"......But it was the Haimai Group who took advantage of the situation to post it?"

"Isn't this news fake?"

"What kind of silly news is this?"

"I'm sorry, although this news looks silly, it is indeed true!"

"Didn't I hear that the people of Inler donated money actively before, and many media in Inler also reported it extensively! (Covering face), which means that they donated the money to the Haimai Group?"

"Hahaha, what a joke of the century."


The Dragon Country Internet was in an uproar.

Of course, it was not just the Dragon Country Internet.

The Internet in various countries was reposting and reporting this news crazily, after all, this news was too curious and too explosive.

There was almost no need to push it behind the scenes, this news became a hot news on social media platforms in various countries.

And the top leaders of various countries, one by one, after knowing this news, they all didn't know how to react.


At this time, in the Junqing Research Room in the southern exhibition area

Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and other senior officials present looked at each other in bewilderment.

"I didn't expect..."

Liu Wenwu, the knowledgeable old man, didn't know how to comment on this matter at this time.

In fact, if you think about it now, the previous fundraising is indeed a bit wrong. After all, Inler is a developed country.

It's not necessary to raise funds from the public after a firefight.

At this moment, all the senior officials present felt a little ridiculous.

At the same time, they all had an idea in their minds that the Haimai Group was really learning the art of war.

This trick is really hard to defend against.

Originally, they thought that the other party had used up all the tricks, but they didn't expect it to be over yet.


At this time.

After learning the news, Mardy Lyon, the highest person in charge of the Yin & Perry working group, looked extremely ugly.

"Shit! These idiots from Inler!"

It took him a while to suppress his anger, and then he looked at his right-hand man:

"Is there any news about the rockets yet?"

"There should be news soon." After thinking for a while, the assistant said.

As soon as the voice fell, the phone on Mardy Lyon's desk rang.

Mardy Lyon picked up the phone.

After listening to a few sentences, Mardy Lyon seemed to hear something that made him feel very doubtful about his life, and his face was full of disbelief at this time.


The two black crows who escaped from the Laiyang Quilt Factory had disbelief on their faces.

You know, after coming out of the factory, the two of them were suspicious, thinking that someone was following them, but later they found that it was all a mistake.

At this time, after confirming that no one was following them, the two of them followed the mark agreed upon by everyone in this operation before this operation to find the location of their team leader Flathead Brother.

The agreement of these marks is to be prepared for any eventuality - in case of any unexpected situation, they can also meet up along these marks.

Unexpectedly, it was really used.


I saw that the two Black Crows held their phones and used a special light to shine on a certain wall, and a mark appeared, and then they followed this mark to find the next mark.

While they were looking for the mark to meet their team leader.

A news push notification sounded.

The two subconsciously glanced at the news headline.


The two withdrew their gaze expressionlessly, after all, it was too common for a station dispute to occur in Middle East.

Then the two had to follow this mark to find the next mark.

From the mark, it was shown that the next mark was where their team leader was.

However, just as they were about to do this, they seemed to have thought of something.


At this time, they suddenly thought of-

There was a customer of Middle East who placed a large order of quilts from their Laiyang Quilt Factory, and they knew that those quilts were actually semi-finished smokeless nitrocellulose.

Before, they were still wondering who the dangerous Li Yaodong supplied these smokeless nitrocellulose to.

Middle East?

And if you calculate the time, this batch of smokeless nitrocellulose...

The two black crows looked at each other and saw horror in their eyes.

"No way?"

The two opened their mouths at the same time.

They both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.


Soon after, following the mark, the two black crows came to a village in the city.

The two knocked on the door of a room.


The door was opened!

"Where have you two been? How to contact..."

After welcoming the two into the door, Flathead Brother hurriedly asked.


"Flathead, listen to me first."

Without waiting for Flathead to finish, Black Crow spoke out his discovery quickly.

Listening to Black Crow's words, Flathead Xu Zhengyang also felt a wave of scalp tingling.

The quilt is smokeless nitrocellulose? The other factories are also reasonable and legal separately? But together they are the Jun factory?

Moreover, it is suspected that these quilts and other things were supplied to Middle East?

Ding Dong!

At this time.

A news push sound came from the three of them at the same time.


And the three of them looked at each other and clicked on the news.

The content of the news is very simple.

[Inler announced that the Inflammator held a press conference]

At the end, there was a live link to the press conference.

Then several people clicked on the link, and the screen jumped to the press conference site.

The person who made the announcement was talking to the reporters in the audience.


The words of the person who made the announcement were also translated by the real-time translation software in the live broadcast room.

The previous words of the person who made the announcement were all meaningless. He probably said that they were responsible for the loss of the Lai Er side in this incident and condemned the Haimai Group, a top-level organization, and also made a series of pitiful words in an attempt to gain sympathy from the international community.

The content was empty and made people feel drowsy.

Just when everyone thought that this press conference would end in such a boring form, the last word of the person who made the announcement was to broadcast the live broadcast, and everyone who watched the live broadcast was stunned.

The person who made the announcement said to the camera:

"According to the investigation, these rockets came from Longguo."


In the rental house in the urban village, the three people of Black Crow and Flathead Brother were stunned.

Then the expression of Flathead Brother changed, as if he thought of something.

Then he said with a trembling voice: "Do you think that the pronunciation of our previous investigation subject, the one who stirred up the Middle East storm, Weixiandongshu, is a bit like, Dangerous Uncle Dong?"

Hearing this, Black Crow and the other two widened their eyes.

Weixiandongshu? Dangerous Uncle Dong? Uncle Dong Li Yaodong?



(Generation of the 26th round 1339, 17:14, 5/19)

(Updated early today, please use love to generate electricity, and be confident and confident.jpg)

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