However, when he opened the backend of his short video software, he saw the number of views of this short video in the backend.

He exclaimed.

"Fuck, how come there are suddenly millions of views?"


At this moment, the program director was full of question marks.

After he refreshed the page slightly, he found that there were 100,000+ views after just one refresh, which made him even more confused.

After all, he also knew the quality of the short video he made.

A short video of this quality can be a little popular, but it is impossible to be so popular.

Finally, he had an idea and clicked on the comment area of ​​this short video, and his eyes fell on the two hottest comments in the comment area.

Hot comment 1: "Your ridiculous speech is like your pitiful body full of holes"

Hot comment 2: "Your speech is very convincing, and so is my 炝"


When he saw these two comments, the program director had more nicknames on his forehead.

What the hell, he felt like he had entered the wrong comment section.

Moreover, these two comments seemed to contradict each other.

How could the speech be both ridiculous and persuasive?

Then, he clicked on the folded comments in these two hot comments.

After looking at these folded comments and browsing other comments in his comment section.



He was shocked and his eyes almost fell to the ground.

But he still couldn't believe what he saw in his comment section.

Then he opened the search box of the short video software and searched for keywords.

And when he finished reading what he searched, he was...



Li Weimin and others in the A Plan office watched the live broadcast of the news channel.

One by one, they all stood there stunned.

They didn't expect that a social activist like Ichiro Motohashi, who was very famous in Pengli and even known as a commoner among the people, would be shot on the street?

But after they reacted, they all shouted that it was exciting and refreshing.


You should know that the people present in Plan A are either from the Jingwu system or the Junfang system.

These people can join the Plan A team. Apart from other things, their values ​​are very positive. Naturally, it is reasonable for them to have such a reaction.

But until this time, they have not connected this "tragedy" with the batch of steel pipes that were transported to Pengli under their attention.

After all, he did not have a God's perspective. All he saw was the scene in the live broadcast of the Jingbian Masao holding a weapon that seemed to be a double-barreled musket and shooting at the famous social activist, Ichiro Motohashi.


At this time, Liu Mei was also browsing the relevant news silently while everyone was shouting about the excitement. It was not that she was unhappy or that her values ​​were not correct, and she did not feel that the news was very exciting, but that her personality was like this, and she felt very excited in her heart.

"Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd."

However, when she turned to a certain news, she suddenly widened her eyes and exclaimed.

This exclamation made everyone in Plan A stunned.

Subconsciously, everyone present looked at Liu Mei.


"What's wrong, Liu Mei."

This was asked by Team Leader Lou Xiaoping.

In his opinion, his last interpretation of the dark under the lamp was misleading Plan A.

So during this period, he basically did not speak much, just as a bystander, but heard that this cute girl, but Liu Mei, who was more introverted in character, actually exclaimed in surprise.

He was naturally a little curious.

I asked this question subconsciously.


However, after hearing Lou Xiaoping's question, Liu Mei was still a little stunned.

But after a few seconds, she came back to her senses.

He himself was an introverted person and didn't like to talk much, and now he was too shocked.

So, she didn't explain what she saw.

She just answered everyone with actions.

She pressed a key on the keyboard with a snap.

Suddenly, the news she had just browsed appeared on the big screen.


Subconsciously, everyone in Plan A looked at the news page.

And when they saw the familiar name in the news, [Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.].

They were all stunned.

This? Hiss? !

"It's dark under the lamp."

And Lou Xiaoping also subconsciously muttered to himself: "It's dark under the lamp..."


At this time in the hotel.

Zhao Jialiang's face turned blue and black, and at this moment he was icy cold all over.

"What the hell! What the hell!"

Blisters of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

'This handwriting, this this... How is this possible? '

'What on earth does he want to...'

He muttered to himself.

One by one, the thoughts called guesses also appeared in his mind.


At this time, Li Qisheng was here.

Watching the live broadcast, the famous social activist Ichiro Motobashi fell to the ground and was game over.

Li Qisheng did not immediately connect the other party's game over with them.

After he learned more details and roughly understood what was going on, he was completely dumbfounded.

'Uncle Dong...Uncle Dong? '

This? ! ! ! ! !

And then.

His whole body was shocked.

At this time, he was blessed with a sudden inspiration and figured out something.

You know, from the end of yesterday until he saw this news, he was thinking about how to divert the attention of various countries from Middle East.

But he racked his brains but couldn't think of any useful method.

After all, no matter how strong a person's ability is, he is just a small Karami on the international stage.

And now he has figured it out.

'It turns out that Uncle Dong has already done everything......'


(The 21st round of power generation, power generation 2528, 18:22, 5/1)

(Happy May Day to all folks.)

(Since Xiao An is still working hard to update on May Day, can you give me a free love power generation)

(Putting bowls:)


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