At this moment, Li Yaodong was stunned.

Because he could tell from the voice that the other party was the fellow from Middle East who had been in contact with him.

"Didn't you always call me Li? Why do you call me Mr. Dongshu now?"

Li Yaodong said in surprise.


He was stunned just now because of the other party's address to him.

As for whether the other party was the leader of the Haimai Group, he actually didn't recognize him. ,

After all, he was not very interested in monarchical affairs and international integrity, and he didn't like to read any international news.

In fact, a large part of ordinary people also have this kind of international perspective. If you ask him about the dispute in Inlaier, he will definitely know, but if you ask him what the leader of the Haimai Group in the Pailishiyin area in the dispute in Inlaier is called and what he looks like, he doesn't know.


At this time, Li Yaodong's eyes fell on Abbas's face, and he also looked at the other party's appearance.

Sure enough, the other party looked similar to what he imagined.

He looked very honest.

After all, if the other party was not an honest person, he would not have told him that he was selling these agricultural and sideline products as luxury goods.

If he did not tell him these, the other party could have bought his agricultural and sideline products from him at the price of ordinary agricultural and sideline products.

From this point of view, the other party was simply too honest.

And the other party's appearance was exactly the same as he imagined.

There is a saying that you can't judge a person by his appearance, but sometimes, judging a person by his appearance is more reliable.


After listening to Li Yaodong's words, Abbas himself was stunned.

He thought about all kinds of reactions of this dangerous uncle Dong, but he never thought that the other party would react like this.

And the other party's reaction was the same as his reaction when he talked on the phone. The other party looked like he didn't know that he was hiding his identity.

If it were in the past, he might really think that the other party's behavior showed that the other party didn't know his identity, but how could he think so now?

If he really thought so, then he was really a very stupid person.


Just when countless thoughts flashed through Abbas' mind, Li Yaodong also set his eyes on Li Qisheng again.

"Qisheng, you just said that you understood everything, so you learned from this fellow from Middle East that I am an ordinary person, right?" Li Yaodong said.


After hearing what Li Yaodong said, Li Qisheng was also stunned after Abbas.

He had already organized his words to tell Li Yaodong that he had understood what all the mysteries were.

But he didn't expect his uncle Dong to say that.

In fact, Uncle Dong's attitude towards Abbas just now made him think about it. And at this moment, Uncle Dong's words made countless thoughts emerge in his mind in an instant.

Finally, these thoughts dispersed one by one, and in the end he seemed to understand what Uncle Dong meant.

"Uncle Dong, I understand. You are just an ordinary person." He said in a hoarse voice.


I understand, I understand everything.

He understood what the other party just said.

You know, Uncle Dong secretly supported the Haimai Group, but it was extremely dangerous. Once it was leaked, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, a scapegoat was needed after the matter was exposed.

And now Uncle Dong said that he was an ordinary person, and it seemed that he didn't know anything about the Middle East.

Then this scapegoat is self-evident.

The scapegoat that Uncle Dong chose was himself.


‘What a cruel heart. ’

Li Qisheng felt sad. You know, he regarded Uncle Dong as his idol, but his idol regarded him as a scapegoat in the future.

‘Hero! ’

In his eyes, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was undoubtedly a hero.

But after the sadness in his heart faded, he found that he had no resistance to being such a scapegoat in his heart.

‘I guess the reason why Uncle Dong chose me as the scapegoat was because Uncle Dong knew that even if he knew these things, he would be willing. ’

‘Uncle Dong’s grasp of people’s hearts has reached the pinnacle. ’ Li Qisheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind.


Now think about it, those civil servants who were caught in Dongshan City, as well as the smuggled food, were also controlled by Uncle Dong Li Yaodong. It was because of Uncle Dong’s grasp of people’s hearts that he could ensure that he would not be betrayed by these people.

And a tyrant with such a scheming mind is the one that Li Qisheng is willing to follow.


At this time, Li Yaodong also noticed the change in Li Qisheng's face, and he immediately had a bad premonition.

'What's going on? Did something go wrong? '

He thought to himself.

"Then tell me what agricultural and sideline products are all about?" He wanted to make sure that the other party really understood what was going on.


After hearing this, Li Qisheng took a breath, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant. He was thinking about how to answer in line with their uncle Dong's wishes.

After a few thoughts flashed through his mind, he made up his mind and said, "Uncle Dong, I..."

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