Li Qisheng was shocked. Uncle Dong's words were definitely not what he meant on the surface.

This was obviously another way to answer himself.

After all, it was live now.

And some of the words were clearly answering himself.

[Indeed] [Don't forget to call to express your condolences]


The word [Indeed] means that Uncle Dong may have seen through his inner thoughts at a glance, dispelled his concerns, and told himself that it was not just him and others who were imagining.

And calling to express condolences to this fellow from Middle East was undoubtedly saying that he was very satisfied with the performance of Abbas and others, and he recognized it very much.

He carefully observed Li Yaodong's expression and found that the other party's expression also showed his recognition of Abbas and others.


Moreover, Uncle Dong also knew the result of this battle, but he was still so calm.

This shows that Uncle Dong had anticipated this result long ago, and he could bear the subsequent impact of this result.

He was able to control the development of the situation and prevent it from going beyond his control.

‘So, all this is really in Uncle Dong’s calculation.’

This thought popped up in his mind.

Then, he felt a little relieved. As long as they didn’t misunderstand Uncle Dong and make up too much, it would be fine.

I’m afraid that Uncle Dong didn’t let them do these things at all, and they just made up some things blindly.


However, Li Qisheng was only slightly relieved.

After all, they are now involved in an international dispute, which is different from their previous small-scale domestic sales of fake goods and fighting wits with Jing Fang.

Because after going international, the opponent is no longer one person or even a few people, but a country, or even several countries.

Thinking about it makes his scalp numb.

In fact, on the way here, Li Qisheng even felt for a moment that it would be good if the things about Middle East were all oolongs.

When he heard from Uncle Dong Li Yaodong that a series of events during this period were all misunderstandings, he couldn't accept it and felt that his faith collapsed.

Later, he figured out that these were all Uncle Dong's calculations.

But now, if he could go back to that time, he really hoped that everything was misunderstandings.

In that case, he wouldn't have to get involved in such things.


Of course, these were just Li Qisheng's inexplicable thoughts, and these thoughts only stayed in his mind for a moment.

Moreover, there are not so many ifs in the world.

And now, he has confirmed the intentions of their Uncle Dong Li Yaodong. The other party just wants to reach out to the international community and play with the situation.

"Then Uncle Dong, I'll leave first." Li Qisheng came here to confirm it. Now that what he wanted to confirm has been confirmed, he naturally doesn't want to stay here any longer.

However, although he has confirmed these, his steps as he walked out are a bit heavy.

After all, this matter is too big.

"Da Da Da!"

He walked towards the office door with some heavy steps.

After he stepped down, he turned around and asked his uncle Dong: "Uncle Dong, do you think the dispute between Inler or the dispute between the Haimai Group and Inler will end?"

Hearing this, Li Yaodong was stunned, not understanding why the other party suddenly asked this question.


"How can it end?" Li Yaodong thought about it and gave an answer.

Although he was not very interested in international integrity and monarchical affairs, and did not understand much, he also had some understanding of the international situation in Middle East.

In fact, even people who do not pay attention to international news, through hearsay, probably know that whether the dispute in Inler ends or not is not even decided by the two sides of the conflict.

It is determined by the interests of some countries that are fanning the flames behind the scenes. If one day in the future, these countries feel that the end of the dispute in this place is more beneficial to their own interests, then the conflict in this region willThe sudden incident will end.

But now, it is obvious that the chaos in this region is in the interests of these countries.

"Maybe it will end one day, but not now." Li Yaodong added.


Hearing this, Li Qisheng looked at their uncle Dong Li Yaodong with a complicated expression: "I understand Uncle Dong."

Li Yaodong's words mean one thing, but they mean another thing to him.

In his opinion, their uncle Dong has not had enough fun and wants to continue to make trouble over there.

'Ah. '

Li Qisheng sighed deeply in his heart.


In fact, Uncle Dong has always been the direction he pursues. He wants to be a person like Uncle Dong, and he has tried to think about problems with Uncle Dong's way of thinking and thinking height.

And those few times, he really succeeded in substituting Uncle Dong's way of thinking and height.

At that time, he was delighted to think that he could become a person like Uncle Dong.


After all, he saw the "scenery" that Uncle Dong could see at that height in this way. Although it was just a glimpse, he did see it.

However, now he realized that his so-called substitution was just a little bit of fur.

Moreover, now that he understood how high Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was, he was a little scared.

He didn't even dare to substitute that height, after all, it was too high, too high, so high that it was scary, and he could even fall to death if he was not careful.

And subconsciously, Li Qisheng glanced out the window, only to see that the sky outside the window had become gloomy without knowing when.

'The storm is coming. '

He said in his heart.

Then, he walked out again with heavy steps.


Looking at Li Qisheng's heavy steps and his back with a deep breath, Li Yaodong was a little speechless.

He didn't understand what the other party's reaction was. Why did he feel indescribable after listening to his words?

‘And he said so solemnly, “I understand.” Li Yaodong was speechless and a little amused.

Didn’t everyone know what he said just now?

Why did he act so solemnly and seriously?

Moreover, it seemed that after what he said just now, he became solemn and seemed to be worried about the international dispute in In&Perry.

The more he thought about it, the more funny it was.

This matter was like he was the one who led the Inler dispute, one of the most eye-catching regional conflicts in the world. Even if it was the same as before, it would not be possible to make such a mistake.

It was really... laughable.

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