Therefore, although Li Weimin was confident in his judgment that these smuggled meals were thrown out by Uncle Dong, Li Yaodong, to feed them.

But there was no guarantee that there would be no unexpected situations.

It was also to prevent Li Yaodong from reacting like a frightened bird after hearing the relevant movement.

If it was the latter, it would be even better, and they could arrest the other party.

But no matter what, based on the above reasons, Li Weimin also asked people to set up defense points on the land, water, and sea routes that Tacun left.

At this time.

A road that was not too close to Tacun, but it was the only way for Tacun to escape.

"Get off the car and check for drunk driving."

A private car was stopped by a person in a traffic police uniform.

Claiming to check for drunk driving.

"Why do you have to get off the car to check for drunk driving?" The driver who was stopped muttered a few words, but looking at the expressions of the traffic police at the interception point, he did not dare to express his dissatisfaction loudly after all.


On a beach in Dongshan City.

Huge searchlights on the sea.

Illuminating this beach as bright as day.


A forest.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of huge propellers rang out, and armed helicopters circled and flew.

Searchlights also shone down.


If you look down, you can see that these interception points, if connected in series, form a line that surrounds Ta Village.

It can be said that if there is any movement in Ta Village, this line will be quickly tightened and actions will be launched against Ta Village.


As time passed, action teams from various provinces entered the designated capture area one after another and lurked.

In these designated capture areas, perhaps it was deep winter, or perhaps there was some inexplicable pressure, the sounds of small animals, which were not many at night, disappeared at this time.

The whole environment has an inexplicable sense of dead silence and oppression.

But it is different from the dead silence and oppression of the environment.

In these designated capture areas, the Takei warriors are always ready, as if they are bows that are constantly being pulled and accumulating power.


At this time, Ta Village.

Li Yaodong was in the bedroom on the second floor, looking at the night outside, he inexplicably felt a little depressed.

"Why do I feel that tonight's night is quieter than usual."

He whispered.

The wind seemed to stop the noise.

Originally, he had a strong premonition that there would be some action on Plan A, but now there is no movement at all.

'It seems that there will be no action today, at least not tonight. ' Li Yaodong thought in his heart, and then pressed his right eye that was twitching a little.

'It seems that I really thought too much. ' Another thought emerged in his mind.

Li Yaodong's work and rest schedule is very regular. Usually, he would go to bed at 11 o'clock. But today, he was a little restless, so that it was almost one o'clock now, and he hadn't gone to bed yet.

At this time, he couldn't bear it anymore.

After washing up casually, he went to bed.


Clear the action office.

Li Weimin looked at his watch.

When the time came to one o'clock, he took a deep breath and said:

"Attention, all units!"


This voice of [action] was transmitted to the captains of the action teams in various places through the communication headset.


Sichuan Province No. 3 Action Team.


Hearing the voice from the communication headset, the captain of this action team whispered.

Then, a group of Wujing soldiers silently surrounded the gathering point of smuggled rice in the night.The batch of smuggled rice that they were responsible for gathered in a small courtyard.

And these smuggled rice were engaged in a beheading business.

Therefore, even if they rested at night, there would be people taking turns to guard the gate.

However, now it was one o'clock in the morning, and the two rice criminals who were responsible for guarding the gate began to fight with their upper and lower eyelids.

The head was like a chicken pecking at you, nodding non-stop.

At a certain moment, the rice criminals who were responsible for guarding the gate suddenly opened their eyes wide and wanted to make a sound, but just when they opened their mouths, they found that they were covered by picking their noses.

"Woo woo woo."

The two struggled to make a sound, but they were quickly dragged into the darkness by the two Takei warriors who had already touched them.

After dealing with the two gatekeepers.

The captain of the action team made a gesture, and the Takei warriors behind him quickly sneaked in......


Li Yaodong had a good sleep quality. As soon as he lay on the bed, he fell into a dream in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, maybe he didn't sleep well.

Li Yaodong turned over.


A Wujing soldier from the Sichuan Province's No. 3 team sneaked in quickly and quietly.

At this time, the second-in-command of the smuggling team, who was sleeping soundly on the second floor of the room, suddenly felt a pain in his arm and immediately turned over from his sleep.

He was about to turn over, but was pressed to the ground by someone's backhand.

With a click.

His hands behind his back were handcuffed.


Almost at the same time.

The action teams in each province that received the action order also took action quietly.

Da Da Da! With the sound of light footsteps, one action team after another quickly sneaked into the gathering point of the smuggling gang.

"Don't move!"

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

"Take him away!"

"Bang!" A certain fan wanted to escape through the door, but was pinned against the door by a Takei soldier with his hands tied behind his back.

The authorities are the authorities after all. Once the location of these fan criminals is determined, they can be solved with ease.

The confrontation between fan criminals and the authorities on TV may occur in other countries, but it is impossible in Longguo.

Of course, this cleanup operation did not encounter resistance during the process.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Gunshots rang out.

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