However, before he could think about it, Li Qisheng said, "Uncle Dong, I understand."

Understand? Understand what? You understand again?

At this moment, Li Yaodong felt uneasy.

"You..." Li Yaodong just uttered a word, wanting to ask the other party what was going on, but at this moment...

Dinglingling, his cell phone rang.

Subconsciously, Li Yaodong looked at the caller ID, but found that the caller ID was a strange number that he had not noted.


"Uncle Dong, you answer the phone first." Li Qisheng said.

He frowned after hearing this, but Li Yaodong also answered the call.

As soon as the call was connected, a plastic Mandarin voice unique to Hong Kong Island came from the phone.

That is, Hong Kong Mandarin.

The person on the other end of the phone said:

"Hello, Uncle Dong, has Brother Li Qisheng mentioned me?"

"My name is Zhao Jialiang."


Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Li Yaodong looked blank.

What? Zhao Jialiang?

This? Isn't this the most critical figure in the genuine "Tazhai"?

It was because of his joining that Plan A, which was once stuck in stagnation, made critical progress and finally achieved a complete success.

It can be said that without the other party, the genuine "Tazhai" might really end up in failure.

Moreover, he mentioned Li Qisheng?

Did he contact Li Qisheng? But how could these two people who have nothing to do with each other have any intersection?

This? What the hell?

'Maybe it's not the Zhao Jialiang I thought of? '

Li Yaodong had an idea and he planned to test it.

"Mr. Zhao, what do you mean by calling?" Li Yaodong asked tentatively.


Hearing this, Zhao Jialiang on the other end of the phone narrowed his eyes, and a series of thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and he quickly organized his words.

You know, as a gold medal informant, he naturally heard that the other party's words were tentative.

However, countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and finally he directly stated his intention.

After all, too much talk will lead to mistakes, and doing business, or doing the kind of business that will get you killed, it is better to directly state your intentions and not to be false.

"Uncle Dong, I want to buy soldier soup." Zhao Jialiang said directly.

Li Yaodong naturally said that what he had here was just an ordinary thing, not the smuggled goods he imagined.

"Yes, I know, it's not a smuggled product, I didn't misunderstand." He said in jargon.


Listening to Zhao Jialiang's pointed words on the other end of the phone, Li Yaodong's expression became even more wooden.

Hearing the other party say this, he was already 70% to 80% sure that the other party was Zhao Jialiang, the key figure in "Ta Zhai".

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Zhao." Li Yaodong didn't want to waste time talking to the other party. He hadn't figured out what the situation was yet, and if he responded without knowing what the situation was, there might be some unnecessary mistakes.

"I'll call you later." Li Yaodong said directly.

After saying this, he hung up the phone directly.


As for Zhao Jialiang.

He wanted to say something, but when he heard the beeping sound of the call being hung up from the phone, his subsequent words were choked in his throat.

'Be careful! '

This was the first call with Li Yaodong.

Because he got very little information, he could only summarize this characteristic of the other party.

The other party only said a few words to him and hung up the phone immediately.

The other party really deserved a word of caution.

However, this was also within his expectations, and at least the other party did not directly reject his cooperation intention to buy smuggled goods.


Then, Zhao Jialiang took out another mobile phone and directlyDial the encrypted mobile phone number of Li Weimin.

As soon as the call was connected, he said directly: "We have contacted the target."

Without saying much, he hung up the phone directly after saying this.

He made this call just to tell Li Weimin about the current progress on his side and let the other party know the progress.


And Li Yaodong.

After he hung up the phone, he looked directly at Li Qisheng.

"Qisheng, what's going on?" Li Yaodong asked directly without beating around the bush.


The matter was not complicated. Zhao Jialiang did not go through any official channels, but went to find out the contact information of Li Yaodong, the uncle.

During the days when Li Qisheng was running the Red Star Nursing Home, in order to better serve Uncle Dong Li Yaodong, he also accumulated a lot of connections, both black and white.

Zhao Jialiang himself is a big money maker, or in other words, his identity is a big money maker on the surface, and he belongs to a person who is wandering in the gray area.

Naturally, in this process, he came into contact with some of Li Qisheng's connections. In fact, people in the gray and black circles have overlapping connections.

Through these connections, he naturally contacted Li Qisheng easily.


And Li Qisheng has been thinking about what all this is about these days.

You know, although Li Yaodong, the person involved, has told him the truth.

But he can't accept it in his heart.

However, he can't figure out what's going on.

After all, it's still the same sentence. Uncle Dong Li Yaodong, the person involved, has already told him, is there still a lie?

And generally smart people like to go to extremes, and he went to extremes this time.

So during this period, he seemed a little crazy. The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he would think about it.

And at this time, Zhao Jialiang found out his contact information through the gray network, contacted him, and said that he wanted to buy smuggled goods.

And I don't know whether it was this sentence that woke him up, or whether he was about to connect all the clues and complete the logical loop.

After the other party explained his intention, he figured it out instantly.

'Maybe Uncle Dong claimed to everyone that he did not smuggle and everything was a lie, just to completely whitewash himself. '

'In other words, these are all designed by Uncle Dong Li Yaodong? '

'In fact, the real Uncle Dong is really a fan of crime? '


At this moment, Li Qisheng completely understood.

Suddenly, he admired Uncle Dong Li Yaodong to the bone. He didn't expect that Uncle Dong's thinking was so unrestrained that he could think of turning all his black past into a lie.


Although Li Qisheng was identified by Li Yaodong as a congenital criminal body, he was very good at doing very criminal things.

But he himself was a person who knew how to reciprocate. The other party's call woke him up, and he was naturally very grateful to the other party.

After understanding the other party's intention, he gave the other party Uncle Dong's contact information.

As for whether the other party can buy smuggled goods from Uncle Dong, that is, fake goods, and whether Uncle Dong agrees to the other party, it is up to Uncle Dong to decide.

At this time, Li Yaodong asked what was going on, and Li Qisheng told him what he saw from his perspective.

"Uncle Dong, I still have a lot to learn from you."

After saying this, Li Qisheng said with great admiration: "Your trick of turning the truth into a false one and making everyone think it's all a blunder is simply amazing."

Li Qisheng felt that he had already admired Uncle Dong Li Yaodong to the point of prostrating himself.


If he hadn't known that Uncle Dong really didn't like to bow down and worship.

He would have wanted to kowtow to Uncle Dong right now.

And he also felt that the reason why Uncle Dong didn't tell him the truth was definitely to keep it secret, and on the other hand, it must have been to test him.

Just like in foreign gangster movies, only by passing the test of the gangster godfather can you get the realAcceptance.

Become a godfather and godson.


Listening to Li Qisheng's words, Li Yaodong was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Did Li Qisheng think that the misunderstanding was deliberately designed by him? To whitewash himself?

This kid's imagination is really big?


Now Zhao Jialiang has also called? And Zhao Jialiang is still one of the key figures of Plan A.

In other words, Plan A is still watching him?

But why did Plan A find out the truth and still watch him, thinking that he is a super dangerous person?

When this question came to his mind, Li Yaodong immediately thought of the answer.

There is only one answer, that is, the idea of ​​Plan A coincides with Li Qisheng's ideas.

In other words, the other party also thinks that the misunderstanding was deliberately designed by him?

'Then I can't clear myself even if I jump into the Yellow River? I can't completely clean myself up? '

Li Yaodong's mentality is a little broken.


(The tenth round of power generation has begun, power generation: 1983. 3/14, 19:55)

(The next professional role will be played soon. Folks, please generate power and you will see the next professional role. Put the bowls on the table. Do you want to generate power? Which folks can help me?)

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