It was because the steel pipe company of Pengli had contacted their steel pipe factory before and took a batch of steel pipes from them. Of course, at that time, he had not figured out the threads that could increase the water flow rate.

But the raw materials of the steel pipes themselves have been improved, and the quality is very hard.

At that time, he saw that the other party was from Pengli, so he sold it to him at 20 yuan per pipe.


The other party bought 10,000 pipes at that time. Originally, the other party said that if the quality was good, they might import another batch of steel pipes from them, but there was no follow-up.

He didn't care much about this, after all, he didn't have a good impression of Pengli itself.

But he didn't expect that this time the company of Pengli actually came to his live broadcast room to place an order.


And the reason for his black face was very simple, because the company of Pengli was too cunning and actually came to his live broadcast room to steal wool.

After all, if the other party had not placed an order in the live broadcast room, he would definitely sell it to the other party for 20 yuan, but now it is half the price.

In fact, Li Yaodong was not talking nonsense when he told the netizens in the live broadcast room that he was giving them a discount on the steel pipe.

Although he made some profit from 10 yuan for a steel pipe, it can only be regarded as small profits but quick turnover.

‘Damn, the people of Pengli are fleecing them.’

Li Yaodong was speechless.

And the other party placed this order, which just scared him.

But he has his own principles in doing business. Since he has already said in the live broadcast room that this steel pipe is 10 yuan.

No matter who the other party is, even if the other party is from Pengli, whom he hates, he will not regret it.

But he has also made up his mind that he must not sell it to his own Longguo people in terms of quality, at least he will not do that on the thread.

For the thread, he thinks that he can just carve it for them twice.

Thinking about this in his heart, Li Yaodong also restrained his expression. ,


At this time, Plan A is here.

Looking at the information of the largest water pipe manufacturer in Pengli on the big screen, everyone present was a little bit unbelievable.

However, they have great confidence in Liu Mei's technology, so they naturally understand that this information must not be fake.

In other words, this order of more than 1 million steel pipes is a normal transaction, and there is no such trick as they imagined?


‘Does this company really exist? ’

Li Qisheng also searched for the information of the water pipe manufacturer in Pengli on Baidu, and he really found it for him.

Originally, he thought that the main buyers of the steel pipes produced by their Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory were the Haimai Group where Yabas was.

Although their uncle Dong Li Yaodong said that the advantages of these steel pipes were exaggerated, after all, their Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory was a small factory.

Even if someone wanted to buy steel pipes, it was impossible to buy them in a small factory like theirs.

But I didn't expect that someone would really buy these steel pipes that can be used as water pipes from them.

‘Uncle Dong is awesome! ’

He couldn’t help but give his Uncle Dong a thumbs up in his heart, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: Uncle Dong is Uncle Dong, he can even do serious business.


At this time, Abbas.

‘Awesome, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong. ’

At this time, their thoughts were similar to Li Qisheng, thinking that this Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was so good at serious business.


At this time, Li Yaodong’s heart was full of speechlessness.

But soon, he also comforted himself in his heart.

Think about it in a positive way, at least things didn’t develop in a very criminal direction.

After all, this company has cooperated with him once, and it is a very famous company in Pengli.

This is a serious company that produces tap water pipes.

This kind of company is definitely not going to do those kinds of very criminal things.

But Li Yaodong’s heart moved, but he looked at Li Qisheng and showed him aA meaningful look.

Li Qisheng, who was sighing at his uncle Dong's awesomeness, was stunned when he saw this smile.

Uncle Dong's smile?


The reason why Li Yaodong showed Li Qisheng such a meaningful smile.

It was because he suddenly remembered that he still had to push forward his plan of [increasing output without breaking or building].

And now he was very sure that there would be no serious situation in this company.

In this case, he naturally had to seize this opportunity to mislead the other party.

Seeing Li Qisheng's reaction, he knew that his misleading was very successful.

In the future, when Li Qisheng found that there was no deep meaning in this, he would understand what kind of person he was.


After misleading Li Yaodong, Li Yaodong looked at Zhao Jialiang, the informant of Plan A.

At this time, Zhao Jialiang was relieved when he knew that the party who placed the order was a very famous water pipe manufacturer in Pengli Country.

In his heart, he was also sighing that this uncle Dong Li Yaodong was really good.

Before, he thought that as a smuggler, he would only do this kind of side business, but he didn't expect that he could do a very good job in legitimate business.

At the same time, he was also sighing in his heart. Such a capable person has become a criminal...

"Mr. Zhao, do you still remember what I said? Don't just look at the surface of things."

Suddenly Li Yaodong leaned close to Zhao Jialiang's ear and whispered.

In order to mislead Zhao Jialiang, Li Yaodong has used the dangerous temperament of Uncle Dong of Tazhai that he has not used for a long time.



What do you mean?

Hearing this.

Zhao Jialiang felt a chill from his coccyx to the top of his head.

The hairs all over his body stood up at this moment.


"Mr. Zhao, I was just joking, haha."

Faced with Zhao Jialiang's hairy reaction, Li Yaodong laughed and said:

"The company that placed the order, Peng Li, is a serious company. Didn't you just check it on the Internet?"

Although he said it as a joke, coupled with his current dangerous temperament, this statement seemed to have no credibility at all.


(The 21st round of power generation, power generation 636, 19:06, 4/27)

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