...They really guessed it right.

You should know that they had several guesses about what the foreign inflammatory person from Inler said at the press conference.

One guess is that as the foreign inflammatory person Damirsu said, they did find out during the investigation that this batch of rockets were transported from their Dragon Country to the Haimai Group.

Another guess is that Inler was instructed by Jia Alimai to deliberately throw this dirty water on their Dragon Country.


After listening to the report from the intelligence personnel on the other end of the phone, Zhang Dongliang, the boss of Qinglong Group, who was present, slammed the table hard.

"This Jia Alimai, he is simply..."

He was about to curse out loud.

Then, he noticed Mr. Liu Wenwu and glared at him, and his expression suddenly became embarrassed.

He then realized that the boss, Mr. Liu Wenwu, was still here, so it was not his turn to slam the table. Obviously, his behavior made Mr. Liu very dissatisfied.

At this time.

When he slammed the table, other senior executives also looked at him.


Feeling the gazes of everyone present, Zhang Dongliang looked even more embarrassed.

However, at this time.

Mr. Liu Wenwu slammed the table hard, and then cursed directly: "Jia Ali Mai is simply a bastard, simply shameless."

Zhang Dongliang: "..."


At this time, other senior executives present could not suppress their inner anger, and they also cursed and slammed the table.

"Jia Ali Mai is such a jerk, using such a disgusting trick."

"This kind of dirty trick. Jia Ali Mai has used it more than once."

"Damn it! Can't they just develop their own country? Why do they always throw dirty water on our Longguo!"

After hearing the news from the phone, the senior executives present were filled with anger, but they were all suppressing this anger in their hearts.

Now that Mr. Liu is taking the lead, they naturally don't want to continue to endure it.

Zhang Dongliang: "..." Then why did you look at me like that just now? Aren't you also cursing and slamming the table?

Just now, the intelligence officer on the phone has clearly told them that the Inler side has not investigated anything substantial, but has received instructions from the financial sponsor Jia Ali Mai to throw this basin of dirty water on their Longguo.


Time goes forward for a while.

To the Yin & Perry working group.

"Is there any news about those rockets?" Mardy Lyon asked.

"There should be news soon." After thinking for a while, the assistant said.

As soon as the voice fell, the phone on Mardy Lyon's desk rang.

Mardy Lyon picked up the phone.

After listening to a few sentences, Mardy Lyon seemed to hear something that made him feel very doubtful about life. At this time, his face was full of disbelief.

"Mr. James Austin, you... can you say it again? Do you mean to directly throw dirty water on Longguo?"

Mardy Lyon's words were also full of disbelief.


The person on the other end of the phone was not Jialima's intelligence personnel, but four-star general James Austin, the number one boss of their Guofang Department.

The other party called to tell him to tell Inler to directly throw the dirty water of the Haimai Group's attack on them on Longguo.

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Mardy Lyon!"

On the other end of the phone.

James Austin nodded and said.


You should know that during this period of time, James Austin also understood the strength of the supporter behind the Haimai group, the dangerous uncle Dong, so he felt that this time it might not be possible to find out who this dangerous uncle Dong was in a short time.

In the eyes of Jia Ali Mai,Longguo is their biggest competitor now, and even now it has already faintly called out the saying that the world is invisible at two poles.

So in his opinion, instead of wasting time, it is better to directly recycle the waste and throw this basin of dirty water on Longguo.

Lower the image of Longguo in the eyes of the people of the world.


"But what if we lock on that dangerous uncle Dong this time? In this case, we still throw dirty water on Longguo, so..."

Mardy Lyon also understood James Austin's considerations, but if they found out who the dangerous uncle Dong was, but threw dirty water on Longguo at this time, then they would have a hard time ending.

However, before Mardy Lyon finished speaking, James Austin, the boss of the Guofang Department, interrupted him directly: "No need to say more, just do what I say."

As a hey man who has reached a high position.

James Austin has a very strong self-esteem, stronger than ordinary people.

And the manifestation is that he is very stubborn.

He does not allow his subordinates to refute his decisions.


After saying this, James Austin hung up the phone directly, without giving Mardy Lyon a chance to continue speaking.

"Mr. James Austin..."

Mardy Lyon wanted to continue speaking, but heard the busy tone of the phone being hung up, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly:

"fuck fuck******"

Mardy Lyon cursed, threw the phone aside fiercely, and grabbed his hair irritably.

"Tell Inler..."

After calming down, Mardy Lyon said to his right-hand man with an ugly face.


Time returned to the present.

In the Junqing Research Room of the Southern Exhibition Area of ​​Longguo.

"Pass on the news we got to our comrades in the foreign port of Longguo."

Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu said.

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