Playing As Aizen and Kill With Sister Zhou in the Forbidden Land

Chapter 225 Are you lying to me? Although I am old, I am not stupid!

The old man in the tent had a kind face, sitting on a plastic armchair.

She had gray hair, her eyes were cloudy, and she was very old.

Yu Zifei walked into the tent, crouched down, and asked softly:

"Grandma, where did Liu Ying go?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Although Yu Zifei knew the old man, the old man did not know him.

"I'm Liu Ying's classmate, I'm asking her to help me with my Chinese!

The kind "One Seventy" old man looked at Yu Zifei vigilantly.

Although he looks very handsome, he doesn't look like a liar or a villain, but he doesn't look like a person, who can tell.

"You're lying to me, Liu Ying's grades are counted down in the class, how could you possibly help you with tutoring?"

Although I am old, I am not stupid.


Yu Zifei didn't expect that any reason he made up could be dismantled. This old man was not confused at all.

He did not expect this old man to care so much about Liu Ying, and even know her grades so clearly.

"Grandma, I'm really her classmate, I have something to do with her!"

The old man looked up and down at Yu Zifei suspiciously, and suddenly said:

"Are you Yu Fei?"

Yu Zifei was startled and said, "You know me?"

"I don't know, but I heard my granddaughter mention it a few times and remembered it!"

The vigilant look on the old man's face disappeared, and Yu Zifei's eyes were full of kindness.

Yu Zifei was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Late, my granddaughter went out to get supplies and should be back soon!

Hearing the old man say this, Yu Zifei nodded and replied:

"Then let me get her something!"

After Yu Zifei asked about the supply point, he walked over there.

On the way there, he saw a weak girl carrying two large bags, walking slowly towards this side.

Because it was too heavy, she stopped and took a breath from time to time.

Seeing this, Yu Zifei walked up quickly, and when he came to her side, he directly took the supplies in her hands with both hands.

"You...what are you doing...Yu Zifei?"

Liu Ying was taken aback by the sudden outstretched hand, and when she raised her head, she realized that it was Yu Zifei.

She froze for a moment.

"There are so many things... Can't you walk twice? Or let someone help you! Yu Zifei said helplessly, looking at Liu Ying who was still in a daze, he lightly touched Liu Ying's foot:

"Hey, idiot, why are you in a daze, it's so strange to see me? Let's go...

When Liu Ying heard this, she finally reacted.

"Ah... ah, lah!!!

She replied quickly, and then followed Yu Zifei.

Seeing the figure walking fast in front of her, Liu Ying felt a sense of peace of mind that she had not seen for a long time.

Soon, the two returned to the makeshift tent.

Yu Zifei looked at the simple room and asked, "Have you eaten? 99

Liu Ying shook her head and replied, "Grandma came back before me, she's already eaten!

"Then what do you eat at night? It doesn't seem like you can cook here!" Yu Zifei asked.

"Well, there is something to eat in the supplies just distributed, just eat that one, but I'm not hungry now!" Liu Ying pointed to the two big bags of supplies on the ground.

When Yu Zifei heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, then... I'm leaving! 99

"Ah, is this going?

Liu Ying's tone was a little lost.

1.2 "Well, it's mainly to see if there is any trouble on your side. Since it's all right, then I should go too!"

With that, he turned around and walked out of the tent, making sure she was all right.

Grandma Liu Ying said directly: "Liu Ying, why are you so stupid, go and see him off!

This sentence directly reminded Liu Ying, who was very lost.

She quickly walked out of the tent and quickly followed Yu Zifei.

"Yu Zifei, wait for me!

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