"......Use more intelligence personnel." Mardi Lyon said in a deep voice.

Although he was targeted by various countries, he really had no intention of retreating. Moreover, he had already invested so much manpower, and he could not retreat.

And their Jiaalimei's intelligence power is not comparable to that of other countries. These people want to take advantage of the chaos to target them, let's see who can't hold on first.

And most importantly, he wants to see who is the person behind the Haimai group who is playing a game with him.


And as Jiaalimei invested more intelligence personnel, the confrontation between countries in terms of intelligence personnel has become more and more intense.

The situation is further chaotic.

In this high-pressure confrontation, Asiba Country was the first to be unable to withstand this pressure. After all, their country's strength in this regard is really weak.

Then, they called back their female group intelligence personnel.

And not only Asiba Country, some countries with insufficient strength also withdrew from this level of struggle because they could not withstand this pressure.

As the countries that could not bear the pressure withdrew one by one, the situation in Middle East entered a period of balance. At this time, the major countries that were dragged into the endless fighting with each other also calmed down.


A small territory organization.

The highest commander of the organization, Hamza, was also a little frightened. You know, although the scale of their small organization is indeed small, it also has its own intelligence collection department.

So, he also learned about this undercurrent.

At this time, he also knew who those big countries were looking for with such a big battle.

'Is it looking for that dangerous uncle Dong? '

The highest commander thought.

When the Haimai Group secretly transported strategic materials such as agricultural and sideline products, it also passed through his territory. He naturally knew the existence of the dangerous uncle Dong.

'These big countries are looking for that dangerous uncle Dong, so if I...'

He calculated with a flickering look in his eyes.

‘If I tell one of these big countries about this dangerous Uncle Dong and get close to any of them, I will not just be the leader of a small organization, right? ’


At this time, the countries that were in a crazy confrontation before have calmed down, and they all remembered their original purpose.

Of course, it does not mean that they have stopped confronting each other. They are still in the confrontation. If there is a chance, they don’t mind pitting people from other countries.

But now that they have calmed down, they have also spent most of their energy on investigating the supporters behind the Haimai Group.


Moreover, after calming down, these countries also realized it later and found that the supporters behind the Haimai Group were using them as guns.

Suddenly, the top leaders of these countries were filled with anger.

As these countries used most of the energy of their intelligence departments to investigate the supporters behind the Haimai Group, one piece of intelligence after another was sent back to their own countries by these intelligence personnel.

However, it is difficult to tell the truth from the false information. Some of the information seems to be related to the supporters of the Haimai group, but in fact, it is just some people who want to muddy the waters.

For example, Russia!

After all, what happened in Middle East actually has little to do with them.

The reason why Russia followed up was because they felt that the situation in In&Pai Li was actually similar to that of Russia and Okayi.

You know.

Okayi was originally part of Russia, but it was separated through a referendum.

And it is ironic that Okayi was separated through a referendum because it was fooled by Europa and Jialima, thinking that only by voting out would it live a better and freer life. However, after the referendum, Okayi became a Kunyuan of Europa, with a large number of women doing skin care business.

However, Okayi only remembers eating and not fighting. A few years ago, under the deception of Europa and Jialima, he actually had friction with Russia. Then, due to a series of reasons,Their Dalu (Russia) and Xiaoou (Okayi) were caught in a continuous vortex of station disputes.

All this is similar to the situation in Yin & Perry.

Now, the entry of the supporters of the Haimai Group has changed the situation in the Yin & Hai area.

Ivan Lev, the big boss of the Junfang in Russia, is very curious about the supporters behind the Haimai Group.

He even has a hunch that maybe later...


Of course, it is impossible that only Russia is muddying the water.

However, some of the intelligence obtained is also useful, but it is necessary to separate these useful information from the large amount of useless information and the false information released by some powerful countries to muddy the water.


In the meeting room where the Yin & Perry working group is located.

Constantly, their intelligence personnel from Jialimai sent back the news and summarized it here.

Facing these intelligence information, all the members of the Yin & Perry working group felt a little scalp numb.

After all, there was too much information to be summarized. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was as vast as the sea of ​​smoke.

‘Do we have to deal with it one by one? ’

They all had such a thought in their minds.

Similarly, they couldn’t help but feel a bit of resentment in their hearts.


You know, these intelligence information can actually be filtered by the intelligence personnel on the front line.

And through the judgment of those intelligence personnel, after filtering out those useless and fake information, and then summarizing it to them, there will be very little intelligence information to be processed.

And now...

They were full of small complaints.

However, at this moment, Mardy Lyon took out his mobile phone, and then made several calls in front of them.

"Okay, I got it."

After hanging up the last call, Mardy Lyon opened his tablet again and filled in some information.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was a little stunned.


You know, the other party called so many intelligence special forces directly on their tablets to authorize, but now, they have to make a phone call and fill in the application information.

This is simply a thought.

'This new boss, what is he applying for? ”


(17th round of power generation, 2871, April 12, 20:10)

(So awesome, almost 3,000)

(It’s a bit late to work overtime on Saturday, I want to say hello to all the folks)

(Sorting out the following plot, this plot is about to end, in this plot I want to write about the feeling that Dong Shu’s random small action has caused international movement, sweat.)

(Finally, according to the old rules, I will put the bowl, and ask all the folks to invest in free power generation, please everyone. Put the bowl:)

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