Playing As Aizen and Kill With Sister Zhou in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 126 The overall situation cannot kill you, I will kill you! Countries are angry, Blue Star t

After Han Fei finished speaking, Willie's legs went weak and he almost fell.

Yes, he had just guessed the purpose of Han Fei's coming here, but he still held out a glimmer of hope that Han Fei would not use himself.

Seeing Han Fei's cold eyes, Kuer, who was beside him, was immediately frightened. He resisted the fear and said:

"Han... Han Fei, we are beautiful country players, don't you know?

"Isn't it difficult that you are not afraid of the revenge of the Dragon Kingdom by our beautiful country?"

When Willie heard this, he immediately thought of the country behind him, and he felt more confident.

This Han Fei is from the Dragon Kingdom, so it is difficult for him to have no family, no friends, and no one who cares?

If he really kills himself, then the beautiful country will never end with the dragon country.

Maybe there will be a war.

Thinking of this, he said sternly:

"Has Han Fei not been afraid to start a war between nations by doing this?

"Can your Dragon Kingdom stop our beautiful anger?"

"Han Fei, is it hard for you to make the Dragon Kingdom an enemy of the world?"

Kuer: "Han Fei, is it difficult to have no relatives and friends? Is it difficult to be afraid that they will die in the fire? You expose all the compatriots of the Dragon Kingdom to the fire, won't you feel uneasy? You are not afraid to become sinner?"

Hearing this, Han Fei still had the indifferent expression on his face, as if everything was under control.

"I'm Han Fei, so what's wrong with me? "Zero Five Three""

"As for whether or not to become a sinner, that is what the victor tells you, and you may never see it!"

Having said this, Han Fei put away the slight smile on his face, and there was only a cold light in his eyes.

The entire Blue Star people only heard him say slowly:

"I'm not afraid of a world war!"

"The world advised me not to do slaughter, but I did!

"The big picture can't kill you, I'll kill you!

After Han Fei finished speaking, Jinghua Shuiyue waved lightly in his hand.

[Sword Press] Instantly released.

With this wave, the powerful spiritual pressure condensed into a terrifying white sword light, galloping forward like lightning.

Such a distance, even if they are mutants, they cannot react at all.

In an instant, Daomang has already added to his body.


One knife kills two people.

The corpses of Weili and Kuer were cut into two pieces directly from the neck to the waist, and fell to the ground, the scene was extremely bloody.

At this moment, they were still breathing, and they muttered not knowing what they were talking about, and looked at Han Fei with fear, viciousness, and unwillingness in their eyes.

However, Han Fei didn't care.

【Major Announcement: The beautiful country player "Weilikuer" has been killed by the Dragon country player "Han Fei"! The beautiful country players are all destroyed, the resources are halved, and the third batch of players will be selected tomorrow! 】

【Major Announcement: The beautiful country player "Weili!" Ku'er' has been killed by the Dragon country player "Han Fei"! The beautiful country players are all wiped out, the resources are halved, and the third batch of players will be selected tomorrow!"

【Major Announcement: Beautiful Country players "Weili' and Ku'er" have been killed by Dragon Country player "Han Fei"! Beautiful Country players are all destroyed, resources are halved, and the third batch of players will be selected tomorrow!"

The three consecutive warnings from the forbidden area directly awakened everyone in the Blue Star.

When Han Fei slashed the beautiful country player in half with a knife, everyone fell into a sluggish state.

Han Fei, he really killed.

This is a beautiful country player, how dare he!!!

Is he really not afraid of a world war?

For a time, the real Blue Star exploded, and the world situation changed in an instant.

Most of the Dragon Country audience stared blankly at Han Fei, as if they didn't know Han Fei.

Is this really our Dragon Country player Han Fei?

Is this really Han Fei, the god of war in our Dragon Kingdom?

Why would he do this?

Everyone has such doubts in their hearts, they simply can't figure out why Han Fei has changed so quickly, killing him if he says it.

"Wori, did you really kill?"

"Han Fei is he really going to slaughter all the forbidden players?"

"Fuck, this knife killed a beautiful country player? @Official what to do???"

"My person is split, why is Han Fei so impulsive, doesn't he think about our dragon country?"

It's over, the world war is just around the corner...

"The overall situation cannot be killed, I will kill..."


The official of Longguo fell into silence after seeing Han Fei kill the beautiful country player with one knife.

They didn't expect that Han Fei didn't take the hints they gave him at all.

"This Han Fei, are you sure it's from the Dragon Kingdom?" a big boss said slowly.

"There is no doubt that he is from our Dragon Country!

"Then why don't you listen to our Dragon Kingdom's command and come here in the forbidden area?

"This...I don't know either."

"What do other countries say? How do you say pretty?"

"Other countries called and let us persuade Han Fei not to act like this! As for the beautiful country, they called and scolded our dragon country and said they would go to war! 39

Hearing this, the big man snorted softly:

"A beautiful country is not enough to threaten our dragon country!

"But let's not relax. Coastal defense, land defense, and air defense have all entered a state of emergency combat readiness. Air defense is the top priority!"

