"It is reported that this operation is led by the General Detective Department, and the provincial anti-smuggling offices are working together..."

"This operation shows the determination of the government to clear it out..."

Listening to the host's voice, Li Yaodong's eyes were a little dull.


After the brief voice broadcast, there were some pictures of the joint operation.

These action pictures were automatically recorded by the action recorders worn by the action teams on the scene.

Da Da Da!

Bang Bang Bang!

After these action pictures were quickly edited, they gave people an immersive sense of tension.


Some of the shots may be too bloody, and these shots are mosaiced, but the pictures vaguely seen through those mosaics make people feel more nervous.

After this wave of fast-edited on-site pictures, the picture changed.

Under the night sky, a group of smuggled fans caught by various action teams were taken to the car one after another.


At this time, the Internet was also in an uproar.

"Damn, I heard a crackling sound last night. I thought it was some idiot who stayed up late at night and set off firecrackers for fun. As a result, I checked and found that the village near my home was one of the arrest sites for this operation?"

"You are really careless."

"It's not that I'm careless, but I haven't heard what gunshots sound like in real life?"

"The fast-cut images just now really made me feel like I was at the scene. I just saw the bullets shooting at me."

"I just saw it too. These images should be from the action recorder. Is the Takei soldier okay? He was not really hit by the fans, right?"

"He should be okay."

"Pray! (Candle) (Candle) (Candle)"

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life in the world. It's just that some people are carrying heavy burdens forward."


At this time.

Li Yaodong looked at the news channel with a dull expression.

'This? ’

One thought after another came to his mind.

Last night, the authorities actually carried out such a large-scale cleanup operation?

But this can't be related to me, right?

And then, he seemed to think of something.

‘Could it be that these smuggled meals were some scraps that Plan A found by mistake when investigating me? ’

One thought after another came to Li Yaodong's mind.

Could it be that in the eyes of the authorities, these are all scapegoats thrown by me to feed them?

And the reason why they know this and still crack down on these smuggled meals is to take advantage of the situation, that is, to paralyze themselves?


The more Li Yaodong thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

And then, he took the remote control and changed several channels in succession.

He found that several of the news channels of these TV stations were also broadcasting these news.

And maybe several other news channels that did not broadcast this news will also broadcast it at other times.

To ensure that he can see this news when he is watching the news.


Li Yaodong changed another TV station, this time he directly switched to Yangshi.


Yangshi's morning news was also broadcasting this news.

Suddenly, Li Yaodong's face kept changing, but he was just following the template of Tazhai Dongshu, so his expression was not clear to outsiders.

However, Li Yaodong's mood was extremely complicated at this time.

'This is so fucking, in order to paralyze me, they actually made such a big scene, not only several provinces took joint action, but now it is also reported through Yangshi? '

This is so fucking, what level of food criminal do they think they are?

Li Yaodong was speechless.

Before, he just guessed that there was smuggled food that seemed to be smuggled through his so-called online channels, but he didn't know how big it was involved.


Then, his eyes turned to the brothers Li Qiqiang and Li Qisheng. He just noticed that their faces were a little off.

But just now, he didn't care because he was in a good mood.

But now it seems...

"You came here early in the morning just because of this news, right?" Li Yaodong asked.

Hearing this, the two nodded heavily.

"Uncle Dong, this incident will not have any impact on you, right?" Li Qiqiang asked with some concern.


Hearing this, Li Yaodong was speechless again.

What could happen? After all, the clear will be turbid, no, the turbid will be turbid, it should be the clear will be clear. Right! It is the clear will be clear.

"It's okay."

Li Yaodong was speechless and said this lightly.

He didn't want to talk much now, he didn't have the mood.


But hearing this, Li Qisheng said in his heart that it was as expected.

Sure enough, all this was planned by their uncle Dong. Maybe this good show was deliberately arranged by their uncle Dong for the official.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed in Li Qisheng's mind.


At this time, after hearing Li Yaodong's words, Li Qiqiang also glanced at his brother Li Qisheng.

In fact, the two of them heard the noise last night, and after a little thought, they knew that the official must have taken action.

As the saying goes, a thief is guilty. In his mind, their uncle Dong, and even the entire Ta Village, are smuggling.

So, he was uneasy all night last night.

And his brother Li Qisheng saw his worries and comforted him that their uncle Dong must have planned it.

At that time, he was a little skeptical, but after worrying all night, he was just a close call. Generally speaking, nothing happened. This naturally confirmed his brother's guess. Maybe all this was really planned by uncle Dong Li Yaodong.

Now that he had heard what Uncle Dong Li Yaodong said, it was confirmed.


‘I’ll tell you.’ Li Qisheng also noticed his brother’s gaze and gave him a look back.

“By the way, you didn’t do anything, did you?” Li Yaodong seemed to have thought of something and asked.

He was worried that the two brothers Li Qiqiang and Li Qisheng would do something else to deepen Plan A’s misunderstanding of him.

After all, this incident was already enough of a misunderstanding. If there was another misunderstanding…

“My brother and I have been in Ta Village.” Hearing this, Li Qisheng said, “According to Uncle Dong’s instructions, we did nothing.”

He once again sighed in his heart that Uncle Dong was so good at predicting things and told him in advance that he would not do anything.

After all, if he did something else in the process of the joint action of multiple provinces, he might really be hit together.


Hearing this, Li Yaodong was relieved. He was also afraid that the other two, especially Li Qisheng, who was very good at making trouble for him, would make trouble again.

"However, Uncle Dong, I have to say something for the villages around us." Li Qisheng hesitated for a moment and said, "I think you can consider merging the villages in the surrounding villages with our Ta Village."

Hearing this, Li Yaodong's eyelids jumped.


He looked at Li Qisheng, and his heart was suddenly filled with fear.

Last night, such a large-scale official cleanup operation took place, and judging from the provinces involved in this cleanup operation, it should also include their Guangdong Province. Now Li Qisheng mentioned the merger with the surrounding villages at this juncture.

This shows that maybe the villagers in the surrounding villages really did something last night. Moreover, it is related to this cleanup operation.

Otherwise, Li Qisheng would not have mentioned such a thing at this time.


"Last night, they did a really good job, and they gave us a token of their loyalty." Li Qisheng said again.

Hearing this, Li Yaodong's heart skipped a beat. What the hell! A token of their loyalty?

This time, Li Yaodong's temples really throbbed.

These words are very harsh.

"What happened last night?" Li Yaodong asked tentatively.


In fact, something really happened last night.

You know, when Cai Jiangdong fled in a panic, he ran all the way to the area of ​​​​Tai Village.

Then he ran all the way to the entrance of Ge Village.

And it was at the entrance of Ge Village that he was shot dead.

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