‘Uncle Dong, the owner of a dangerous factory?’

After hearing the two prompts, Li Yaodong’s heart skipped a beat.

Before he could think about it, a large amount of knowledge emerged in his mind.


These emerging knowledge did not make him feel uncomfortable in the process of integrating into his brain.

It seemed that these knowledge had been hidden deep in his mind, but he had forgotten them.

At the same time, he felt a cool air flow through his head.

If Li Yaodong’s system panel could display personal attributes, he would find that his IQ attribute had almost doubled.

Li Yaodong’s IQ was not low to begin with, and after adding the template of Uncle Dong from Tazhai, his IQ was even higher, and now it has almost doubled again.

For a moment, he felt that time had slowed down.

This was naturally an illusion caused by his faster thinking speed.


As soon as he thought about it, a lot of wonderful ideas would emerge in his mind, but these wonderful ideas were all from the technology side.

At the same time, he also had a kind of self-confidence in his heart that he could easily solve all the technological problems.

At this time, Li Yaodong finally understood why the note attached to this prompt was about the technology expert side.

At this moment, he really felt that he was a technology expert.

He had a feeling that he could beat the whole world... Well, this should be an illusion.


After quickly digesting these things, Li Yaodong's heart moved.

He felt that this new fusion template was dangerous, and the factory owner Dong Shu was not dangerous. The large amount of knowledge brought by this template was not even dangerous knowledge, but just a lot of scientific research and technology knowledge.

You know, when he matched the template of Tazhai Dong Shu before, a lot of very dangerous knowledge emerged in his mind.

For example, how to collude with power and businessmen.


Moreover, he felt that after loading the template of the dangerous factory owner Dong Shu, he became more interested in technology, and his focus on other aspects also shifted to technology, as if he was changing towards a pure scientific researcher.

Of course, some useful characteristics of the template of Tazhai Dong Shu did not disappear, but the two templates were organically integrated.

'Why is it called a dangerous factory owner? '

This thought popped up in Li Yaodong's mind.


Then Li Yaodong had two guesses about this name.

The first guess is -

Is it because the factory is more dangerous, so the word "dangerous" is used to describe the profession of factory owner?

After all, the name of factory owner means dealing with factories.

And some factories produce flammable and explosive products, so it is indeed a bit dangerous to work in these factories.


The second guess is -

It may be because of the fusion of the template of Uncle Dong of Tazhai, and the problems derived from the template of Tazhai, which put Li Yaodong in a very dangerous situation - he is almost unable to clear his name, and the authorities have already regarded him as an extremely dangerous element, and they want to bring him to justice.

So, it is described as dangerous.


As for the first possibility, as long as Li Yaodong himself pays attention to safety when running the factory, and Li Yaodong himself is a person who pays great attention to safety, this can actually be done with a little attention.

As for the second possibility, he already has a way to deal with it - increase output without breaking or building.

And thinking about this, his attention fell on the system again.

This dangerous factory owner's template not only gave him some personality traits, knowledge, IQ and other spiritual things, but also substantial items.

AlsoIt was a factory that matched his occupation as a factory owner.

There was more than one.


Then, Li Yaodong's mind moved.

In the system's introduction, these factories were given to him in a legal and unobtrusive way.

'What is that way? '

When this thought came to Li Yaodong's mind, he got the answer.

Then, he was a little speechless:

'It is indeed legal, and it is indeed unobtrusive. '


Because these factories were actually under the name of the original Construction Group, but with the previous transfer of ownership, they came into Li Yaodong's hands.

Li Yaodong was a little confused. These factories were not given to him because the system was lazy. They were originally owned by the Construction Group.

Or they were just issued to him after matching the occupation template of this factory owner.

And Li Yaodong checked the information of these factories again and found that they were just ordinary civilian factories.

'It seems that there is nothing special about these factories. ’

Li Yaodong thought to himself:

‘It seems that there should be no other possibilities? ’

He originally thought that there might be problems with these factories, but these factories are also quite stable.

So, now we should follow the steps and solve the misunderstanding with Plan A by increasing output and breaking things down?


After thinking this through, Li Yaodong couldn't help but smile

Li Yaodong was about to continue to talk to Zhao Jialiang about business.

At this time, the director of the program group called.


After Li Yaodong drew a new profession, the program group knew about it.

Naturally, they also knew that the new profession that Li Yaodong drew was a factory owner, which was not easy to stand out.

The director of the program group called to make it clear that his program group did not interfere and let the other party draw this challenging profession.

After all, their program group cares a lot about Li Yaodong, the contestant.

After the call was connected, the program director directly explained his intentions, so that Li Yaodong would not have any grudges against him.


Li Yaodong naturally would not have any bad opinions about the program team.

Even because the factory owner profession and the matched factory owner Dongshu character template were quite stable and should not cause any trouble, he was in a good mood and smiled when he talked to the program director.


And hearing that Li Yaodong had no bad opinions about them, the program director was relieved.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the profession you drew, Director Li, was the same as the previous villagers' professions, so it's not easy to stand out."

The program director also smiled and sighed.

He just sighed casually, but this made Li Yaodong silent.


At this moment, the smile on Li Yaodong's face was also frozen.


Like the previous villagers' professions, it's not so easy to stand out?

This start is indeed exactly the same as the start of drawing the villager profession... huh?

This? !!!

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