
Posted a Weibo.

The result is less than five minutes until it was sent….

More than 30,000 likes.

The forwarding has passed 10,000, not to mention, it has already developed towards 20,000.

And the comments are also easy to pass 10,000!

If you say….

The Weibo posted is the kind that is more meaningful and has a high degree of retweet publicity.

But Su Xian’er sent a message, ‘Have everyone eaten lunch?’ ‘It’s just a tweet!

As a result, there are such retweets, likes, and comments!?


What is this called!

So Chen Dongcheng Chen Zong, very puzzled about this!!


Zhao Xueqi reached out and pressed F5.

And then….

All your data is refreshed.

“Are you really sure you didn’t do these ahead of time??”

Mr. Chen watched the number of retweets become 20,000, the number of comments also became 20,000, and the likes directly became 50,000 on this Weibo.

Especially after finally taking a look at Su Xian’er’s current number of 900,000 fans.

President Chen still looked at Zhao Xueqi with a skeptical attitude and asked.

“Mr. Chen, I really don’t have it, if I operate, can I not tell you?” Zhao Xueqi smiled bitterly and looked at President Chen and said.

“But this data looks like it’s operated!” Mr. Chen looked at Su Xian’er’s Weibo account data, and still said in disbelief, “Look at the number of comments, and the number of fans, this is no longer 10,000 units, this is all starting from 20,000 units!” ”

Zhao Xueqi looked at the number of fans on the screen, smiled helplessly, and her eyes were full of incredulity.

Don’t say it’s Mr. Chen, Li Xiaohu, and Cui Nan…

Even if Zhao Xueqi herself…

In fact, they are all confused by this!

Because according to her thoughts, Su Xianer’s number of Weibo fans on the first day will definitely exceed 100,000, and it may be more difficult to do more.

After all, Su Xian’er did not promote her Weibo account in the live broadcast.

And even if it is a live broadcast propaganda, according to Zhao Xueqi’s ideas, it is estimated that at most it will be 200,000 dead.

But even so….

This is already quite good, even very good data.


What she didn’t expect was that Su Xian’er’s convening power was terrifying to this step!!

I haven’t done any promotion yet!

It’s just that a certain fish side official micro promoted it….

The result exceeded the number of official Weibo fans!

Even, sent such a Weibo, and the result was to achieve this terrifying effect!!

You know, within a few minutes, a Weibo like, comment, and retweet to this extent Weibo account is not nothing….

But very little!

Not to mention that Su Xian’er has only created an account for less than half an hour now!




Of course, these emotions exist in Zhao Xueqi’s mood!

After all, under such circumstances, how could it not be shocked and surprised!

How could it not be that he was glad that Su Xian’er signed a contract with a certain fish!!

“It is estimated that the Weibo side is detecting Su Xian’er’s account…” Cui Nan refreshed it.

Looking at the new changed data, he raised his eyes to look at Zhao Xueqi and Chen Dongcheng.

At this time, Chen Dongcheng had come out of shock and doubt, faced reality, and was even more excited about his platform to leave this anchor.

“Check the real audience number of Su Xian’er at the moment.” Mr. Chen looked at Cui Nan.

Not all people who go online go to watch live broadcasts, and not all of them play Weibo.

But seeing the effect of Su Xian’er just Weibo here.

Mr. Chen knew….

This new big anchor of the platform is not only as simple as commercial value, but also represents the two big words of ‘traffic’!!

Trinan nodded, and then opened the back office of the company’s anchor management….

Five hundred and ninety thousand!

Real followers, 590,000!!

Seeing this number, Chen Dongcheng gasped!

He built a certain fish!

I have experienced so many big anchors, even if it was the peak period of the half-open….

That man’s real attention is only more than 300,000!!

And now the peak existence of Daxu, the real number of followers is only more than 300,000!!

But Su Xian’er….

590,000 !!!

And Su Xian’er is also a self-owned anchor who has not been promoted by anything!!

Zhao Xueqi and Cui Nan on the side were actually shocked when they saw this number.

Because when they checked before, it was only 500,000!

This turns out to be 590,000!

But immediately, President Chen saw the words [maintenance] displayed in the link of Su Xianer’s live broadcast room.

He also knows about Su Xian’er’s live broadcast room today.

However, the company is too busy, and he can’t just stare at the things in the live broadcast room, but it hasn’t been maintained so far….

That’s a bit of a no-go!

Especially after President Chen saw the horror of Su Xian’er’s traffic!

“Did the technical department say when it will be repaired?” Mr. Chen asked.

Zhao Xueqi shook her head, “It was said that it was testing, but it did not say the specific time.” ”

Hear this….

Mr. Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

“Yuan Hongwen, I’m just telling you, I’m going to come over now, and then watch you cultivate Su Xian’er’s live broadcast room BUG!!!”

After saying this, Mr. Chen hung up the phone and left directly.

Leaving Zhao Xueqi, Cui Nan, Li Xiaohu and others looking at each other.

“Sister Zhao! Broke a million, and it’s on the hot search again!! ”

But at this time, Cui Nan immediately shouted after refreshing it casually.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes.

PS: I had a cold, so I was very uncomfortable, the update was late, sorry, hit a little for a day

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