As the A plan office made calls one by one...


A bank in a certain place.

A handsome but short man with a flat head walked into the bank.

Judging from his clothes, he should be a staff member of this bank.

When the man with the flat head walked in, a cleaning lady of the bank was very surprised: "Xiao Xu, you are not on duty today, right?"

"Auntie Lou, I will take over Brother Wang's shift this afternoon." Xiaopingtou Xu Zhengyang said with a shy smile on his face.

"You are just too easy to talk to."

The cleaning lady Lou sighed and said: "That Xiao Wang, just because he thinks you are easy to talk to, he often lets you take over."

The cleaning lady Lou was defending Xiao Xu Zhengyang.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do when I am free." Xu Zhengyang smiled and said.

"Why is everything alright? By the way, didn't I introduce a girl to you a few days ago? How are you chatting with her?" The cleaning lady said with a glare.

"She doesn't reply to me much." Xu Zhengyang said helplessly.

"You are a boy, take the initiative." Aunt Lou, the cleaning lady, said: "When you have nothing to do, you should find more girls, don't always take over for others."


What else can Xu Zhengyang say, he can only nod helplessly.

But he felt bitter in his heart.

Aunt Lou is a very enthusiastic aunt, and she introduced the girl to him out of kindness.

However, the girl was not very enthusiastic after knowing that he was just a bank clerk. He racked his brains to find a topic, but when the other party replied, she just said "um, ah, or I'm going to take a shower."

"You should pay more attention." Aunt Lou habitually wanted to teach young people how to get along with girls.


When Xu Zhengyang heard this, he felt a little overwhelmed.

"Well, Aunt Lou, I'll go take Brother Wang's place first."

After leaving this sentence, Xu Zhengyang hurried inside as if he was escaping.

After leaving Aunt Lou's sight, Xu Zhengyang's embarrassed look calmed down.

This calm look seemed to be a completely different person from the introverted and shy personality he showed on the outside.

But Xu Zhengyang sighed in his heart.

'I'm still not used to it.'


Although he adapted well on the surface, just like an ordinary bank clerk, deep down in his heart, he still felt a little alienated from his colleagues who did mechanical work for three meals a day.

Before coming to this bank, he had performed special tasks and infiltrated the criminal group.

A few years ago, he was sent to Hong Kong Island to perform the task of protecting the only witness of a homicide case of a wealthy businessman.

Then, a bigger case was involved.

After a dangerous time, he also successfully cracked down on a criminal organization.

After that operation, he was killed in the line of duty in that mission.

But in fact, he came to this bank and became an employee.

Because he completed the mission well last time, his boss told him that after he cleaned up his resume this time, he would be assigned to a normal department.

Moreover, there were big guys above who admired him very much.

It can be said that his future is bright.


However, he sometimes wondered if he really wanted to live a life of circling in the system in the future?

Even if such a future may be infinitely bright for others.

But in fact, deep down in his heart, he still liked that kind of adventure...

While thinking about it, he had already opened the door of the employee passage behind and was about to go in.

But at this time.


The phone in his pocket vibrated.

This made him stunned.


Because that phone was not his usual phone, but a phone that would only be activated during a mission.

It seemed to understand something.

Xu Zhengyang's eyes were filled with a look that could not be concealed.

He quickly took it out of his underwear pocket and took a look.

Not long after, Xu Zhengyang stepped forward.He walked out with his footsteps.

"Xiao Xu, what are you doing? Aren't you going to take Xiao Wang's shift?" Aunt Lou, the cleaning lady, asked in surprise when she saw Xu Zhengyang, who seemed to be different from before.


Hearing this, Xu Zhengyang's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Aunt Lou, thank you for taking care of me over the years." Xu Zhengyang turned around and said to Aunt Lou seriously.

He knew that once he was assigned to a new mission, he would have to do his information again after the mission was completed.

He would never return to his original unit.

After saying this, he walked out without waiting for Aunt Lou to react.

He stopped a taxi on the road.

Xu Zhengyang got in the taxi and skillfully pulled out a tablet from the back seat of the taxi.

Then he entered the password and turned on the tablet.


Almost at the same time.

Water Conservancy Bureau.

"How do you do your job?" A department leader of the Water Conservancy Bureau was scolding a small clerk under his command.

And this small clerk had an ordinary appearance, and the only thing worth noting was his skin color.

It was just one shade whiter than black people.

In the Water Conservancy Bureau, many people affectionately called him "Black Charcoal Head".

At this time, facing the department's scolding, the black charcoal head nodded and bowed, and behaved submissively.

And just at this moment.

The black charcoal head's mobile phone vibrated.


Then, the black charcoal head's expression became a little different.

Then, he turned around and walked outside.

Seeing this scene, the leader was stunned.

"No, what are you doing?"

After reacting, he asked.

But the small clerk who had always been submissive to him and had always been used as a punching bag by him, did not turn his head when he heard his words, but just waved his hand casually and walked out in a chic manner.

The black-haired man did not forget to pick up his coat when he passed his seat.

Seeing this scene, the leader was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he wanted to say something.

However, at this moment, his mobile phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it was actually a call from a higher leader.

Suddenly, he didn't care about the black-haired man who suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person.

He picked up the phone.


One after another, the gold medal undercovers were activated.

Among these undercovers, there were people from the bank, people from the positive and negative departments, people from ordinary private companies, and...

After the mobile phones that these people had treasured for a long time vibrated, they were activated.

They went to the mission location.

When they went to the mission location, they each got the details of this mission.

When they saw the mission details, they were all stunned.


Because they didn't expect that this time to wake up these gold medal undercovers, they were actually asked to lurk in a village.

Are...are you kidding me?

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