You have to know that before this press conference from Inler, they had already investigated Pengli through the steel pipe clue.

The steel pipe that was transformed into a rocket was produced by Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.?

Logically speaking, Pengli should be supporting the Haimai Group behind the scenes, right?

But what is going on now? They are a little confused now.

However, a series of intelligence was sent from the intelligence systems of various countries afterwards.

The late arrival of these intelligence messages does not mean that the intelligence systems of various countries are very weak and ineffective.


After all, Jia Ali Mai can directly ask intelligence personnel to get evidence and intelligence from Inler, and can also ask Pengli to cooperate in the investigation.

But these countries can only use their own intelligence power to obtain the intelligence information they want.

When these intelligence information were summarized in front of the top leaders of various countries, all the top leaders of various countries were a little numb.

At this moment.

A series of question marks appeared on their foreheads.

The following is what happened when these intelligence information was summarized:

In order to pursue economic benefits, Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. made a plan to reduce costs.

The specific implementation of this plan is to purchase steel pipes from other steel pipe factories with low prices, and then put their own brands on them, so as to achieve the effect of reducing costs.

And by chance, a senior executive of Pengli Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., Ono Mana, noticed a steel pipe manufacturer in Longguo, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory.

Then he bought a large number of steel pipes from this steel pipe factory in a low-key manner.

And in the intelligence they obtained, this steel pipe company was also cheated by the steel pipe manufacturer in Longguo.

Because the other party swallowed the money they paid in advance and did not send them the subsequent goods.

‘So the whole thing has gone around in a circle and really circled back to Longguo? ’

Such a thought emerged in the minds of senior executives of various countries.


And at this time in Longguo.

The press conference of Damirsu, the inflammatory person of Inler, was held at 11 o'clock in the evening according to the time in Longguo.

This time determined that the first Longguo netizens who noticed this press conference were those who liked to pay attention to international integrity.

Some netizens who were not particularly interested in this aspect did not notice this press conference at the first time.

Naturally, they did not know the explosive news announced at the press conference.

However, as time passed

This explosive news was spread by self-media, media reporters, and ordinary netizens.



The entire Longguo Internet was boiling.

In this process, more and more netizens noticed the two words "Lai Yang" mentioned in this explosive news.

And Li Yaodong is also a popular anchor, and he has many fans.

The two words "Lai Yang" are gradually associated with him.


"Is this Lai Yang the same as I thought?"

"Lai Yang Jun Huo Chang is really Lai Yang Jun Huo Chang."

"I can't hold it anymore. Before, everyone said that Lai Yang Jun Huo Chang was just playing a joke. I didn't expect that you, the anchor, are serious about it?"

"No way, A Dong, are you serious?"

"This anchor named Li Yaodong has stirred up the Middle East's situation by himself. (Laughing and crying)"


Countless netizens are playing jokes.

"Uncle Dong is awesome!"

"The anchor is awesome!"

"What do you call the anchor? Call me Uncle Dong with me!"

"Uncle Dong, I kneel down to you. You are a real torturer!"


#Lai Yang Jun Huo Chang# was listed in the top 10 hot search lists of major media social platforms.

Then more and more related entries were derived.


"It feels so good!"

Just now the program director went to the Red Moon Hair Salon to wash his feet. After washing his feet, he felt refreshed all over. He kept thinking about it when he got home.Meaning.

Of course, don't ask why you go to a hair salon like this to wash your feet. If you ask, it's because you have a special hobby.

In fact, the director of the program group often went to the Red Moon Hair Salon to wash his feet before he became rich, but he went less after he became rich.

Even gradually stopped going.

Generally, if you go to wash your feet, you go to a high-end club, or ask your beautiful secretary to wash your feet.

Not to mention, it feels really different to return to the old place this time.



The director of the program group noticed the entry on the hot search list.

Laiyang Junhuo Factory?


And there is more than one entry on this hot search list.

And -

Laiyang Junhuo Factory Branch Laiyang Quilt Factory.

Laiyang Junhuo Factory Branch Laiyang Fertilizer Factory.


Laiyang Junhuo Factory Branch Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory.

This series of entries are arranged very neatly.


In order to attract traffic, the program director also spent money to buy several hot searches.

But there is a disadvantage to buying hot searches.

That is, if you don't renew, the hot search terms will soon drop.

And the terms he bought are exactly the same as these terms, or exactly the same.

He made sure that he didn't renew these terms.


"Could it be that the hot search terms were bought by the publicity and promotion team of our program?"

The program director muttered, and then frowned tightly.

You know.

There is a saying that too much is as bad as too little.

After all, these terms were bought with money. If the marketing is excessive, it will definitely cause disgust among netizens, and eventually steal the chicken and lose the rice.

Thinking of this, the program director casually clicked on one of the hot search terms.

Not long after, after figuring out what was going on, the program director's eyes almost popped out, and the whole person trembled, as if he had epilepsy.

Then he felt a black screen in front of his eyes. If he hadn't held the chair next to him, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

What the hell? What the hell!



Li Qisheng also watched the press conference held by the Inflammation People of Inler.

He was also numb.

Originally, he thought that the Dragon Country officials helped them to block it, but now the situation is a little wrong.

After digesting some of the shock, his first reaction was to find Uncle Dong and ask Uncle Dong what to do.

"Uncle Dong, are you asleep?"

When he came to Uncle Dong Li Yaodong's residence and knocked on the door, there was only a vague response from Li Yaodong in the room. It sounded like he was asleep.

Just after hearing his voice, he responded to him subconsciously.

Li Yaodong is used to going to bed early.

He was naturally asleep at this time. He even turned off his mobile phone for fear of being disturbed.


'Uncle Dong is not worried at all? ’

Such a thought emerged in Li Qisheng’s mind, and then he relaxed.

For such a big thing, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong could still sleep, which means that Uncle Dong had already grasped this matter and had a response plan.

He had a mysterious trust in Uncle Dong’s ability, so he was naturally not too worried.


At this time.

Everyone in Plan A also saw the press conference.

All of them, including Li Weimin, were stunned.

And just when they were stunned, Li Weimin’s mobile phone rang.

This woke Li Weimin up from this sluggish mood.

Then he took a look at the caller ID and answered the call.

"Okay, I know, leader."

After a moment, Li Weimin said.


After a while.A very ordinary bus left the border garrison where Plan A was located.

Headed towards the headquarters of the southern exhibition area.

The passengers on this bus were Li Weimin and others from Plan A.

At this time, no one spoke in the entire bus, and everyone was silent.

In fact, they have not yet digested everything they just learned from the news.

At this time, the old agent Sun Danian looked at the dark night sky outside through the glass of the bus.

His expression was a little absent-minded.

Thinking about it... No, it's not thinking about it. Time has not actually passed for a long time.

Not long ago, he, Sun Danian, was just an ordinary anti-smuggling agent.

At that time, how could he have thought that he could get involved in Plan A, such a high-level operation.

What's more, it now involves Junfang.

And it's not just the ordinary level of Junfang power.

But the top of the southern exhibition area.

You should know that the call received by Li Weimin, the director of the police department, was from a very important boss in their police system, asking them to go to the headquarters of the southern exhibition area with Plan A...


Not only Sun Danian, but everyone in Plan A was a little dazed.

At this time.

As Li Weimin, Sun Danian and others from Plan A sat on the bus, they headed towards the headquarters of the southern exhibition area.

The troops of Jun Fang and Jing Fang began to...


And such a big battle was just because of one person.


(27th round of power generation 1520, 18:59, 5/24)

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