Li Qisheng didn't understand what was going on. It was unreasonable.

After all, in essence, this kind of agricultural and sideline products are not valuable.

This seems a bit contradictory. Obviously, this batch of agricultural and sideline products is worth tens of millions of US dollars.

But the reason is not complicated.

You know, this batch of agricultural and sideline products is valuable only because in the Haimai Group, this batch of agricultural and sideline products is no longer agricultural and sideline products, but strategic materials.

In this case, the price of 10 million US dollars is not very expensive.

But this is the price of strategic materials.


And what is strategic material?

Only when the quantity is large can it be called material. If the quantity is small, it can't play the role of material at all, and the price will drop sharply, thus returning to the original price of agricultural and sideline products.

And he saw with his own eyes that when they passed through the interception points, they only gave those people at the interception points a box.

With only one box, this batch of agricultural and sideline products can't play the role of strategic materials, and the price can't be very high.

"Because this kind of high-quality agricultural and sideline products have become luxury goods, or Uncle Dong's agricultural and sideline products have become luxury goods in our Middle East region." Abbas saw Li Qisheng's doubts and said.

Hearing this, Li Qisheng was confused again.

What? Uncle Dong's agricultural and sideline products have become luxury goods. You know, when he first saw the pirates' flags, he thought that his uncle Dong was cooperating with pirates, and he also thought that this batch of agricultural and sideline products could be worth so much money. It may be because this batch of agricultural and sideline products has the attributes of luxury goods, but later...


Abbas naturally saw Li Qisheng's surprise. In fact, when this batch of agricultural and sideline products first took on the attributes of luxury goods, he was also a little surprised.

Even before, he had not figured out some of the key reasons why this batch of agricultural and sideline products could become luxury goods, but now he understands.


In fact, this batch of agricultural and sideline products has experienced some twists and turns to develop into luxury goods.

At the beginning, when this batch of agricultural and sideline products was transported, they passed through the interception points of the territory organizations. At the interception points, the Haimai Group would give money and jewelry as rewards to the other party.

But later, some leaders of the territory organizations were "updated" for various reasons. The successor leaders behind them were very afraid of the dangerous uncle Dong because they did not know that the rumors about the dangerous uncle Dong were actually made up by their leaders.

When the people of the Haimai Group transported agricultural and sideline products through their territories, they did not dare to accept money and jewelry as rewards, but only symbolically asked for a box of agricultural and sideline products.


And the money and jewelry that should have been there were replaced by a batch of broken agricultural and sideline products. They must have felt extremely painful in their hearts.

When tasting these agricultural and sideline products, they also showed that they cherished them.

And this behavior also affected the people under them.

When the people below saw that their superiors treated these agricultural and sideline products as if they were jewelry or money, they naturally felt that these agricultural and sideline products were extremely precious.

They were very yearning for this batch of agricultural and sideline products that only their superiors could enjoy.

Some people even made a small contribution and tentatively asked if they could get a little agricultural and sideline products as a reward.

After getting a little agricultural and sideline products, they tasted them, maybe because of psychological effects, or maybe because the quality of this batch of agricultural and sideline products was really great, and felt that they were worthy of being valued by their superiors.


Then those who got the opportunity to taste them would brag to their fellow low-level organization members.

In this process, this yearning for this kind of agricultural and sideline products formed a trend in a small range.

One of the local organization leaders was also a talent. He felt that this was an opportunity to make a profit, and then he turned these agricultural and sideline products into luxury hype.


There are actually several reasons why luxury goods can become luxury goods.

One is raw materials and craftsmanship. Generally, luxury goods usually use the world's top raw materials, and their craftsmanship is also extremely fine and unique.

Although the raw materials of this batch of agricultural and sideline products produced by Li Yaodong are ordinary raw materials for producing agricultural and sideline products, the production process is strictly required to ensure quality. Among similar products, there is no match.

Moreover, the box of agricultural and sideline products organized for the site is still the best quality among this batch of agricultural and sideline products, and the appearance even looks like crystal.

This is also in line with this aspect of luxury goods.


Second, it is scarcity. Luxury goods are often produced in limited quantities, creating an atmosphere of scarcity.

This batch of agricultural and sideline products is also scarce enough. After all, this is a box of money and jewelry in exchange for the same volume of agricultural and sideline products. Moreover, it takes a period of time to get a box of agricultural and sideline products. Isn't this kind of agricultural and sideline products scarce?


Third, it is the story and history of the brand.

Luxury products usually have their own brand stories. They give their brands a kind of emotion, so that consumers consume a kind of emotion, not just the product itself.

The head of this talented territory organization checked the history of Bingtang and found that Longguo was the first country to invent this agricultural and sideline product. During the Dali period of the Tang Dynasty, from 766 to 779 AD, ordinary people in Suining, Sichuan Province, began to use sugarcane to make Bingtang, which made this agricultural and sideline product born in Longguo. The ancient name was "Tang Shuang". Because it was as transparent as ice, it was called "Tang Bing", and later it was changed to "Bingtang".

And this agricultural and sideline product itself is a kind of medicine-

It can eliminate phlegm and quench thirst, eliminate the heat in the heart, and can be taken by the elderly, weak and coughing.

Isn't this enough story and history?

Besides, when foreigners mention Longguo, the adjective of the mysterious oriental country automatically emerges in their minds.

The leader of this talented territory organization thought it was feasible.

He hyped this agricultural and sideline product as a luxury product, and due to various reasons, he succeeded in hyping it up.


Abbas didn't know some of the details very well, but......

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