Li Weimin continued, "Li Fei and Cai Yongqiang are from the same anti-smuggling brigade. Through Li Fei, it is easier to determine that Cai Yongqiang is our Plan A."

Listening to these words, although the leader's face was calm, he sighed in his heart. Li Weimin would not be called the nemesis of crime.

This level of thinking is simply crushing countless criminals. Who would have thought that their official would actively leak the news to criminals.

It seems that this veteran is really getting more and more courageous, and he can actually come up with such a clever plan.

The two talked for a whole night, and during this night, they added a lot of details to this plan.

After perfecting this plan, Li Weimin seemed to think of something, and subconsciously, he frowned.

"However, for this plan, I still have to discuss it with Sun Danian and other people who need to be leaked information, and ask for their opinions."

Li Weimin said.


When he said this, he felt quite guilty.

After all, the most important thing in this plan is to leak the information of these members to Dongshu Li Yaodong.

Leaking the information of these members is equivalent to exposing them, which is very dangerous for these members themselves.

He was so busy perfecting the plan with the leader that he ignored the safety of these people.

This is actually because he suffered setbacks one after another, which made him a little anxious.

Although he was sure that Sun Danian and others should have this awareness, he could not make decisions on his own.

Then, after getting the permission of the leader, he took out his mobile phone.


At this time, there was a gloomy cloud in the office of Plan A.

Because they were too irritable.

Most of the members of Plan A were old smokers.

So, early in the morning, these people started smoking one after another.

The whole office was filled with smoke.

"Give me one too."

Li Fei didn't sleep last night. After all, how could he sleep? His adoptive father Li Weimin was taken away and is probably in the company office now.

He doesn't smoke normally, but he is in a bad mood now and wants to smoke one.

Da Da Da.

At this time, footsteps sounded.

Liu Mei came in with a lot of breakfast bought from outside.


After smelling the strong smell of smoke in the office, she frowned subconsciously. She was not used to this smell. But she also understood everyone's mood. So she didn't say anything.

After putting the breakfast bought for everyone on the table, she opened the window of the office.

"Let's eat something."

Liu Mei said:

"Director Li will be fine."

"Maybe Director Li will come back the next day. He will be disappointed to see you so depressed then?"


After hearing this, everyone was still silent, but they all put out their cigarettes.

However, they were quite worried, after all, the leaders above called Director Li directly and asked him to go back to the province. They were a little worried about whether Director Li could come back...

Ding-ling-ling, at this time.

Li Fei's cell phone rang.

"Director Li's call." Li Fei said after looking at the caller ID.


Hearing this, everyone present was refreshed.

Then, Li Fei answered the call directly, pressed the hands-free button, and then asked nervously: "Director Li, are you okay?"

Everyone also pricked up their ears at this moment.


After hearing Li Weimin briefly describe the situation on his side and say that he was fine, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing Li Weimin's subsequent plan, they also exclaimed in amazement.

Amazing, really amazing, worthy of being their Li Shu, he could actuallyIt is enough to treat the adverse situation as a favorable situation.

"But Sun Danian, Li Fei, Cai Yongqiang, you may be in danger." Li Weimin said again: "You can refuse."

"What are you afraid of." Li Fei said first: "From the day I became a smuggling agent, I have had this awareness of facing danger. Otherwise, I would not be able to do this business."

And the others have the same attitude.


After confirming the idea of ​​Sun Danian again and again, Li Weimin started his own plan.

With the formal intervention of the provincial boss, Li Weimin, the veteran of Jingwukou, presided over it, and soon the plan was implemented silently.

How did the news get passed on?

It's actually very simple.

For example, if you want to pass on Sun Danian's information, just let the Jingwukou brothers from other provinces go on a business trip to Dongshan City. In this process, there must be local agents to connect.

Then the brother who was sent to Jingwukou would naturally ask the local agent in a casual tone whether there was anything particularly interesting happening in their Jingwukou.

It is human nature to be gossipy, and asking this question will not arouse suspicion from outsiders.

And the incident that Zhu Kai came to the filming place to report some time ago is a particularly interesting thing. After all, generally speaking, people in the smuggling chain, whether buyers or sellers, will not take the initiative to report. After all, it is also illegal for buyers to buy smuggled goods.

After talking about this matter, it must be imagined that the memories of the relevant people, and then a wave of discussions will be held on this matter.

Naturally, Sun Danian is involved.

This information will naturally reach the ears of those who are interested.

In this way, this news will naturally reach the ears of those who want to reach them.

That is, Li Yaodong.


And the news that Li Weimin was double-returned is easier to spread.

Directly spread it in the form of gossip, but the scope of dissemination must be controlled, that is, to give people the impression that only people with special connections can hear these gossips. The reason for this restriction is naturally to avoid suspicion from Li Yaodong.

As for whether this limited dissemination of news can be successfully transmitted to Li Yaodong's ears?


Of course it can be successfully transmitted.

Dongshu Li Yaodong is a man with great magical powers. He has even woven Dongshan City into a big network of his own. If there is any movement on this big network, he will naturally know it at the first time.

And it is precisely because of the existence of this big network that Plan A where Li Weimin is located has been repeatedly frustrated.

Before, facing this situation, Li Weimin was very troubled, but now he has calculated this situation into his plan.

'Is this a turnaround? '

Li Weimin couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

A smile appeared on his face.

After all...


(Friday, Friday, gongs and drums! No overtime on Saturday, happy.)

(Sixth round of power generation (3/1.18:58): 2812, almost 3000, happy.)

(Today's update is relatively early, please encourage me by generating power for love for free, so that I, Xiao An, may also update earlier in the future, O(∩_∩)O haha~)

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