can quickly get rid of the sequelae of the headache.


Wouldn't this kind of thing just take a break? !

"Gee, that's nothing to make a fuss about."

"As I get older, Dad has a headache every night, and more because of these messes."

"Especially you True... Dad is starting to have a headache now."


After pumping it on Tru's belly at once, and experiencing the familiar feel, Dad is actually in a good mood recently.

Although this world is in chaos, devils and demons are flying all over the world, and there is still trouble with the Black Hand organization to deal with.

But... Seeing that Tru is back, the old man was really relieved.

As for the problem of headaches, there is no need to prepare even a special magic spell. Everyone will encounter small problems in their later years, so it is not bad for Tru to feel it earlier.

"We just left, sir...I think, don't you say a word to the Pengele family?!"

"At least tell A Gang, otherwise he will definitely be worried."

Trudeau carried a lot of things, followed behind his father, and carefully turned down the narrow stairs.

Although it was only after the Battle of the Tri-States that he met the members of the Pengele family, they got along very well.

A Gang is also very friendly to Dad's apprentice and is full of curiosity.

after all.

Daddy's magic, what boy doesn't feel magical? !


"I like A Gang, he changed my impression of the Mafia completely."

"I think he's better than Wallon... Of course, Wallon is actually good to me."

After restoring memory.

But the things that Truu did with Wallon before, the fat guy didn't forget at all.

The events in Times Square, the kidnapping of Playboys from the Daily Clarion building.

And so that it gradually fermented into the current appearance, and Truu, who was all involved in it... seemed a little guilty.


Neither the gentle tenth generation nor the rest of the Pengele family disliked Trudeau because of these.

This really moved Truu very much.

"Don't mention that bad guy, the bad guy with the black hand... He was the one who brought you down."

But Dad was different.

Dad has always been a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted man, and he really doesn't have very good senses for the black-handed Wallon.

Although Wallon helped Mephisto a lot before, but...isn't he facing more trouble now? !


"Dad needs to find more information about hell, in the books, in those ancient records, to find the name that belongs to the king of the devil.

"Oh, I'm so busy, I don't know if there is still a chance to drink my hot tea."

In the babble of the old man, he and Truly packed their luggage from upstairs to the downstairs hall.

This is ready to leave.

in the room.

Daddy doesn't want to participate in the internal meeting that belongs to the Pengele family.

Those people are all A Gang's partners, and at the same time, they are also very good and kind-hearted teenagers.

It is precisely because he understands A Gang's tenderness that he does not want this child to be involved in more things about demons and demons.

Maybe this is the old man's stubbornness.

In short, in Dad's thinking, whether it is the black hand organization, or the entanglement of black qi and righteous qi.

It is the mission of his righteous archmage.


"Are you leaving?!"

"If there is any need for help, Agang and family members will not ignore it."

"Are you going to leave like this?!"

Reborn stood on the handrail at some point, holding a steaming cup of coffee.

The meeting in the room continued, but the news that Dad and Tru were about to leave could not be concealed from his top killer.

"Dad shouldn't talk too much, but I still hope you can take good care of A Gang. He is a rare good boy."

"Oops, older people like to ramble, go, go."

Dad patted his forehead.

This incredible little man is Gang's tutor, and they have been together for a long time.

And the old man himself is the outsider, and the affairs between their families cannot be tolerated by outsiders.

But in fact.

No matter what other people think, compared to A Gang who came to walk down under the flame of the Holy Lord at night in New York.

Facing the threat of Lan Tianyu, Sawada Tsunayoshi, who tried his best to burst into flames and set off an extraordinary war.


In the battle with Mephisto, the ruler of hell, that kind of risking everything and betting on all the teenagers!

Dad recognized him, but... he didn't want such A Gang.

Clumsy in the restaurant, A Gang couldn't handle receiving guests or even cleaning the table.

Always hesitating, looking shy and unconfident, the young man is the best in his father's eyes.

Just like Aaron.

Just like Xiaoyu.

Even if it wasn't for Wallon who summoned True, Dad would rather face the devil alone and face the threat of black qi.

He also didn't want to drag these young people into such a dangerous vortex.


"Tru, let's go."


"Whether it's the old mage or my tutor."

"The current A Gang... no longer needs anyone to plan a path for him, and his will belongs to Peng Lie."


Taking a breath of heat, Ribone took a sip of the warm coffee.

He watched Dad and True leave, and didn't say anything or stop him.

For such an unannounced goodbye, Rebaugh doesn't seem to have any idea.

As the best tutor, he could naturally see what his father was thinking.


There is no need for any explanation, whether it is the waste wood Agang or the tenth generation of Peng Lie.

It is obvious what choice Sawada Tsunayoshi will make when he finds out that Daddy and True have left.


With a coffee cup in his hand, Reborn jumped down from the handrail of the stairs very steadily, and then returned to the room where he was in the meeting.

"The pressure on the Pengele family will increase."

"A Gang shoulders the responsibility of the leader... It's not just the old mage, there are many other things that need to be considered."

"Come on, let's grow."


"Sir, where should we go?!"

Trudeau followed behind the old man, but his appearance was not attractive.

Streets and alleys.

People with luggage seem to be the most popular fashion element right now.

The world is set on fire with otherworldly abilities, and access to these...Texas and New York sites is essential.

Just like the gold rush of the year.

People with a little bit of ability will use their own power to want to stand in New York State.

However, under the competition of major capital groups, this is really not an easy task.

And more people.

Have a dream, want to become the kind of extraordinary person who masters everything, and leave home with such an ideal.

