During the war, their people took out the cotton wool from the quilt and made it into smokeless nitrocellulose, and then processed it into propellant and put it into battle.

The more he thought about it, the more sour he felt.

This is a quilt with multiple uses.


Abas happily expressed his thoughts, but he immediately thought of a problem:

"If you cover yourself with this kind of quilt, will it catch fire by accident?"

Although the cotton wool in this quilt will only burn quickly and will not explode.

But after it is lit, if it causes other things to burn, it will not be good.


"Hahaha, Mr. Abbas, you didn't watch our uncle Dong's live broadcast carefully. Didn't Uncle Dong say it in the live broadcast? Although the cotton wool inside is flammable, this quilt is fireproof."

Hearing what Abbas said, Li Qisheng couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that the other party was thinking of using one thing for multiple uses.

But he also understood this. After all, the other party had lived through hard times for too long, so he was naturally frugal and wanted to use one thing for multiple purposes.

Thinking about it... he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

You know.

In his heart, every word their uncle Dong said had a deep meaning,


Maybe their uncle Dong had long understood that the other party was such a frugal person.

Knowing that the other party would also use these quilts as ordinary quilts, he designed a fireproof quilt cover.


"How could I forget this?"

After Li Qisheng's reminder, Abbas remembered that Mr. Dongshu did say it during the live broadcast.

When Professor Brad heard Li Qisheng mention the quilt cover, he was stunned.

"Quilt cover, quilt cover?"

Mumbling this word, he seemed to think of something.


Abas also noticed the look of his chief weapons expert, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Professor Brad?"

At this time, Li Qisheng also noticed Brad's look, and looked at him in surprise.

"So this quilt has a function? It turns out that Mr. Dongshu has thought of everything?"

Brad's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself.


Hearing this, Li Qisheng was speechless for a while.

You say it.

At this time, he really wanted to say something.

The Riddler went back to Gotham.

At this time, Brad also came back to his senses while thinking.

After he exhaled a breath of foul air, he explained to Yabas and Li Qisheng:

"In addition to the complicated manufacturing process, this smokeless nitrocellulose actually has another huge difficulty, which is its storage."

"You know, if we have high-quality cotton, we can barely produce some smokeless digestible cotton through those complicated manufacturing processes-although the yield is not high. The problem of storage is not easy to solve."

"After all, the characteristics of unlimited nitrocellulose determine that it must be moisture-proof, anti-static, and fire-proof during storage."

"And this quilt cover..."

Professor Brad took a few breaths and said, "Please Mr. Li do a few small tests on this quilt cover under my guidance."


Hearing Brad's words.

Li Qisheng was thoughtful, and then under the guidance of Professor Brand, he did a few small tests on the quilt cover.

"It's true."

Soon after, Professor Brad breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"This quilt cover has the functions of moisture-proof, anti-static and fire-proof."

"That means Mr. Dongshu has even thought about the packaging and storage for us."


At this time, Li Qisheng naturally understood what was going on.

'Uncle Dong is simply..."

Li Qisheng was amazed again.

Originally, he thought that the focus of these quilts was onlyThere is cotton wool that can be made into smokeless digestible cotton through simple processes.

But now he knows that the quilt also has hidden secrets.

‘Uncle Dong’s intention is simply layer upon layer. ’

I can’t compare to him!

At this moment.

Li Qisheng once again felt the gap between his thinking and Uncle Dong’s.

Then he hung up the video call with Abbas and Professor Brad.

He simply packed up.

He left here.

At the same time, Li Qisheng also had some expectations in his heart.

Now that Uncle Dong’s live broadcast has produced smokeless digestible cotton, what about the live broadcast in the afternoon?

Now that this quilt factory can be renamed the Smokeless Digestible Cotton Production Factory, what about the factories involved below?


At the same time.

‘Is this an ordinary quilt factory? ’

Black Crow frowned slightly.

Although he was stared at by the team leader of their production line this morning, he also chatted with him during this process.

He also got some words out of the other party.

He could see that the team leader had no defense against him at all.

So through these words, he also knew that in the eyes of the team leader and others, their quilt factory was just an ordinary quilt factory.

While thinking, Black Crow walked.

At this time, he was holding his tableware and walking towards the canteen with a group of workers.

Their factory also provides lunch at noon.

And at a certain moment, Black Crow seemed to think of something.

Then he covered his stomach.

"I have a stomachache. Brother Liu, you go first. I'm going to the toilet."


After a while.

Laiyang Quilt Factory is a relatively remote place.

This place is a bit smelly.

There is also a not-so-high brick wall blocking it.

This environment is a place where some workers are really anxious because the toilets in the factory are not enough, and they temporarily solve the urgent problem of the five grains cycle.

After Black Crow arrived here, he took out a handful of cotton wool from his pocket.

Then, he took out a lighter...


After a few seconds, Black Crow was stunned when he saw the cotton wool that burned up in an instant.

'What the hell? ! ! ! ! ! ! '

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

And at this time.

The micro-earphone in his ear vibrated. It was their team leader, Flathead Brother, who was contacting him.

During this morning, he was being watched by the team leader, so he did not take the initiative to contact Flathead Brother.

And he just made a discovery, and their team leader contacted him?

This timing is perfect.

Then, he pressed behind his ear.


(Generation of 350 in the 25th round, 18:39, 5/13)

(Ask for a guaranteed power generation on Monday, woo woo)

(Putting bowls:)

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