These steel pipes used to make rockets actually came from a well-known steel pipe company in Pengli.

Just now, they Jia Ali Mai was exposed for throwing dirty water on Longguo, but now the fact that this batch of rockets was supplied by Haimai Group, another of their younger brothers.

If this matter is exposed again.

Isn't this a slap in the face of them Jia Ali Mai?

"Dangerous Uncle Dong, Dangerous Uncle Dong."

At this moment, Mardy Lyon murmured this name.


At this time, after knowing that these steel pipes used to make rockets came from Pengli.

He felt more and more that this name seemed to be really similar to the names of Pengli people.

After all, Ibe Masao, Motobashi Ichiro, Dangerous Uncle Dong, look how similar these names are.

This is just like in the eyes of Westerners, Orientals look similar.

Mardy Lyon felt that these names were similar when put together, and it was reasonable.


'Could it be that Pengli has been behind all this? ’

Thoughts emerged one after another in Mardy Lyon’s mind, and suddenly he remembered the death of Ichiro Motobashi, a well-known social activist in Pengli.

Ichiro Motobashi also died under the fire gun transformed from steel pipes.

And behind Ichiro Motobashi stood their Jiaali Mai - this is why Ichiro Motobashi, a social activist, is known as the uncrowned commoner.

Maybe Pengli killed Ichiro Motobashi to reduce the influence of their Jiaali Mai on Pengli.

‘And! ’

Mardy Lyon narrowed his eyes slightly.


And the death of Ichiro Motobashi, a well-known social activist in Pengli, also diverted the attention of various countries to a certain extent.

After diverting the attention of various countries, this batch of steel pipes that can be transformed into rockets will be easier to transport to the Pailishiyin area controlled by the Haimai Group.

It’s confirmed, this is a logical closed loop!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was something that Pengli could do. At this moment, his eyes became dangerous.

Pengli is the son of their Jiaali Mai, and this son is now thinking of rebelling?

This is simply outrageous.


Pengli Headquarters.

"You two can just fight each other."

The current leader of Pengli was also watching the press conference of Longguo and saw Longguo's anger against Inler.

A smile appeared on his face.

This press conference seemed to be Longguo's anger against the news inflammatory person of Inler, but in essence, Longguo was angry at Jiaali Mai.

Although it is well known that their Pengli is Jiaali Mai's dog, when he saw this scene, he did not have the feeling of seeing his master being angry at others. Instead, he was very happy watching this scene.


The reason is also very simple.

Their Pengli is the kind of ungrateful wolf that can't be bitten.

Following Jiaalimei is just a temporary hibernation as an ungrateful wolf. When they become strong, they can devour their master at any time.


Suddenly at a certain moment. The phone of the current leader of Pengli suddenly rang.


Then the current leader named Iwamoto Yuji answered the call, and his face changed when he heard the words of the person on the other end of the phone.

Then he nodded and bowed to the person on the other end of the phone, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

It seemed that the words of the person on the other end of the phone made him fall into panic and bewilderment.

"Mr. James Austin, I really don't know."

Iwamoto Yuji explained with a trembling voice.


The call was made by James Austin himself.

When Mardy Lyon learned what was going on, he told him the relevant situation.Reported to the boss of the Quadrangle, James Austin.

After understanding what was going on, the boss was also furious and called the current head of Pengli, Iwamoto Yuji, to question him.

At this time, facing the questioning of the boss.

Iwamoto Yuji was naturally sweating on his forehead and was extremely flustered.

After all, although the master-devouring nature is written in their Pengli genes, their strength is not enough to support their ambitions now.


After a while, he hung up the phone and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Steel pipes produced by Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd."

Iwamoto Yuji murmured.

He naturally knew this Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

The death of their social activist Motohashi Ichiro, who was called the uncrowned commoner, was somewhat related to this Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

And the texture of the steel pipes produced by the other party seems to be of great research value.

Some experts from their Pengli Guojia Laboratory are studying these patterns.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with their Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.

‘Could it be that some high-ranking officials in our Pengli who have a tendency to be righteous did all this? ’

At this moment, such a thought emerged in his mind.


Suddenly, at this moment, the phone on his desk rang again.


The call was from their Pengli intelligence department.

As a person from the intelligence department, and also an intelligence officer of a high level.

Such people should always remain calm.

However, as soon as the call was connected and the other party spoke, Iwamoto Yuji heard a tremor in the other party's voice.

You know, after the conflict between the Haimai Group and Inler ended, they also used the intelligence personnel over there to investigate the source of the batch of rockets.

And the intelligence officer reported the news he got from his side.

Iwamoto Yuji already understood what the intelligence officer wanted to say, and he couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "You don't mean to say that this batch of rockets is made of steel pipes, and the steel pipes come from a well-known company in Pengli?"

Hearing this, the intelligence officer who came to report the relevant intelligence was stunned, and then he said: "How do you know, leader?"


Hearing the words of the intelligence officer, Iwamoto Yuji's hanging heart completely died.

Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, thinking that there might be something wrong with the intelligence from Jialimai, but now their situation officer has also received the same information.

Before, he looked like a melon-eating child, watching Longguo and Jialimai fighting each other, but now they have become one of the parties involved.

He didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

And the next words of the intelligence officer almost made him spit blood directly.


(Generation of power in the 26th round: 2269, 19:11, 5/21)

(Generation of power in the 27th round: 269)

(Happy 521 everyone. On 520, give gifts to your significant other. On 521, shouldn’t you give me, your fellow villager Xiao An, gifts? Please generate power, hehe)

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