A strange white object appeared in the moonlit atrium.

Pale faces appeared one after another like flowers blooming in the darkness, and their colors were as cold and hard as dry bones.

Those are skull masks, and their bodies are still wrapped in dark robes.

Black killers in strange costumes gathered one after another.

The five people in the atrium were already surrounded.

Assassin ……

【What’s happening here?】

【Do you really want to join forces with Jin Shining to kill Iskandar and Artoria?】

【No, Jin Shining Shining will agree to join forces with others. ]

The audience was confused by this scene.

These days, everyone has a general understanding of the temperaments of these heroic spirits.

You said that it is possible for Jin Shining to abuse others, but it is absolutely impossible to join forces with others!

Then why would Assassin appear here?

On the screen,

the screen returns to ten minutes ago

“I want to save Bulitan from destruction.”

After Artoria finished saying this.

The camera came to the Tohsaka family.

Toshishi Chen sat alone in his underground workshop and sighed

“It was actually a banquet.”

Kotomine Kirei’s voice came from the gramophone-style magic communicator, and his tone sounded a bit stiff.

Just leave Archer alone. , will there be no problem?”

“There is no way, since as the king of kings”

“Nor can we avoid the questions raised by others”

“Speaking of which, Kirei”

“What are your thoughts on the combat gap between Rider and Archer?”

This depends on whether Rider has a trump card Noble Phantasm that surpasses the Kamui Wheel

“Rider and his master are enjoying a banquet without any precautions”

“Now is a good opportunity for a sneak attack”

“Whether there is a chance of winning in this situation is not a question.”

“Even if Assassin loses”

“As long as we can grasp the”080″ difference in combat power between the enemy and ourselves, our goal will be achieved.”

“You should be able to take action now, Kirei.”

No objection

It will take about ten minutes to summon all Assassins

“OK, give the order”

“It’s a big gamble, but luckily we won’t lose anything.”

After hearing this, the audience also understood what was going on

【It’s you again, Tokiomi. you again】

【It’s really despicable. Where is the elegance of a magician?】

【No pattern, really no pattern. If others are comparing the pattern, you are lowering the pattern. No wonder Jin Shining is bothering you】

【You are really good at holding back.】

【Jin Shining knows you really well. If it weren’t for the protection of the Command Seal, I think he would have come over immediately to kill you! 】

The Tohsaka family’s ancestral chain-drop has once again shown its power.

Time returns to the present,

Einzbern Forest Castle Atrium

“Did you arrange this, Jin Shining?”

Iskandar looked at the Assassins who were surrounded and asked

“Tokiomi does all sorts of dirty things.”

Gilgamesh glanced at Hassan with his ruby eyes, frowned, and said dissatisfied

“It’s inexplicable why Assassin keeps coming out one after another.”

Weber, who had his back against Iskandar, was so panicked

“we are separated individuals”

“Both a group and an individual follower”

“It is both an individual and a shadow of the group.”

Among the Hassan crowd, a Hassan with long purple hair parted in the middle said slowly:

【Is this a multiple personality patient who has become a heroic spirit?】

【Ha ha! What a rant!】

【mad annoys the Riddler the most!】

【They all have the same masks and costumes, they all have the same purple hair, and they are both male and female. It’s really possible that multiple personality patients have become heroic spirits! 】

The barrage speculated on Assassin’s true identity.

On the screen,

Weber spoke uneasily, his voice trembling:

“R Rider?”

“Hey, hey~ Don’t be so panicked.”

Iskandar looked very calm

“Do you have the capacity to accommodate all comers?”

” is also the measure of a king.”

As for what Iskandar meant, Gilgamesh frowned and said:

“Do you want to invite even that kind of rabble to the cocktail party? Conquer the king.”

Iskandar laughed and said:

“Of course!”

“The king’s words are for all people!”

“If people listen sincerely, there is no need to distinguish between friend and foe.”

Regarding Iskandar’s words, Gilgamesh did not refute anything and directly acquiesced to the other party’s ideas

【In this drama, the most powerful one is the emperor, and he is the most free and easy one.】

【The character of the Great Emperor is very stable.】

【Jin Shining calls Iskandar the Conqueror King.】

【It’s hard not to like this charming character】

【The most charming person. 】

All the viewers who followed the drama were completely immersed in the personality charm of the emperor.

