
Time went forward about twenty minutes.

In the meeting room where the Yin & Perry working group was located.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Mardy Lyon's mouth. He felt that the rumors about the dangerous uncle Dong were too mysterious.

At this time, the secretary Liliana saw that the coffee in Mardy Lyon's coffee cup was almost gone, and felt that the other party was no longer playing with the decompression ball, so she hurriedly stood up, and then went to get the coffee pot to add some coffee to her new boss.


And during the whole process, Liliana was cautious.

She felt that her new boss was more perverted than her predecessor Jones Brown. After all, Jones Brown only used her to vent, and the other party... She couldn't tell how the other party felt, but she felt that the other party was more perverted than her previous boss.

And there is a law that the more nervous you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Liliana was very nervous. She wanted to pour the coffee into her new boss's coffee cup, but it turned out to be a razor blade.

Because she was too nervous, she accidentally spilled it on Mardy Lyon's pants.

"Sorry, sorry."

Suddenly, Secretary Liliana hurried to wipe it for Mardy Lyon.


"No, I'll do it myself." After being burned, Mardy Lyon moved away a little distance like a conditioned reflex, and he said.

Although he gave people the feeling of being inexplicably perverted, he actually felt that he was still a gentleman, so after being burned, he just frowned and waved to Liliana.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." However, Liliana, who was already frightened, did not listen and still wanted to wipe the other party. This little "dispute" knocked over the coffee pot that Liliana had just placed on the table.

The coffee pot rolled over and hit Mardy Lyon.

Seeing this scene, Liliana was stunned.

Mardy Lyon was about to get angry, but suddenly, his face changed and he dodged to the side. The next second, the chandelier just above his head fell down in the conference room.


After a while, Mardy Lyon stood there with an ugly face.

At this time, there was still a scratch on his face.

Not long ago, he reacted quickly to avoid the falling chandelier, but the broken glass fragments of the chandelier scratched his face.

Not far away, there was a metal screen that was overturned on the ground for projection.

The water heater further away also lay on the ground.

Everyone at the scene was more or less injured at this time.


Looking at everything in the conference room, Mardy Lyon's face changed again and again.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the rumor about the dangerous uncle Dong. According to the rumor, everyone who knew this name would be watched by this dangerous uncle Dong...

'Coincidence, this must be a coincidence. '

And in an instant, such a thought emerged in Mardy Lyon's mind.

However, he looked around the conference room, and another thought emerged in his mind, that is, this is too coincidental, right?

But if it is not a coincidence, how to explain all this...

And the next second, Mardy Lyon's face changed slightly again, as if he thought of something again.

Just when his face changed like this, the encrypted satellite communication link he incorporated rang again.

Then, his heart jumped suddenly.


He picked up the phone, and after a few minutes, he understood what happened over there, and his face turned gloomy.

Soon after, he hung up the phone, and everyone in the conference room looked at their new boss, Mardy Lyon.

And the next words from Mardy Lyon made their faces change drastically.

"Dead, the leaders of the small separatist organizations that were brought back died in our base."

Mardy Lyon saidWhen he said this, his voice was full of icy coldness.

Before, when their many countries were suspected of being in chaos and suffered heavy losses under the calculation of this dangerous Mr. Dong Shu, he thought that this matter was becoming more and more interesting, and the other party was an opponent who could arouse his interest.

But now, his face changed.


You know, the reason why he had such an interesting mentality before was because he had the Prism Special Attack Bureau behind him. No matter what situation he faced, he had the confidence to deal with it.

But now it is different.

The leaders of the small organizations taken away by their Jialimai special attack were all dead in their Jialimai Junshi base.

And this was under the intervention of their Prism Special Attack Bureau, and the defense level reached the SSS level.

This means that their Prism Special Attack Bureau may have been infiltrated.

As for the fact that the deaths of those leaders were coincidental, it was just that their special forces used excessive means when interrogating the other party, which led to the deaths of those leaders?

This thought only flashed through his mind for a moment, and he rejected it.

"Seal it for me..."

At this moment, Mardy Lyon's face was extremely ugly.


Middle East Yuedan Junshi Base.

In a certain interrogation room.

The special forces in charge of the interrogation looked at the dead leader of the small separatist organization with a very ugly face.

This matter is serious.

Just now, he also checked the cause of death of this leader, that is, the dose of truth serum used by this leader was too large.

However, this reason cannot convince anyone.

Moreover, as far as he knows, not only this leader who was brought in died, but also several other leaders died.

This time is too coincidental.

And at this time, suddenly the whole base sounded a shrill alarm.

When the alarm sounded, the special attack's face changed instantly.


And under the alarm sound, da da da, ta ta ta! A series of footsteps sounded, and soldiers dressed in ugly army uniforms quickly sounded everywhere in the base.

Each one was as if facing a great enemy.


At the same time, armed helicopters took off and circled.


Tanks and fire roars were dispatched one by one.

Sky, ground!

Station fighting machines, elite soldiers! The entire base was sealed off. They were in this Junshi base of Jiali Mai in Yuedan, and at this moment they were protected like an iron barrel.


At this time, the highest commander of the base had cold sweat on his forehead.

Then, he pressed a button on the missile silo, and then the missile silos configured in the base were opened one by one, ready to go.

But unlike other times, these missiles were not aimed at other enemies, but... at their base.

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