As soon as Li Yaodong entered the market, he heard the hawking voices full of fireworks.

"Fresh cabbage, one yuan for two thousand."

"Bingtang gourd, sour and sweet, skewers of big Tang, children and adults love to eat."

"Fresh fruits are here! Sweet apples, juicy grapes, come and choose!"

"Take a look, take a look, pure cotton T-shirts are twenty yuan, fashionable patterns, comfortable and breathable!"


At the same time. ,

A Plan Office.

"Switch to the camera of our people in the market." Li Weimin ordered Liu Mei.


Soon, after Liu Mei clicked a few keys, the picture over there appeared on the big screen.

Li Yaodong also appeared on the screen.

Li Yaodong walked towards the inside of the market.

The small vendors here are all villagers from the surrounding ten miles of Ta Village, and they are also related to Ta Village where Li Yaodong is.

When these vendors saw Li Yaodong, regardless of age, gender, or age, they all respectfully called him Uncle Dong.

"Uncle Dong, come and have some fruit. Don't look down on our fruit. We grow it ourselves."

"Uncle Dong, hello. Why do you want to try my grapes?"


At the A Plan Office.

Li Weimin, who saw this scene on the big screen, couldn't help but frown.

Judging from the reactions of the vendors in the market, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong is not only prestigious in Ta Village, but also in the eyes of the villagers in the surrounding area.

And in this regard, there are also reports from the gold medal undercovers.

But reports are reports, which are far less direct than seeing it with your own eyes now.


Then, Li Weimin carefully wrote this point down in his notebook.

At the same time, his heart became more solemn.

Because he had a vague feeling that this kind of emotional tendency of the villagers in the surrounding villages might affect their plan A.

For example, it might become an obstacle when arresting Li Yaodong in the future.

Maybe these villagers would tip off Li Yaodong, the uncle.

But maybe he was just worrying too much, maybe these villagers were just respectful to the uncle on the surface.

But he also wrote this down in his notebook and in his heart.


At the market.

Li Yaodong nodded to the vendors who greeted him along the way, and from time to time he stopped to say a few words to these vendors.

"Your business is good."

"I won't eat raisins, and Lao Wang, don't eat them either. Didn't I hear that you have diabetes?"

"Auntie Wang, you don't have to call me Uncle Weidong, it's not appropriate."

Li Yaodong showed no airs at all.


In fact, both Li Yaodong himself and the template of Uncle Dong he mounted are the kind of people who have no airs.

However, the former is because of his own personality.

And the latter is because Uncle Dong needs to create his own good personality.

While walking along the way, Li Yaodong also observed the small vendors around him.

'Why are there so many unfamiliar faces recently, and they are not from the nearby villages. '

Li Yaodong narrowed his eyes, his eyes fell on the vendors with unfamiliar faces, and then moved away.

These vendors roasted sweet potatoes, sold Tang gourds, sold small toys, and made popcorn and cotton Tang.

After looking at these vendors with unfamiliar faces for a few more times, Li Yaodong didn't see anything.


While Li Yaodong was observing these vendors, everyone in the A Plan Office also noticed Li Yaodong's inquiring eyes through the button cameras on the chests of the gold medal undercovers disguised as vendors.

During this process, their emotions were also lifted.

"He probably didn't see anything."

Liu MeiguanObserving Li Yaodong's micro-expressions, he came to this conclusion.

After hearing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

If they had not fought with Uncle Dong Li Yaodong in the air before, they would not be worried. After all, these people disguised as small vendors are all gold medal undercovers. Unlike those who disguised as installation masters, they are just people from their Plan A office.

But with the previous "previous experience", they also understood how difficult Uncle Dong Li Yaodong was.

Naturally, they did not dare to take it lightly.


While Li Yaodong greeted some small vendors in the surrounding areas, he observed those small vendors with unfamiliar faces, and even his eyes fell on the faces of some outsiders who came to visit the market.

But he did not see anything.

"Am I suspicious?"

Li Yaodong whispered.

While whispering like this, his eyes also casually swept in a certain direction.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed.

Then, he walked towards a film-sticking stall.


To the office of Plan A.

Li Weimin and others were shocked when they saw the direction Li Yaodong was going.

Because the vendor at the film-sticking stall was Li Fei.

As one of the leaders of Plan A, Li Fei naturally had to come to the front line of Ta Village to take a look.

After all, it was impossible to let Li Weimin, the big boss, come here.

Moreover, if Li Weimin came here by himself, he would be recognized by the fans in a minute.

In fact, since Li Weimin's photos were exposed by smuggled fans, his recognition in some small circles is higher than that of some stars.


‘Why is he coming to me? ’

Li Fei was sticking film on a girl in front of the stall. He slightly turned his angle and glanced at Li Yaodong, and saw that Li Yaodong was walking towards him with a clear goal.

When he saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat.

But immediately, he lowered his head and applied the film to the customer girl in front of him.

At the same time, they also comforted themselves in their hearts, no, how could they recognize me.

You know, although Li Fei is usually reckless, he feels that he is still quite reliable on key issues.

Before coming here pretending to be a small vendor who applies film, he observed a real vendor who applied film for a long time.

Moreover, he also tested it on a street and applied film to many people.

Anyway, no one thought he had any problems at that time.

It was because of these preparations that he dared to come to the market in Ta Village and pretend to be a small vendor who applied film.


Da Da Da!

Li Yaodong walked towards the small stall of applying film.

As he got closer and closer to Li Fei's stall, he gradually saw Li Fei's face clearly.

After seeing Li Fei's appearance clearly, his eyes froze for a moment.

His steps even paused for a moment.

Li Fei?

Actually, the reason why he paid so much attention to this small stall was not because Li Fei's behavior had exposed his identity.

Rather, it was......

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