And on the screen,

Iskandar scooped up a spoonful of wine from the barrel, and raised it high as if to hand it to Assassin. Laughing loudly:

“alright! You’re welcome!”

“If you want to have a good chat together, just raise a toast and drink together!”

“These wines are with your blood!”

As soon as he finished speaking,


The answer to Iskandar’s invitation was a hollow sound.

In Iskandar’s hand, only the wooden handle and the spoon were left. The part was cut off and fell to the ground.

This was interrupted by a dagger shot by one of Assassin’s men, which was inserted into the floor behind Iskandar. < a i=4> And the wine in the spoon fell on Iskandar’s left shoulder


Iskandar raised his right hand high and said nothing.

The skull masks seemed to be laughing at him, making low chuckles

“I see”

“I already said this wine is your blood”

“Since you insist on discarding them like worn-out shoes”

“There is nothing you can do about it.”

A whirlwind burst out from Iskandar, who was facing Assassin.

Everyone present could not open their eyes except for Jin Shining.

Iskandar stood in the center of the whirling whirlwind.

The bright red cloak fluttered on his shoulders. I don’t know when the dress of the conquering king has changed into that of the heroic spirit. Shirt posture

“Saber, and Archer!”

“This is the final question of this banquet!”

Iskandar, who had his back turned to Artoria and Gilgamesh, asked the last question loudly

“Just ask! as king”

“Is necessarily aloof?”

Gilgamesh sneered.

He replied wordlessly: There is no need to even ask about this kind of thing.

Artoria also did not hesitate

“Since he is the king”

“There is no choice but to be aloof.”

Hearing the two people’s answers, Iskandar laughed heartily

“No, you don’t understand at all”

“For those of you who don’t understand”

“I have to show my true royal style here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the whirlwind of extraordinary principles in Iskandar finally began to subvert and erode reality.

It is impossible to exist in this world. In the vision of the dark night forest.

Distance and location lose their meaning, gradually transforming into an environment where dry winds with hot sand are raging.

The hot sun Scorching the earth, the vision is vast.

Far away to the horizon covered by violent sand and dust, beyond the cloudless sky.

The forest in the dark night suddenly becomes The endless desert under the scorching sun!

【Damn it! Is this Iskandar’s ultimate move?】

【What’s happening here? Teleport?】

【Rewrite reality?】

【Just now I was thinking about whether Wang was aloof or not, but now I just want to fuck! 】

The audience was immediately excited by this huge contrast. They knew that this was Iskandar’s ultimate move!

And on the screen,

Weber said in a panic:

“This…is this…inherent barrier?!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Irisviel, who was hugged by Artoria, also exclaimed:

“How can this be?”

” is actually the embodiment of mental landscape! ?”

Standing proudly in the vast barrier, Iskandar’s face is filled with a proud smile

“This is the land where my army once galloped”[]

” is a scene that will forever remain in my heart with the warriors who have shared joys and sorrows with me.”

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps scraping armor, and everyone couldn’t help but look back.

And Iskandar opened his arms and said proudly: < /span>

“The reason why this world and this landscape can take shape”

“Because it is the mental image of all of us!”

Everyone inside and outside the screen opened their eyes wide.

Behind Iskandar came a shadow like a mirage. a>Those figures gradually show color and three-dimensionality Two, four… the hazy equestrian figure multiplies while laying out a formation.

There is more than one shadow.

“Look! My unparalleled army!”

“Even if the body is destroyed, the soul is summoned by the [World] to become a heroic spirit!”

“But you are still loyal to me!”

“Legendary warriors!”

The soldiers turned into entities one by one beside Iskandar.

Although their races and equipment are different, their bodies are strong and bright. The armor is decorated with extraordinary heroic spirit

“My bond with them is my greatest treasure!”

“My royal way!”

“It is the most powerful Noble Phantasm of my Iskandar!”

“The king’s army!!!!”

The crowd cheered excitedly.

The camera zoomed out to see the endless horizon!

【So handsome! So handsome!】

【This Noble Phantasm is really his best proof of kingship!】

【To be honest, it suddenly occurred to me that if an emperor became a heroic spirit, he should also have such abilities.】

【I guess you are talking about Li Shimin】

【Damn it, isn’t that the Tang Dynasty in its golden age?】

【If it were that person, it would be the glory of the Noble Phantasm people!】

【Stop talking, stop talking! The children’s blood is boiling! 】

Countless spectators were excited by this majestic scene. Who has never thought about leading thousands of troops and horses to conquer the world?

