"......All hit Mr. Motohashi."

This capable subordinate said with a serious face.


And here at Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

With the sound of footsteps, a team of security officers in black uniforms entered the steel pipe Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.


Several senior executives of Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. were taken away by this team.

However, these senior executives are also well-known figures in Pengli. Although this team of security officers represents the Security Bureau, they also maintain due respect in their attitude towards these bigwigs.


And these bigwigs who were taken away also winked at each other when they were taken into the car.

When Ichiro Motohashi was killed in the street and died in the end, they quickly got the news.

After realizing that this Masao Ibe was their outsourced employee, they were even more nervous.

Later, they got more detailed information and learned that the double-barreled musket used by Masao Ibe was actually modified from one of the steel pipes imported by their Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

Suddenly, their hearts were even more numb.


However, these people were able to sit in the current position, and their hearts were still very strong.

It didn't take long for them to calm down.

Afterwards, they asked people to check the batch of steel pipes and found that there was no problem with the batch of steel pipes. It was just that this bastard called Masao Ibe used them for assassination.

The steel pipes themselves had no problems, so they were naturally not afraid of being checked, but they still quickly held a meeting.


Only the most core senior executives could participate in this meeting.

At this meeting, they reached a consensus that they must not disclose that their batch of steel pipes were imported from Longguo.

After all, their Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. claimed that their steel water pipes were all made with their own unique technology.

If it is exposed that they actually imported a large number of steel pipes from Longguo and wanted to sell them under their own brand.

Then it will be a big blow to the reputation of their company.

As for whether they concealed this situation and whether it would cause any trouble to the investigation of the Security Investigation Bureau, it was not within their consideration.

Besides, what kind of trouble can such a piece of news cause?

After all, his steel pipes are just ordinary steel pipes.


At this time, in the office of Mr. Liu in the southern exhibition area of ​​Longguo.

Listening to the report of Zhang Shuwen, a senior official in charge of intelligence, Mr. Liu Wenwu's face became strange.

"Is this Jingbian Masao's double-barreled musket modified from steel water pipes? That is, steel pipes?"

Now the authenticity of this news has been confirmed, but Mr. Liu Wenwu still dares not to believe it.

If this is really the case, then the death of Ichiro Motohashi is too unjust.

"It's true that he died a little unjustly."

When Zhang Shuwen got the news, he felt strange.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked again.

Knock knock knock!

After opening the door of the office, Zhang Shuwen received a document from a staff member of their intelligence department.

After closing the door, he walked towards Mr. Liu Wenwu while flipping through it.

When he walked to Mr. Liu Wenwu's desk, he had quickly flipped through the report with intelligence.

Then he put the report in front of Mr. Liu Wenwu.

At this time, Zhang Shuwen's face also showed a strange look.

Obviously, the reason for the strangeness was this report!


Mr. Liu Wenwu glanced at Zhang Shuwen, a little confused.

Immediately, his eyes were on the document in front of him.

When Mr. Liu Wenwu's eyes fell on the first page of the report, the look of confusion on his face,It is even more intense.

Because there are several news items listed on the first page.

"This steel pipe factory is a national hero"

"Your ridiculous speech is like your pitiful shell full of holes"

'This? What does it mean? '

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

However, as he looked at the information... Mr. Liu's expression gradually became strange.

"This batch of steel pipes from Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. was imported from our steel pipe factory?"


In this regard, it was clearly written in the report. Mr. Liu Wenwu just asked subconsciously and did not expect to get an answer.

Even when he asked this question, he did not raise his head.

Then he turned to the next page and saw the name of this steel pipe factory in his own Longguo.

[Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory]

The place where this steel pipe factory is mentioned in this report also introduces some of the situation of this steel pipe factory.

"It's still an old steel pipe factory, so there should be no problem with this steel pipe factory?"

Old man Liu Wenwu muttered to himself while looking at the report.


It is written clearly here that this steel pipe factory named Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory is an ordinary steel pipe factory that is close to bankruptcy.

And it has been established for a long time, and it is considered an old steel pipe factory, but it was not well-known in the past.

When this batch of steel pipes was exported, it also followed the formal process.

"By the way, Shuwen, ask the relevant departments to suppress the heat of these news, and also block the relevant news from the outside."

At a certain moment.

Old man Liu looked up and gave Zhang Shuwei an order.

He was afraid that this news would spread to Pengli, letting Pengli know that this batch of steel pipes was imported from them.

Then Pengli would use this to throw dirty water on their Longguo.

Of course, the other party may also find out this situation, but they must not spread the news. Wouldn't that be equivalent to aiding the enemy?


After hearing what Mr. Liu said, Zhang Shuwen took out his mobile phone, dialed a few numbers, and gave a few instructions.

During this process, Mr. Liu Wenwu was also flipping through the report.

Soon, Mr. Liu Wenwu finished reading the current page and turned to the next page.

Then his eyes were fixed on the name of the owner of the steel pipe factory.

"Li Yaodong?"

He couldn't help but look at this name a few more times, but he didn't take it to heart.

"A very capable young man."

He looked at Li Yaodong's photo again and sighed.

The other party's steel pipe factory was on the verge of bankruptcy, but the other party was able to sell steel pipes to Pengli, where people were living a good life.

And because of this incident and the popularity on the Internet, this steel pipe factory was completely revitalized.

Countless orders came in like snowflakes.


Looking at this document, Mr. Liu Wenwu also had a good impression of Li Yaodong, a young man he had never met.

After all, such a young man was capable of revitalizing the steel pipe factory.

He could also make Pengli, who was living a good life, suffer a setback.

How could he not have a good impression of him.

Of course, most of his good impression came from the latter reason.

Then Mr. Liu Wenwu finished reading the document and put it aside.

This is an ordinary steel pipe factory, an ordinary young man, nothing worth noting...


Suddenly, Mr. Liu's heart moved, and he picked up the information again and turned to the page of Li Yaodong's information: "Shuwen, investigate this young man for me."


(The 21st round of power generation, power generation 3093, 19:37, 5/2)

(This is an extra chapter, no deception, extra chapters will be added when the power generation reaches the power generation, so Xiao An, who adds updates on time, asks for a free love power generation. Begging:)

(Putting bowls:)

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