
At the Plan A office, after learning that the gold medal undercover agents had lurked in their designated locations, they were excited again.

For these gold medal undercover agents who were incorporated into their operations, they were also responsible for picking them up at the airport and other places when they came.

Thinking of these people, even Li Fei, who usually behaved in a reckless manner, couldn't help but be a little dazed.

When he went to pick these people up from the airport, he still felt that these people were mediocre.

Even, he had the intention of competing with these people.

After all, he felt that he was also a talent, but compared with the achievements of these people, he was not qualified.

Of course, he wanted to see the composition of these people.

However, observing these people, he felt that they were so ordinary.

Even when he went to pick up a small flat head, the small flat head showed an introverted and shy smile when he found that he was observing him, as if the other party was just an introverted ordinary person. Anyway, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see what was so outstanding about the other party.

He even thought he might have picked up the wrong person.

However, when he arrived in the city, he was distracted for a moment and found that the short-haired man had disappeared.

But the other person was clearly sitting in his co-pilot seat.

Others had similar experiences.

Through this, everyone in Plan A also knew that these gold medal undercovers were the elites among the elites.

With these elites, their Plan A will definitely make great progress.


"This? What is going on?"

However, these elites lurked at their designated destinations in various identities, but did not get any useful information.

The only thing we know is that these people in the surrounding villages have a feeling of respect and fear for Tacun.

Their respect for Tacun even manifests as wanting to become Tacun people. After all, as long as they become Tacun people, they can have a small villa to live in and enjoy the dividends of Tacun enterprises.

And the fear is that these villagers feel fear for what Tacun has done, but the specific reasons for the fear are kept secret.

These gold medal undercovers have been in these villages for a few days, and they have only found out these superficial things.

Either this Ta Village is fine, or the problem is huge.


And the program director has not made any progress.

Some information about the program director sent by Xiaopingtou shows that --

This program director is just an ordinary director.

Except for being a little bit lewd, there is nothing wrong with him. Even in the entertainment industry, people often have problems with taxes, but the other party has no problem, and even reasonable tax avoidance is not done. The amount of tax should be paid.

"It should be because the time of lurking is too short. So no useful information was obtained." Li Weimin was not discouraged.

You know, after applying for a higher level of authority, what was done was more than just summoning these gold medal undercovers.

In fact, when these gold medal undercovers were in action, the town where Ta Village was located received a document issued by the upper level.

"Special rectification document on villagers' personal safety"


You should know that the reason why big cities are safe is that there are surveillance cameras everywhere in big cities, and these surveillance cameras form the Sky Eye system.

Many criminals will be nowhere to hide under the Sky Eye system after committing crimes.

However, there are few villages in rural areas that install surveillance cameras.

This document is aimed at this problem.

Specifically, surveillance cameras will be installed in all villages under this town.

And this is naturally the work of Li Weimin.

And this document is also a document that follows the process completely.

From the process level, there is no problem.


When everyone in Plan A knew about this document, they were all shocked.

The reason is very simple.

Don't think that this document is just a document for rural safety issues.

But any official document that comes to writing and can be issued needs to be re-issued.reconsider.

However, Li Weimin, the big boss, requested such an official document for their Plan A.

This is simply scary.


And this document points to the installation of surveillance in various villages, naturally in order to better observe Ta Village and that Ta Village through surveillance.

And in order not to alert the enemy.

The relevant installers did not go directly to Ta Village. ,

Instead, they first installed surveillance in the villages around Ta Village before going to Ta Village.

Ge Village.

"Okay, old man, take a look." A surveillance installer in a blue uniform said to a man in his sixties after debugging the installed surveillance. This man is the village party secretary of Ge Village.

At this time, they were in a room in the village committee that was specially vacated to be used as the central surveillance room of Ge Village.

And as the surveillance installer debugged it, the surveillance screen in the room showed the situation of each intersection.

And this surveillance screen was also synchronized to the large screen in the office of Plan A.

Then, the surveillance screen was reduced to a corner of the big screen in the office.

And this surveillance screen can be called up at any time when it is used.

"Not bad, young man, come down and have a cup of tea." The village party secretary of the Ge Village Committee took a puff of his pipe and said.

"No, old man, we have to go to other villages next." The surveillance installer said.

After that, the surveillance installer said goodbye to the village party secretary and got on the Jinbei van with several other installers.

The village party secretary looked at the direction where the Jinbei van left, puffing his pipe, his eyes flashing, and I don't know what he was thinking.

And it's not just Ge Village.

Such a scene is also happening in other villages.

Zhou Village!

Yin Village!


Feng Village!

Villages are equipped with surveillance.

The surveillance images of these villages also appear on the big screen of Plan A Office one by one.

On the map, the villages around Ta Village were lit up one after another, and Plan A had a field of vision for these villages.

In the end, there were only two or three villages left, including Ta Village, and the regional map of the town where Ta Village was located was about to be completely lit up.

On this day.

Outside Ta Village.

A Jinbei van was heading towards Ta Village.

Several surveillance installers in the car.

One of the surveillance installers slightly adjusted a button on his chest.

The button is a miniature camera.

The images captured by this camera will be synchronized to the office of Plan A.

At the same time, in the office of Plan A.

Li Weimin and others looked nervous.

After so much preparation, it was finally the turn of Ta Village to install the surveillance.


At the same time.

In a two-story building in the center of Ta Village.

"I always feel that something bad is going to happen."

Li Yaodong frowned and muttered to himself.

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