Playing As Aizen and Kill With Sister Zhou in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 113 Daily Miscellaneous; Affecting the friendship between the two countries? A spooky cave!

When Yun Yi was sad, Zhou Yi said:

"Did the Kimchi Kingdom have the fourth batch of players so soon? If they die again, I am afraid that the Kimchi Kingdom will never turn over. At that time, the Kimchi Kingdom will become the poorest country on the Blue Star. 39

Yun Yi returned to the god of the country, and when she heard this, she also said:

"That's hard to say. If you want to become the poorest country, you must first be a country. If everyone is dead, there may be no more!

"Our Yunmeng Kingdom should be a lesson from the past, although I don't know that our Yunmeng Kingdom will perish, but it is nothing more than an invasion or a separation of powers.

Hearing this, Han Fei chuckled lightly:

“This is probably the most disgusting aspect of forbidden land, depriving you of 95 percent of your resources and leaving you with food to survive.93

"It's just such a little food, in the hands of the same kind, it is also a fight.

"Oh, I was wrong! You can't talk about fighting, it's better to say grabbing!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yi blurted out:

"If the last resources are robbed, what will happen to the people of the country? Is it difficult for the robbed country to support these people? Shouldn't that be a huge burden?"

"Do you think that's possible?

Han Fei asked indifferently.

Yun Yi on the side said at this moment:

"On our Huachi Star, the biggest possibility is massacre, massacre cleanly, and then grab the last bit of resources, and then use the wilderness to carry out various biochemical, technological, and military experiments! Even if it is completely destroyed, it is not your own country. , no one will be distressed.

Zhou Yi's face became heavy when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he said:

This kind of "things" won't happen on the Blue Star, because there is our Dragon Kingdom on the Blue Star. We Dragon Kingdom people will never do such things as slaughter. We Dragon Kingdom people will never bully the weak! Right, Han Fei !"

Yun Yi was stunned, she couldn't figure out why she had to be kind with powerful power.

At least on Han Fei, she didn't see it.

Hearing this, Han Fei rolled his eyes around Zhou Yi, then smiled:

"Yes! Dragon Kingdom has always been like this~!

"But if one day, the Dragon Kingdom becomes weak or isolated from the entire Blue Star, how will he treat the Dragon Kingdom? 33

Having said this, he didn't want to discuss any further, and continued to walk forward, while continuing to say:

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing this, the others followed Han Fei's pace.

Zhou Yi fell silent when she heard Han Fei's words.

But thinking of Han Fei's powerful strength, she felt relieved.

As long as Han Fei is safe, what is there to be afraid of?

There was also a lot of discussion about the fourth batch of players from Kimchi Kingdom in the live broadcast room of Longguo, especially after some viewers returned from the live broadcast rooms of Kimchiland and Sakura Kingdom, they became very excited.

"Haha, brothers, I just came back from the live broadcast room of Kimchi Country, and the scene was really lively! It turned out that all their players avoided the barrage of our Han God, hahahahaha, I laughed so hard.

"I came back from the live broadcast room of Sakura Nation, and the same is true for their players not to provoke our Han Fei's reminder. In the end, Sakura Nation officials went off the stage to comfort the people and said they had already explained the players! It's a miracle..."

"I really didn't expect this, they should have this day, they deserve it!"

In particular, "Kimchi country, originally wanted to hit our Han Fei's attention, but now it's okay, take care of yourself. 99

"Sakura country seems too miserable! They didn't offend our Han Fei, our Han Fei has done too much, affecting the friendship between the two countries!"

"Where did the sundries come from? What age are they all, how come there are still sundaes?"

"Aah, these daily miscellaneous hearts may really be pig hearts, I really want to throw them to Sakura Country!!!"

In forbidden land.

Han Fei and his party also walked to the red marker. After exploring this marker, there is only the last marker.

And Yun Yi's map, the final point is also the red bull's head.

At this moment, Han Fei stood still and began to probe carefully.

"Huh? Interesting!

Hearing Han Fei's voice, Zhou Yi and Yun Yi wondered: "Han Fei, what did you find?"

Han Fei chuckled: "Come on, let's go in!

After he finished speaking, he walked into the forest, and Zhou Yi and Yun Yi quickly followed after seeing this.

Seeing that Han Fei stopped in front of a mountain, they couldn't help but be more puzzled.

What does Han Fei want to do, why stop here?

Is there anything strange about this mountain?

The two looked at each other carefully.

A huge mountain, wooded and lush.

The most peculiar thing is that at the top of the mountain, there is a long stone, like a weapon.

However, the stone at the moment is also covered with various vines, and it is impossible to identify what kind of stone it is.

In the live broadcast, netizens saw this strange, and they also praised:

"Nature really is a magical work, such wonders can be created! 93

"Is this the location marked on Han Fei's hand? It looks too much, it should be in this mountain.

"..I don't know if it's dangerous or not, I hope Han Fei doesn't have an accident."

"Don't worry upstairs, you are still worried about the strength of God Han!"

"However, Han Fei's strength is only a person, I am afraid of accidents, like the strength of Kimchi country players, can you say that they are not strong? But they are not completely dead!!!

"Han Fei they're in!

Looking at the gloomy cave, Zhou Yi shuddered. Although her strength has increased greatly, she is naturally afraid of this dark place.

But seeing that Han Fei, Yun Yi, and Spirit Monkey all went in, she didn't want to be left behind, so she gritted her teeth and walked in.

Following the voice, she quickened her pace and quickly followed Yun Yi. She was also stunned when she saw the mountain-shaking monkey with a flashlight.

But seeing Han Fei's back, she knew that it must have been given to it by Han Fei.

Because Yun Yi has nothing special except for some clothes and weapons.

The spooky cave was facing downwards, Zhou Yi quickly saw (Noah, okay) that there was any light behind her. If it wasn't for the light from the flashlight in front of her, she really thought she was in the void now.

Han Fei walked unhurriedly ahead, and soon arrived at a place.

Another stele, but this time the stele is a very ordinary stele.

There are criss-crossing sword marks on it, three points into the stone, very clear, not blurred by the erosion of the years.

Looking at the handwriting above, it was completely engraved by Ying Ziqiu.

Han Fei can now confirm that this map was left by Ying Ziqiu, and he is also curious about the last secret of the blueprint.

Han Fei can't understand the text from thousands of years ago.

He directly used the forbidden translation function, and instantly understood the meaning.

My name is "Da Qin wins Ziqiu, I have been in this Jedi in my twenties, and my brother Li Xuan is dead!"

"I seem to know the truth of the forbidden area, but I still need to go to a place, where should the answer be!

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