At this time, in the top notice of Li Yaodong's live broadcast room, it was written that a live broadcast of the steel pipe factory would be held tomorrow.

"Does he really think he is a serious professional challenge anchor?" Li Fei saw that Li Yaodong, a fan criminal, actually made a live broadcast announcement in a serious manner, and he couldn't help but sneered.

Hearing this, Li Weimin's brows frowned.

After his eyes fell on Li Fei, he looked away and looked at the other people present.

Suddenly, his brows frowned even deeper.

Because he saw that Li Fei and others felt that Li Yaodong, a small smuggling fan, was nothing in comparison with the international situation after reading the international news, so they looked down on him.

Or maybe they felt that their plan A was about to end, so they were a little slack in their emotions.

But no matter what the reason was, it was not a good sign.

"Come on, don't forget that this Dongshu Li Yaodong is a criminal."

He frowned and reminded everyone: "Besides, maybe there is something fishy about this steel pipe factory."

He said this just to make everyone pay attention.

"Yes." The old agent Sun Danian also felt that everyone's mentality had changed a little, so he also cooperated with their Li Weimin and said: "This Dongshu Li Yaodong is not a simple person. Don't forget that the kindergartens and nursing homes that seemed ordinary to us before have been played out in Li Yaodong's hands. He even used these two places to influence the entire Dongshan City from top to bottom, and this steel pipe factory may also hide something."

Naturally, he just cooperated with Li Weimin and Li Weimin, and he couldn't think of what a small steel pipe factory could have.


Li Qisheng booked a flight for the next morning.

Li Yaodong and Li Yaodong got up early in the morning and rushed to the airport. A few hours later, the corresponding flight landed at the airport.

The person in charge of the steel pipe factory had been waiting here early.

However, it can be seen that the efficiency of this steel pipe factory is not very good.

The car that the person in charge came to pick up Li Yaodong and Li Qisheng was actually a Jinbei van.

"Mr. Li, don't be disgusted." The person in charge said a little embarrassedly.

After a brief greeting, Li Yaodong and Li Qisheng got on the van.

This van actually has many advantages, but for Li Yaodong, the biggest advantage is that it is still spacious.

After getting on the van, he started the live broadcast.

Many netizens who followed Li Yaodong's live broadcast room rushed in after receiving the news that the anchor they followed had started broadcasting.


"As soon as I came in, I saw someone driving. Love it."

"You really drive."

"I saw the announcement last night saying that today we will be shown a steel pipe factory live? Is that true? What is there to see in this steel pipe factory?"

"Yeah, it's too boring to see a steel pipe factory."

"No wonder your live broadcast room is pushed by the program team. It's not very popular. There is no program effect."

"Host, I think you have to take a different approach to save your live broadcast room? Uh... Well, there is nothing worth taking a different approach to in a steel pipe factory."

"It's true that the host's content is not interesting, but I'm used to giving the host free votes every day."


Li Yaodong naturally noticed these comments, but his mentality was not affected by thinking.

'If I had this mentality before. '

Li Yaodong couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

You know, when he just participated in this "Professional Challenge" and chose the villager profession, he saw the comments of these villagers saying that his profession was not interesting, and he got the Dongshu template matched by the drama system, so he had the idea of ​​taking a different approach.

But now, his mentality has changed and he has grown up.

Now thinking of his way of taking a different approach to add color, he can't help but laugh.

Now, he just wants to land smoothly.

He also enjoys his current state, live broadcast, and then slowly accumulates enough color value to unlock the next profession.

He doesn't want to add color to, for the popularity of the live broadcast room, and do something very criminal.

"Later, when we get to the steel pipe factory, I will introduce our steel pipes to everyone. If you want steel pipes, you can place an order directly in my live broadcast room."

He said after looking at the barrage.

His main plan now is to revitalize several factories under his control that are not very profitable.


At this time.

Everyone in Plan A is also watching Li Yaodong's live broadcast room.

"He seems to attach great importance to his steel pipe factory?"

Sun Danian couldn't help but say as he watched this scene.

Before, he cooperated with their Li Weimin's words and said that there might be something fishy about this steel pipe factory, and wanted to make others tighten their minds and not relax too much.

However, now seeing this fan criminal, he actually seems to really attach importance to this steel pipe factory and wants to sell steel pipes through live broadcast, which makes him feel a little strange.

This is not like the style of a fan criminal.

And there must be something fishy when things are out of the ordinary, maybe it's true...

"You want to say there's something fishy? Maybe he's just crazy."

Li Fei answered.

However, even though he said that, he couldn't help but show a thoughtful look.

You know, although he felt that as long as Li Yaodong delivered the goods to Zhao Jialiang, he could arrest Li Yaodong, which made him relax a little, and in addition, he had read international news before and felt that Li Yaodong, a glutton, was just like that compared with the international storm.

However, the international storm was too far away from them after all, and he also personally felt how difficult this glutton uncle Li Yaodong was.

And now, after Sun Danian's reminder, he couldn't help but think about it.

The other party's reaction was indeed not right.

At this time, everyone else also showed a thoughtful look.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, at this time, a printer sounded.

"This is the information I sorted out about this Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory, you can take a look." Liu Mei said.

"Director Li."

As she spoke, Liu Mei began to distribute the information to everyone present.


After receiving the information, everyone in Plan A began to flip through it.

The sound of flipping through documents rang out.

"There is something wrong with the Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory." At one point, Director Li Weimin looked up after flipping through the information and said.


(The 18th round of power generation started, the power is 3794, 20:37.)

(Today's power generation is enough to add more chapters, but I'm stuck. I know exactly how to write the rest of the story, and there are countless plots to write, but when I start writing, I feel like I can't write it. People who have written novels know this feeling, how painful it is, how much you doubt your life, how you want to die, ah ah ah, it's so uncomfortable.)

(But don't worry, I will definitely pay it back. Those who have been reading my books all know that even if I'm stuck and owe more chapters, Xiao An will definitely pay it back later, and no matter how many chapters I add, I will definitely not update less.)

(I won't set the table today, woo woo woo, it's so uncomfortable to be stuck)

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