The interception rate of the Hutian air defense system in these rounds of tests reached 90% to 95%.

An interception rate of more than 90% has reached the t1 level among similar weapons products in the world.

As we all know, there are only two ways for the Haimai Group to cause the greatest damage to Inler.

One is the fearless surprise attack tactic, and the other is the rocket bombing tactic.

After Jialimai intervened, the Junhuo of the Haimai Group was restricted. Now Inler has the Hutian air defense system with such a high interception rate.

‘Lore! ’

The top leaders of various countries couldn’t help but think of this word.

Sure enough, Jialimai is Jialimai, and he killed it as soon as he got on the stage.


Naturally, the top leaders of these countries also saw Jialimai’s intention to do this. The other party wanted to force the supporters behind the Haimai Group to come out and fight.

These top leaders also wanted to see how the supporters behind the Haimai Group would react.

However, on second thought, they felt that Jia Ali Mai was using too much force.

Maybe he was scared and didn't dare to show up.

After all, the situation faced by the Haimai Group was extremely desperate.

They had no idea how the supporters behind the Haimai Group would break the situation.

"Maybe the supporter behind the Haimai Group, Uncle Dangerous Dong, will directly abandon the Haimai Group."

A senior official in a certain country sighed like this.


In the meeting room of the Yin & Perry Working Group.

Mardy Lyon also felt that he had used too much force in this set of killer moves, forcing the supporters behind the Haimai Group to not dare to show up.

But then he had a thought in his mind, and thought again, if the supporter behind the Haimai Group, Uncle Dangerous Dong, couldn't even resist his own killer moves, then this opponent would be like that.

'It may even be that the deaths of the leaders of the small separatist organizations that we brought back before were just coincidences. ’

For some reason, such a thought came to his mind.

And now, he just needs to wait quietly.


At this time.

Haimai Group.

In the leader's office, Abbas was also watching the live broadcast. After seeing the interception rate figures in the last live broadcast, despair surged in his heart.

Now, their original cooperation with Junhuo Shang has also terminated their cooperation with them. Now the other party has this [Heaven Protection] system, an air defense system that can be called the umbrella of the sky. The other party is equivalent to being invincible.

As one grows, the other declines, their situation is a bit precarious.

"Mr. Li."

After a few thoughts flashed through his mind, he opened a video call with Li Qisheng.

"You should know the situation our Haimai Group is facing." He said directly.


Li Qisheng also watched the live broadcast of Inler showing his muscles, and of course he understood the situation facing the Haimai Group.

"I know Mr. Abbas, do you want me to contact Uncle Dong?" he asked.

Of course, he had no ability to handle this situation, and the other party was not asking him to solve it by opening a video call with him.

Hearing this, Abbas nodded. He had no solution to the situation facing their Haimai Group, and could only pin his hopes on Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

Of course, he also wanted to test Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's attitude by opening this video.

He was also afraid that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong would give up supporting them because their situation was too desperate.

However, now that he saw Li Qisheng, the agent of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, asking him if he wanted him to contact Uncle Dong, he put his heart back in his stomach.


"Okay, I understand." Li Qisheng said solemnly. He also knew that the situation on the Haimai Group was indeed a bit serious. Although he had grown a lot under the guidance of Uncle Dong, Li Yaodong, and was not panicked, he also felt the pressure in his mentality.

In fact, in order to make his mentality notHe was so tense, and he kept repeating in his mind the words that Uncle Dong said when he asked him to eat first.

"By the way, Mr. Li." Suddenly, Abbas thought of the style of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong——

The other party was the kind of person who was full of deep meaning in every move.

So, he said: "Please, Mr. Li, tell me what Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong said and did later."

Perhaps, one of the other party's small actions was full of deep meaning, so that he could understand how to deal with the next situation.

"Of course, I mean things that do not involve Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's privacy."

Abbas added that he was not asking Li Qisheng to monitor Uncle Dangerous. If Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong misunderstood, then he...


Li Qisheng understood what the other party meant: "Okay, I understand!"

The two of them didn't talk much nonsense. After talking about this matter, they hung up the video directly.

After hanging up the video call, Li Qisheng closed his eyes and sorted out his thoughts. He felt that the situation on the Haimai Group was a bit tricky.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Soon after, he knocked on the door of Dongshu Li Yaodong's house.


At this time, Li Yaodong had finished his sleep and was watching the evening news on TV.

After Li Qisheng knocked on the door and was allowed to come in, he saw their Dongshu Li Yaodong, whose face was uncertain under the light from the news screen on TV.

At this time.

On the news screen, a country had a flood, and in the picture, the flood submerged residential areas.

"Uncle Dong." Li Qisheng glanced at the video screen, and then respectfully shouted to their Dongshu Li Yaodong.

At this time, he thought of what Abbas had told him not long ago when he was talking to him on the phone, that he should tell the other party about their Dongshu's every move that might be full of deep meaning.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the flood picture in the news again.

"Uncle Dong is watching the news, and there is a flood on the news!"

Quickly, he sent a message to Abbas.

He didn't know if Uncle Dong's behavior had any deep meaning, but he still sent the message.


After hanging up the video call with Li Qisheng, Abbas was praying in the direction of their Jigus Temple. This temple is the third largest temple of the god they believe in. When he is uneasy, he will pray.

Just after praying, he received this message from Li Qisheng.

"Flood? Flood?"

Abbas murmured in a low voice.

He was also thinking in his heart.

But, flood? What is the deep meaning of this flood? ? ?

He couldn't help but frowned.


(The 18th round of power generation started, the power 2895, 19:41.)

(The power generation was a bit low yesterday)

(Please generate power for all the villagers, the power generation is enough, and there will be more)

(Putting bowls:)

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