"What? It's not as simple as it seems?" Li Weimin frowned. It was the second day, and he was talking to Zhao Jialiang. The other party told him what Li Yaodong whispered to him yesterday. Zhao Jialiang didn't call until the second day because he was afraid of being monitored by Li Yaodong there. So after leaving Yantai City, he found a very secret place to make this call. Li Weimin asked Liu Mei to check the phone yesterday. Liu Mei couldn't check it at all because Li Yaodong's mobile phone was encrypted. However, Liu Mei used technology to record the voiceprint of the Pengli man from the live broadcast room. By comparing the voiceprint and other technical means, it was confirmed that the voice was the head of the purchasing department of Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. In other words, this order of up to one million steel pipes was a normal transaction. ...........................................

However, today Zhao Jialiang called and told them what Li Yaodong said yesterday.

At this time, not only Li Weimin frowned, but everyone in Plan A also frowned.

‘What the hell is going on? ’

Everyone was a little annoyed

It was clearly found out that the person who called was a director of Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

But Dongshu Li Yaodong said such words to Zhao Jialiang again.

You can't say that Dongshu Li Yaodong is deliberately making a mystery, right?

After fighting with the other party several times, they also knew that the other party was definitely not such a person.

But you can't say that such a Pengli company, a large company, has anything to do with people like Li Yaodong.

At this moment, they all felt a little brain-burning.


While everyone in Plan A was frowning, Li Qisheng's brows were also tightly frowned.

It can even kill a fly.

"What should I do?"

He muttered to himself.

Yesterday, Abbas did not place an order in the live broadcast room. After all, there was already a large order of one million steel pipes. Then they did not need to support Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, but contacted Li Qisheng, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's agent, privately.


Abbas asked for 100,000 steel pipes.

Even, very proactively, Abbas also raised the price of the steel pipe to 50 Dragon Country coins per pipe.

After all, they could not fleece Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong like Xiao Pengli.

And compared to the quality of the steel pipe.

The price of 50 Dragon Country coins is already cheap enough.


At this time, Li Qisheng was worried about how to transport this batch of steel pipes.

Abbas placed the order in the name of the water pipe factory, which means that this order will be transported to the Middle East area through formal channels without any problems.

After arriving in the Middle East area, they can also use the previous secret channels to send it to the base camp of Abbas, that is, the Perishin area.

Even after the leaders of the small organizations that leaked the secrets in the Jialima Junshi base were solved last time, the leaders of other small organizations that had contact with them were more awed by their uncle Dong and his men.

So this secret channel has become more secretive.


But because of the last incident, many countries have focused their attention on the Haimai Group in Abbas.

In this way, there may be some problems.

At this time, Li Qisheng was thinking about how to attract the attention of various countries.

Because his mind was all in this regard, he didn't have too much energy to think about the Pengli steel pipe.

"Attract attention, attract attention."

He muttered to himself.

But he racked his brains but had no idea.

Suddenly at this time, he heard a noise.


Looking up, I saw that it was a truck transporting steel pipes, and this batch of steel pipes was transported to Xiaopengli by air.

However, this batch of steel pipes only had 50,000 pieces. After all, although the production efficiency of their improved production line was already very high.

But it was impossible to produce so many steel pipes overnight.

Before, the steel pipes of their Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory had no market, so they did not dare to produce too many.

There were not many stocks.

This batch of 50,000 steel pipes was all the stocks, plus the ones produced overnight yesterday.

"Mr. Li."

The truck drivers greeted Li Qisheng when they saw him.

Li Qisheng did not act pretentiously, and also responded a few times.

'What is the secret of this batch of steel pipes sent to Pengli? '

He watched these trucks leave.

Because he saw this batch of steel pipes sent to Pengli by air again.

Involuntarily, such a thought emerged in his mind again.

But he immediately focused his energy on the Haimai Group.


After a while, this batch of steel pipes shipped to Pengli passed the customs inspection and was ready to be shipped by air.

At the same time, Plan A received a call from the customs.

"No problem?" After hearing this result, Li Weimin frowned.

"Lao Liu, I'll invite you to drink together when I'm free."

After saying a few polite words to his acquaintance in the customs, Li Weimin hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, his brows frowned again.

This scene gave him a sense of déjà vu.


Before, they checked the agricultural and sideline products that Li Yaodong sent to Middle East, and they didn't find any problems at the beginning.

Later, they asked people from the special department to check the situation in Middle East, and found out that this batch of agricultural and sideline products was shipped to the pirates there to sell as luxury goods.

How similar is this scene now.

But the difference is that the people in the special department seem to have a task recently, so he can't bother them to check Pengli again.


At the same time.

Li Yaodong also received the news that their batch of steel pipes had passed the customs inspection and were ready to be airlifted to Pengli.

"It seems that everything is normal."

Li Yaodong muttered. This is also reasonable.

Then, he called Mr. Ono of Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. and told him that the goods had been shipped.

Then, he checked the bank account again.

There was an extra 10 million in the account.


This was the call from the company on the Pengli side. It was not that the company in Pengli was so sincere in cooperation that it transferred all the money before receiving the goods.

It was because Li Yaodong was very unhappy with Pengli.

So, when communicating with the other party yesterday, he said that only if the other party paid the full amount, they would ship the goods one after another.

Because Yaodong's attitude was very tough, the other party agreed.

Of course, it may also be because the other party also felt that they were a big company and Li Yaodong didn't dare to cheat them, so they agreed.


At the airport, the batch of steel pipes were loaded onto the cargo plane.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a while.

The cargo plane cut through the sky and headed for the destination.

Everything was calm and nothing happened.


Until the cargo plane took off, Plan A was paying attention to the situation here.

But in the end, it was such a result.

Suddenly, Li Weimin frowned again.

'These signs show that this batch of steel pipes are ordinary steel pipes. '

Thoughts flashed in his mind.

He said, "Is there any news from Pengli recently?"

"What news?"

Hearing this, Li Fei muttered to himself:

"There is indeed news, I seem to rememberRecently, Pengli is conducting some volunteer selection, and there seems to be nothing else. "

Hearing this, Li Weimin nodded.

He didn't take this news seriously.

After all...


(The 21st round of power generation, power generation 1124, 19:10, 4/28)

(After the preparation, I'm going to get into the rhythm, but if I generate more power, I can present this story to everyone faster. So, can I send you a free love power, fellow villagers? The power generation is too little. If it weren't for a fellow villager who gave me a bigger gift, the power generation today would be even less.)

(Put a bowl, woo woo:


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