I saw a tall figure wearing a Zhongshan suit, full of elegance, appeared on the big screen in Plan A's office.

As the only girl at the scene, Liu Mei couldn't help but take a breath when she saw Li Yaodong.

She had seen Li Yaodong's photos and related videos before.

She knew that Li Yaodong's appearance was more impactful than the young and handsome guys in the entertainment industry.

But maybe it was because of the first-person perspective now.

At this time, seeing the other party, plus the elegant atmosphere on the other party.

She felt that she was directly shocked by the other party's appearance.

Handsome, really handsome.

Moreover, it was not the kind of superficial handsomeness, the kind of handsomeness that gave people a handsome feeling, but there was nothing inside.

And the kind of handsomeness with connotation, people can tell at a glance that this man has connotation.

Well-read, elegant and handsome.

'You are a beautiful woman, but why do you become a thief. '

At this moment.

Liu Mei couldn't help but have such a thought in her mind.


Although this sentence is not suitable for a man.

But this is her real first reaction.

However, as a serious policewoman, Liu Mei quickly restrained her slightly complicated mood.

Then, she squinted her eyes and observed Li Yaodong.

After observing for a few seconds, she suddenly shuddered and felt a chill all over her body.


Just now, he made a reverse psychological portrait of Li Yaodong, or reverse crime profiling.


The so-called crime profiling refers to analyzing the crime behavior of the criminal at the crime scene, inferring the psychological characteristics of the criminal, and then outlining some of the criminal's physiological characteristics, personality characteristics and family environment.

And reverse crime profiling, as the name suggests, is to judge the personality characteristics of a person through his physiological characteristics and some micro-movements, so as to analyze the crime that this person may have committed.

This sounds very mysterious, but in fact, it is very simple when you look at it.


For example, a person with a very gloomy personality often frowns, so if you look closely, you can see a faint mark between his eyebrows.

Even if this person disguises himself well, you can still judge his true personality through this mark, plus some other physiological characteristics on him, such as this gloomy person has special calluses on the index finger and thumb, which can also be judged that this person often uses a gun.


His gloomy personality,

plus the physiological marks on his fingers left by his frequent use of guns.

Moreover, he also tries to show a personality different from his true personality to the outside world, so this person is very problematic.

Through other physiological characteristics of the other party, you can more specifically judge what the other party has done.

The more psychological characteristics you observe, combined with a certain imagination and reasoning, you can really judge what this person has done in the past.


As a high IQ talent with an IQ of 144, Liu Mei can basically reach a relatively proficient level after seriously studying a certain ability.

Liu Mei also has research on this kind of reverse profiling of crimes.

And just now, Liu Mei was observing Li Yaodong through this reverse profiling of crimes.

And through the various physiological characteristics and details of Li Yaodong, as well as every change in micro-expression, she conducted a reverse profiling of crimes.

These details are telling her——

Li Yaodong, who looks gentle and elegant, is actually a sheep in sheep's clothing. No! It's a tiger.

In fact, Li Yaodong, who is wearing the template of Tazhai Dongshu, is naturally a dangerous person.

After all, the real Tazhai Dongshu is a fierce man who leads the whole village to smuggle.

Moreover, one person can suppress the criminals in the entire Tazhai. How can such a person not be dangerous?



And watching...

Cold sweat began to drip down Liu Mei's face.

Her face gradually turned pale.

You know, to do this kind of reverse profiling of food crimes, it is not enough to just observe some physiological characteristics and micro-movements.

You also have to put yourself in the picture, use your imagination to construct the scene, and constantly fill in the details obtained from the observed person.

This is a huge test for imagination.

And the more imaginative a person is, the closer this kind of reverse deduction is to reality.

As a genius with an IQ of 144, Liu Mei's imagination is naturally rich.

In her construction, Li Yaodong is a food criminal who does all kinds of evil and a smuggling boss.

On the surface, he is gentle and elegant, but behind the scenes, he is cruel and ruthless.

In order to control Ta Village, he even secretly dealt with several people in Ta Village who did not obey him. After all, in this time and space, copyright is valued, so smuggling is a serious crime.

He might show mercy to the people of Ta Village, but he was more decisive in killing outsiders.

It can be said that his hands were covered with blood.

It was for this reason that Li Yaodong established the name of Uncle Dong in such a short time.

Li Yaodong was also very smart and good at playing with people's hearts...

In order to better construct these imaginative scenarios, Liu Mei also put her own image into her fictional scenes.


In it, she naturally faced Uncle Dong, a hypocritical criminal.

Although she had a high IQ and was a policewoman, she was a girl in her twenties after all. Even if she entered the well management system, she was engaged in technical work and had never faced criminals.

Now she was facing Uncle Dong, a terrifying criminal.

Facing Uncle Dong, who she had constructed in the virtual scenario, she felt like a stripped lamb.

She could not resist at all and could only let the other party ravage her.

She was constantly forced into a corner.

Suddenly, Uncle Dong grabbed at her.

He seemed to want to tear off some kind of fig leaf.

"Don't come over, don't come over, please, Uncle Dong."

She shouted loudly.

She covered her chest and curled up in the corner like a frightened cat.

Her voice was also crying.

"Liu Mei, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Danian was also startled.


He just saw that Liu Mei looked at the big screen and something was wrong.

Her face was pale and she was sweating.

He patted her lightly with his hand and wanted to ask her what was wrong.

But he didn't expect that his hand just patted her lightly, and her reaction was so big.

It was as if she had suffered some kind of huge shock.


And Liu Mei's scream also attracted the attention of everyone in the A Plan Office.

"Liu Mei, what's wrong with you?"

"You just said Uncle Dong doesn't want it?" Have you known this Li Yaodong for a long time? ”

“What happened?”

“Liu Mei, don’t be afraid, we are all here. "

When these people's eyes fell on Liu Mei, their faces changed.

Because Liu Mei's condition was very wrong at this time.

The whole person was exhausted to the extreme, and her face was extremely pale.


They were full of worry.

At the same time, their eyes looking at Liu Mei also became wrong.


You know, Liu Mei originally looked like a cute girl.

But her personality is in great contrast with her appearance.

She is a very taciturn, lonely and cold person.

And now seeing Liu Mei's reaction, countless speculations came to their minds.

Maybe Liu Mei didn't have such a lonely personality before, but like her appearance, she was the kind of energetic girl.

It's just because she suffered some huge setbacks, or some bad experiences.

And as agents, they have naturally heard of such things.

'Could it be that the person who brought Liu Mei a bad experience is this uncle Dong Li Yaodong?'

PresentThis thought popped up in everyone's mind.

And looking at Liu Mei's current state, combined with what Liu Mei just said, Uncle Dong, don't come over.

They had even worse thoughts,

Could it be that Liu Mei had been raped by this Uncle Dong......

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