And this kind of miracle created by everyone’s concerted efforts really excites everyone…..

And looked at the endless legions all over the mountains and plains.

Weber said in disbelief:

“These people…everyone is a follower…!”

At this time,

a horse that was particularly strong and brave enough to be called a giant beast walked up to Iskandar.

Although it is not a human body, its fierceness and majesty are no less than those of other heroic spirits

“Long time no see, old friend.”

Iskandar smiled and hugged the giant horse’s neck tightly with both hands.

Then he turned his head and shouted loudly:

“The so-called king!”

“Just live the most wonderful life!”

“The man who fascinates everyone!”

The chorus of shouts of the heroic warriors shook the earth and soared into the sky

“Of course! Of course!!”

Iskandar mounted the divine horse Bucephalas

“The envy of all warriors”

“The one who guides everyone forward”

“Only then can you be the king!”

“Therefore, the king is not aloof!”

“Because of his great ambition!”

” is the superposition of the aspirations of all subjects!”

The heroic warriors echoed what he said, banging their shields and cheering together

“Of course! Of course!!”

Iskandar looked at Assassin opposite and smiled at the group of black shadows

“So, let’s get started. Assassin”

“As you can see, our embodied battlefield is the plain”

“Unfortunately, because of our larger numbers, we have a better location.”

At this time, Hassan’s faces had already forgotten about the Holy Grail.

Some people tried to escape, while others gave up on themselves and screamed loudly. < /span> Iskandar He drew his sword, pointed it at the shadows, and shouted: The messy skull mask has long been reduced to a piece of loose sand.

There are also people who are helpless and stand still.

“Ravage it!”

Just finished speaking!


The deafening sound of charging and killing followed!

The roar of the invincible legion that once swept across Asia once again resounded on the battlefield!

This is simply not possible. It’s not a battle, not even a mopping up battle.

Wait until the glorious [King’s Army] team gallops past.

The servant named Assassin has already It has been wiped out.

Only a burst of flying dust and sand that smells of blood are left.

“——Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

The cry of victory sounded ���

There was a trace of envy and nostalgia in Arturia’s eyes when she was surrounded.

The heroic spirits who completed their mission dedicated their glorious victory to the king and praised the king’s reputation.

Return to the spirit body again and disappear into the other side of time and space.

As the heroic spirits disappear, the inherent barrier maintained by their magic power is also lifted.

All the scenery seemed to be like a dream bubble, once again restored to the atrium of Einzbern Castle.

Under the bright moonlight, the silence remains as before, not disturbed at all

【The ultimate liveliness and enthusiasm suddenly turned back to this deserted place】

【After the bustling, there is silence】

【This kind of screen arrangement is so impressive】


In the screen,

the three servants and the two magicians were still sitting in their original positions, holding wine glasses in their hands again.

However, there is no trace of Assassin in the scene 2.0, and the only remnant is the handle of the spoon that was cut off by a dagger

“It was disappointing at the end…”

Iskandar muttered to himself, and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp

“Have everyone finished saying what they want to say?”

“That’s it for tonight.”

Iskandar stood up and left

“Wait a minute! Rider! I have not!”

Artoria stood up and shouted

“You don’t need to say any more.”

Iskandar stopped him in a cold tone without turning his head

“Tonight is a banquet where kings talk”

“But Saber, I no longer recognize you as the king.”

Iskandar pulled out the sword of Jupiotis and slashed into the air.

The sacred bull chariot appeared with a thunderous roar..

Sighing, Iskandar looked back at Artoria, who was silent

“little girl”

“It’s time for you to wake up from your miserable dream”

“Otherwise, you will eventually lose even the most basic honor of a hero.”

“The dream named [King] you mentioned is that kind of curse”

“no i am——”

After all, the chariot headed straight for the sky ignored Saber’s rebuttal.

Only bursts of muffled thunder were left, disappearing into the eastern sky

【Saber was shaken】

【Saber was expelled from the royal family on the spot】

【The key point is that Artoria herself was shaken, so she already lost.】

【Yes, the way to be king is different for everyone. But I still have to persist no matter what.】

【Iskandar saw through Artoria’s heart. That’s why I’m disappointed】

【In the end, I thought Jin Shining could say something nice. Sure enough, I was still too young.】

【Golden shining, tut, what a terrible word. 】

At the end, when Artoria thought she was wrong, the audience also sighed..

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