While Plan A was sharing intelligence with the civilian middle-level staff in the southern exhibition area, public opinion on the Dragon Country Internet was still boiling.

Because as time went by, more news broke out on the Internet.

Well... Actually, it wasn't that there was any new news.

But finally some media people noticed the price comparison between the rockets used by the Haimai Group and the interceptor missiles used by the Inler side in the World Destruction Flood Plan.


When the price comparison between the two sides was released in the form of news, netizens on the Dragon Country Internet laughed out loud.

"According to the news, a rocket from the Haimai Group costs at most $1,000, while an interceptor missile from the Inler Group costs tens of thousands of dollars. No wonder Inler Group needs to call on the public to donate."

"Do you think it is possible that the mass text message calling on the public to donate was not issued by the Inler Group, but by the Haimai Group."

"Hahahahahaha, that's too funny."

"No, haven't you seen this news before?"

"Inler is really a poor country. It's a loss if he intercepts this rocket, and it's even more of a loss if he doesn't."


At the beginning, the comparison of this data was only in Longguo, but as time went by, the media in other countries also saw this news full of gimmicks and explosive points.

So the media in various countries forwarded the news from the media in Longguo, and suddenly, almost the whole world knew about this news.


Internet users in various countries also started discussing it.


"Ya (ya) Mie (mie) Butterfly, this Inler is really at a loss."

"That means Inler's air defense system was destroyed by these homemade rockets?"

"Oh my god, this is really a funny news."


At this time.

In the office of Inler's top boss.

Kolmi also looked at the news on the Internet with an ugly face.

His face was gloomy, and water was about to drip.

You know.

The series of tricks of the Haimai Group made Inler extremely anxious.

After all, they have to deal with the telecommunications fraud.

They also have to deal with the areas bombed by rockets and the people who suffered from the war.

With so many things to deal with, they naturally have no time to think about the price of these rockets of the Haimai Group and the price of their interceptor missiles.


That is to say, this price difference is a comparison.

Kolmi only knew about it after reading the news on the Internet.

Before, he was still thinking about how the other side could withstand such a large wave of rocket attacks from the Haimai Group. Could it be that they couldn't survive?

Now he understood.

'So, my high-tech air defense system was destroyed by these homemade rockets? '

It was a late realization.

Such a thought came to his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt.

Then he went to cry to his father Jialima.

After all.

This air defense system was researched by their father Jialima.



Mardy Lyon hung up the phone with Kormi, the number one boss of Inler, expressionlessly.

He had a normal sexual orientation, so naturally he didn't want to listen to such a big man crying to him.

But the other side's crying obviously worked.

After all, the other side was also their Jialima's younger brother.

And this incident was a slap in their face.


Soon after, Jialimai issued a statement.


You should know.


It was Inler who publicly released it at Jialimai’s behest.As the financial backer behind Inler, Jia Ali Mai has remained silent.

Now that Jia Ali Mai has personally stepped in, the attention of the matter has been raised to a new level.

In the statement issued by Jia Ali Mai, it was pointed out that Longguo funded and supported the separatist organization, and the Haimai group also expressed doubts about Longguo's position.

In the words, they doubted the authenticity of Longguo's long-standing policy of external corners.


Jia Ali Mai urged Longguo to explain the matter.


As soon as Jia Ali Mai's statement came out.

Countless Longguo netizens noticed it.


Longguo netizens were furious.

"Give me some face, Jia Ali Mai, what do you have to do with this? You really think you are a world agent."

"Even if there is something wrong, it is between our Longguo, Inler and Haimai Group, why are you interfering?"

"Stupid Jia Ali Mai!"


Countless Longguo netizens climbed over the wall and criticized Jia Ali Mai's statement.

However, after the criticism, the netizens on the Longguo side were filled with deep worry.

"That anchor who has done business abroad, won't really go to jail for this?"

"Not really, this anchor just sells fertilizers and steel pipes? It's just that after selling them, his customers use his products for other purposes, which is not something the anchor can control."

"It's rare that someone can make Jia Alimai lose face. This is a hero of the Min people. If I did it, I would just open a new page in the family tree. I won't be sent to jail."

"That's what I said, but the impact of this incident is too great."


Related public opinion is getting more and more intense in Longguo.

Many self-media bloggers, as well as experts and social commentators in related fields, have also come out to discuss this matter.

Some people say that this anchor named Li Yaodong may become the first winner of the station to fight for guilt in recent years.

The argument for this view is that no matter what, Haimaituan did get the goods from this anchor, and the international influence is so great.

Some people hold another view that Li Yaodong is completely innocent.

Because he just exported some products from their factory.

Just like a store selling kitchen knives, should they care about what the buyer does with the knives after they are sold?

They also think that not only should he not be convicted, but he should also be rewarded.

After all......


(Generation of electricity in the 27th round 1845, 19:58, 5/25)

(Happy weekend everyone)

(Xiao An's happiness is simple, a free electricity generation with love is enough)

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