"The citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, let's protect! Han Fei's waywardness, let's get to the bottom of it!

After the others listened, they nodded silently.

Soon, the Dragon Kingdom all entered a state of combat readiness.

On the faces of the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, there is also a frequently visible look of worry.


Inside a sophisticated office.

A middle-aged man with a white face and no beard in a decent suit was making a phone call angrily.

"Ohhho, Price, No... I want the Dragon Kingdom to die now, OK? I want the Dragon Kingdom to pay the price now, youknow???"

But a serious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Sorry, sir! Now it takes two days for each warship to be fully ready!"

"Also, after the last resource decline, we can't fight in the Dragon Country for a long time, are you sure you want to do this?

The middle-aged man roared even more angrily when he heard this:

"Holy, shit!!! What a bunch of trash!"

"Ma De, Long Guo dared to kill my beautiful country player, Damn it, I want to fire an equivalent weapon!!!

The other end of the phone was really calm. Although Long Guo killed the beautiful country player, he was extremely angry, but he also knew the cruelty of war.

"Sir, please stay calm! It's not time for you to make any decisions now!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man calmed down slightly, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Got it!

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap, and then shouted to the secretary outside the door:

"Jenny, inform all the high-level officials to hold a Congress! Hundred thousand urgent, OK???"

North Bear Country, in the conference room.

We "Now we can be sure that the Dragon Country player Han Fei is really crazy, and he certainly won't kill just one Beautiful Country player! Our North Bear Country player is in danger!"

"Sir, it's better to unite with the beautiful country, the dragon country can't control their players at all."

"Yes, sir, there is no way to undo the matter, our North Bear Country's players are only the second batch, and they can't be Han Fei's opponents at all.

the first

Sitting at the top, the senior officer frowned when he heard the words of the various officials.

They had a very good relationship with the Dragon Kingdom, and they were basically the kind of mutual help.

Because of this, the entire East Asian continent, other countries simply dare not get involved.

It is said that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, but on the East Asian continent, there are two terrifying tigers. Now they can live together peacefully because they tolerate each other in some trivial matters.

But now, killing one's own players, leading to the decline of resources, completely touched the foundation of the North Bear Kingdom.

I can't stand this kind of thing!

Thinking of this, the officer picked up the phone and called Pretty.

Although I have never dealt with the beautiful country, but now I can't care so much.

Dudu Dudu!!!


The phone was picked up.

"Hey, I'm the highest commander of the North Bear Country...

Country with babies.

As a former empire on which the sun never sets, in the face of such a crisis, it also burst into fighting spirit.

A man in a noble attire stood above the Congress and said:

"This document was just sent by the beautiful country, and their purpose is very simple, to make the dragon country pay the price! 33

The people below heard this and said excitedly:

"Since the Dragon Kingdom is going to kill our players and cause our country's resources to decline, then we will return the resources of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Hey, did the players of the Dragon Country really give us a good reason? If he doesn't do this, we will be really difficult to handle. At that time, the Dragon Country will only get stronger and stronger because of Han Fei."

"I totally agree with your decision sir!

The man in Chinese clothes above heard that no one objected, and said with a smile:

"Since that's the case, two days later, we will also send troops... target, the Dragon Kingdom!

Rooster country.

A delicate man with a slicked back was looking at the documents on the table hesitantly.

But after careful consideration, he made a decision.

He picked up the wine glass, shook it gently, and then drank the red wine in the glass.

Then he picked up the phone and called the military: "Make all preparations, in two days, I will go to sea with a 'cruise ship'!!!!!!"


In the conference room, the top woman looked at the people below and said lightly:

"What do you think about this matter?"

When the others heard this, they also opened their mouths one by one:

"Sir, let's do it, Long Guo is too arrogant.

The female officer looked at him and said lightly: "We have no soldiers 2.5!"99

"Sir, let's follow the beautiful country and go to the dragon country to share some resources!

Female officer: "We have no soldiers!"

"Sir, it's too late if you don't decide, the North Bear Country, Rooster Country, etc. have all been decided, we must make a decision immediately! 99

Female officer: "We have no soldiers!

Everyone: "..."

"Sir, we have a football team! Just follow the beautiful country and make up the number!"

Female officer: We "didn't... eh? Soccer team? This is a way to make them change into military uniforms and follow the beautiful country!


Baixiangguo: We "are the world's superpowers, and we have long regarded Longguo as unpleasant, so fuck him!"

Kangaroo Country: "Follow the boss and have enough to eat!"

Sheep Country: "The people of Long Country are all spicy chickens, fuck him!"

Kimchi Country: "Dry over the Dragon Country, and the Blue Star is a blue sky!"

Sakura Nation: "Suoga, is this the chance for our Sakura Nation's rise?

Monkey Kingdom: "Although the rice provided by the Dragon Kingdom has not been finished, the Dragon Kingdom has more, do it! 33

In forbidden land.

Han Fei returned the knife to the sheath, stood on top of the dead wood, and asked indifferently:

"Forbidden place, give me the coordinates of the nearest player!

PS: Dear readers and fathers, can you not jump, I have no water at all recently!!!.

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