"These threads are similar to the threads in the steel pipes we got from Pengli last time, but they are more complicated."

Zhang Shuwen had already read through the summary document before Mr. Liu and others came.

Especially in the thread part, he read it carefully several times.

Seeing Mr. Liu Wenwu's eyes, he said:

"Compared with these threads, the threads in Pengli's batch of steel pipes are just a few random cuts."

"And the role of these threads is far better than the threads in the previous steel pipes."

"And in terms of AK47, these threads can make AK47 more accurate, more stable, and have a longer service life."


While Zhang Shuwen was talking about this, Mr. Liu was also looking through the relevant content.

It was indeed as Zhang Shuwen said.

He nodded when he heard it.

In other words, these threads are, to a certain extent, a new type of boring wire?


Sh ... The sound of flipping through the documents continued to sound in the Junqing Research Room.

The more they flipped through the documents, the more confused the senior executives present became.

This document is more detailed than what the flat-headed brother Xu Zhengyang described.

And because these are words written on paper, it is easier for them to read and digest this information.


Small-caliber steel pipes correspond to AK47.

Bingtang fertilizer charcoal corresponds to explosives.

Smokeless nitrocellulose corresponds to propellant.

And the powered paraglider? Isn't this the prop of the Haimai Group after the waves of rocket attacks?

'Talent! '

Such an evaluation emerged in their minds.


It must be said that this dangerous uncle Dong is really a talent. These ordinary things in life are directly upgraded to military products in this combination.

And one after another.

All the senior executives present also flipped through the document.

"This document says that you, the gold medal undercovers, were previously in a group called Plan A. This Plan A is also investigating this Dongshu Li Yaodong?"

Liu Wenwu, the old man, looked at the flat-headed brother Xu Zhengyang and said.


Before, Xu Zhengyang and other gold medal undercovers did not tell Jun Fang about the Plan A they participated in before, because each action involving confidentiality regulations is mutually exclusive and cannot leak information to each other.

But now it is different, because they all involve the same person and agricultural and sideline products such as Bingtang.


This Dongshu Li Yaodu is involved in too many things, so it is naturally impossible to keep Plan A secret.

"Yes, boss." Flat-headed brother Xu Zhengyang replied.

Upon hearing this, Liu Wenwu, the old man, and the senior executives present were silent.


"That is to say, this Plan A has not ended yet, and Li Yaodong is actually a smuggler. The so-called oolong is not really an oolong?"

After a few seconds of silence, the old man Liu spoke.

Although what Mr. Liu said was very confusing, Pingtou Ge understood it. He nodded and said yes.

Hearing Pingtou Ge's response, Mr. Liu and others were a little confused.

In other words, Pingtou Ge's group of gold medal undercovers were transferred back and forth by Junfang and Jingfang, but in the end, the people they targeted were always the same group of people?

This is too dramatic and too sour. At this moment, Mr. Liu felt that his old teeth were aching.



Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and the senior executives present also digested this.


They were shocked. Now the truth is completely revealed.

In other words, a dangerous person like Uncle Dong actually...

"Jia Ali Mai or Inler's side......"

Zhang Shuwen's encrypted satellite phone suddenly received a piece of information, and his face changed immediately.


The time point moved forward a while.

In a meeting room in the Quadrangle.

James Austin, the boss of the Ministry of Defense, and Mardy Lyon also received the news from Pengli.

The steel pipe is the steel pipe of Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory, and this steel pipe factory is in Longguo?

'Then why did I let Inler throw dirty water on Longguo? The whole world knows the scandal that we let Inler throw dirty water on Longguo, and now tell us that there is no need to throw dirty water, it was originally the pot of Longguo?'

James Austin was very embarrassed at the moment.

He went around and around and came back to the starting point.


"This matter is handed over to you, Mardy Lyon. "

Leaving this sentence, James Austin directly opened the door of the conference room and left.

It felt like he was running away.

Looking at James Austin's back, Mardy Lyon opened his mouth.

[Your boss ran away and threw the pot on you.]


Soon after.

In the office of the number one boss of Inler.

"Okay, I got it, Mr. Mardy Lyon."

After hanging up the phone with Mardy Lyon, Inler's number one boss, Kalmi, seemed a little absent-minded.

Before that, what was the dirty water they had thrown at Longguo at the instruction of Jia Alimai?

After digesting this extremely speechless news, he called the person who spread the news to the outside world, that is, Damirsu.

Continue to throw the pot out.

Damirsu: "? ? ? ? ”


At this time, on the Longguo network.

Under each news that Inler threw dirty water on Longguo, there were countless netizens spraying Inler and Jia Ali Mai for being shameless.

"Too rubbish, this Jia Ali Mai."

"It's just too disgusting."

"Bad! Really too bad!"


Reporter Bingbing is also an ordinary person when she is not working. When she sees these news, she is just like ordinary netizens. When she sees emotional excitement, she will leave a message to spray Jia Ali Mai and Inler.

"Bad! Really too bad!"

She made her angry remarks under each news.

"Why did Inler hold another press conference? ”

She was browsing the news on her usual news app.

She noticed the latest news and clicked on it.

After clicking on it, it was the picture of the press conference held by the news inflammatory of Inlaier.

Bingbing thought she had clicked on the old news again, but found out... it was actually a live broadcast?


Many netizens in Longguo also noticed this press conference held by Inlaier.

"Fuck, why is this Inlaier holding another press conference? Hasn't he been criticized enough?"

"I want to see what else this Inlaier has to say. ”

Countless Dragon Country netizens cursed and clicked into this live press conference.

However, after a while, they were a little dumbfounded.

Because this time, Inler did not throw dirty water on them without any words like before.

Instead, he really produced evidence.

At this moment.

One by one, Dragon Country netizens were stunned.

What's going on?

Didn't Inler throw dirty water on us at the instruction of Jia Alimai? Weren't they speechless by our inflamed people before?

Why are they producing evidence now?

And when they saw clearly what these evidences that made them feel familiar at the beginning were.

This wave of Dragon Country netizens was boiling.


(Round 27)Battery: 1193, 18:25, 5/23)

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