Headed to the Texas Rift Valley.

Under the traces of the existence of human civilization, in the land that has been infected by the magic soil, look for the possibility of otherworldliness.

"Where else...everyone is talking about Texas."

"Of course, Dad will also go. The magic soil that Mephisto brought when he came, is going to find more samples."

in Dad's hands.

The dry puffer fish and the connected green magic light are tightly bound to a special container like a rope.

And in this, there is a little bit of magic soil left behind by my father.

"Dad needs more information."

"Because of the relationship between the underworld, this bit of magic soil is not enough. Dealing with the ruler of hell... is more troublesome than the devil."

Dad shook his head with a headache.

Due to the sudden intervention of the underworld, Ah Cha generously turned the magic land covering the three states into eight hundred miles of yellow sand in the vast sea.

And this is the only thing left in the hands of the old mage.

What are you doing now? !

But something is better than nothing, as long as you go to Texas, Dad will find out more about the aura of the Demon Land!

Coupled with collecting as many ancient books as possible on the way, Dad would always figure out what happened to Mephisto.

Of course... it takes a lot of effort to collect just those recorded legends.

"Gee, it's been a long journey."

"Tru we..."




Dad's puffer fish fell to the ground, and the magical fluorescent light flashed little by little, and at this moment, it seemed to be covered with dust on the ground.


Tru hurriedly threw the suitcase aside and went up to support Dad.


"Tru... Daddy's heart is so uncomfortable, something bad is going to happen."

The old man's face was full of anxiety, and he even sweated profusely.

The eyes stared at the puffer fish that fell to the ground, which was a certain sign, belonging to the magic sense unique to the archmage.

The hands covering his heart were shaking, and something extremely bad happened again.

"Sir, I... Me too!"


Tru, who was like a wall of flesh, felt an unprecedented panic at this time.


"It's not a demon, it's not a black hand organization, what could it be..."

Dad anxiously wanted to find an answer, but now there is no information for him to choose.

He can only open the system's exchange list and look at the familiar names in that scene.


"It's Aaron...or..."

Tru's face was also very ugly at this time. The two masters and apprentices, who were mages, felt an unprecedented sense of crisis on the streets where people came and went.

Trudeau almost blurted out after following Dad.



The Great Crisis in Atlantis.

The Neptune Trident in the hands of the sea king Namor is unprecedentedly bright, and even the warriors in the royal city can see the glory of the sea that it exudes.

All the undersea people are gathering.

All Atlanteans knew their fortunes would change dramatically at this moment.

The king's city is full of people, and the disasters it has experienced before are just appetizers.

At this moment.

The cry of the horn of Niptius was stronger than ever, and the life and death of the Atlanteans came.

Water Demon!

The Water Bazaar, who is in charge of the entire sea domain, has come to receive her underwater kingdom.

It's not just the lives of people under the sea that hang by a thread.


This is also a crisis for little girls.

"According to what Ximu said, Bazaar must be very angry. If it falls into her hands, I must be miserable."

Xiaoyu spread her hands out, her face still smiling, she always had no sense of crisis.

Just now in the palace, everyone was about to fight with Ximu, but now because of the arrival of Bazaar, everyone temporarily let go of the hatred just now.

This is good.

At least in Xiaoyu's view this is very good.

Especially at this time, the little girl was even more excited when she saw the rare sight in the deep sea.



In the shock, the fine powder of pink coral was constantly floating, and the entire palace had undergone tremendous changes.

The top of the palace with its gorgeous paintings was fully opened, and the narrow waterway that originally flowed inside and outside was also fully opened at this moment.

The palace where the king of the deep sea lived was completely displayed in front of all Atlantis at this moment.

Like a huge open-air platform, it is connected to the broken royal city outside.

left behind.

Only the throne of the Sea King still stands.

However, the throne was empty at this time. The Sea King Namor, who should have been sitting here holding a sacred weapon, was floating on the highest point of the platform.

The brilliance of Neptune's trident shone on him, and the golden bracelets of his hands matched the battle armor of the deep sea warriors.

Namor looked into the distance, and all the Atlanteans were looking up at him at the moment, and the strongest warrior who shed his identity as a king called.

"The people of the deep sea, the children of Atlantis, the time has come to guard everything that belongs to us."

"I am not the king of the sea on the throne, I am the guardian of Atlantis!"

"The light of the trident guides me to wait, the peace of Atlantis remains!"


"Old man, I saw it."

"With such a distinctive sawtooth shark ramming angle, it belongs to the Evil Dragon Pirates."


Bearing the brunt of the brunt of the huge stream of water that flew from outside the Atlantis royal city.

And there was a steady voice in the water!


Namor looked away from without saying a word.

In the royal city, all the Atlanteans were on full alert, ready to fight for their homeland at any time.

Right now!


Is the enemy of Atlantis who wants cholera finally here? !


"No, no, boss Aaron...why are you back?"

on the huge terrace.

In the bubble next to Namorita, Octopus Little Eight frantically waved his arms and legs, his eyes almost popping out in surprise.

Got it wrong!

Don't you mean the water demon? !

Isn't the crisis at Atlantis about facing a demon monarch who wants to rule here? !

The stories told by the little girl before, Octopus Hachiko completely listened to it.

How about the situation now, the re-invasion of the Evil Dragon Pirates? !

Xiao Ba looked at it with confusion, just in that ocean current, compared to the one that came out of the Evil Dragon Pirates when they left before.

Whale Shark Man!

No one on the sea knows, no one knows the real powerhouse!

"It's actually... Boss Jinping?!"

"How come, New!"

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