Not only Li Weimin, but also other people in the A plan office looked at each other.

The team members who were close to each other at this time thought that the other party might be the leaker.

And the most suspicious eyes fell on Sun Danian.

After all, the latest member of the other A plan has joined for half a month.

And he joined the latest.

In terms of distrust, he is naturally the most suspicious one.


And feel the constant glances of the crowd.

Sun Danian felt bitter in his heart.

He naturally knew that he was not the leaker, and he felt a little aggrieved in his heart when being looked at by so many suspicious eyes.

But he could also understand the reaction of these people.

Moreover, he also saw that everyone was not only suspicious of him, but also suspected each other.

It can be said that at this moment, the cracks had appeared in the hearts of the people in the A plan.

"It shouldn't be our people who leaked the information."

At this time, Li Weimin took a deep breath and said.


After hearing this, the people who were suspicious of each other also set their eyes on Li Weimin.

In their eyes, there was a puzzled look.

After all, this uncle Dong Li Yaodong has called out the name of their Plan A.

Logically speaking, it should be someone or a few people in their Plan A who leaked it.


Except for the higher-level bosses, only the people in their Plan A office know the code name of their action Plan A.

Even those gold medal undercovers only know the content of their mission, but actually don’t know the code name [Plan A].

It can’t be said that some people are born to be crime-lovers, have a natural intuition, and can guess it right at random, right?


After saying that just now, Li Weimin’s mood calmed down.

He also felt the puzzled emotions in the eyes of the people in their Plan A office.

However, he did not explain to everyone.

Instead, he asked Li Fei through the headset: "Are you sure that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong really said Plan A just now?"


In front of the film booth.

Li Fei's mentality also recovered a little.

When he heard Li Weimin's words, he subconsciously wanted to say [Yes, I did hear the term Plan A from Uncle Dong Li Yaodong just now].

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back again.

You know, when he was facing Li Yaodong just now, his spirit was in a tense state. Even if he relaxed later, he didn't really relax in his heart, and he was still tense.

When Li Yaodong asked that question just now, the volume was not very loud.

And now, under Li Weimin's serious questioning, he...

"I'm not too sure."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Li Fei gave such an answer.


Hearing this, Li Weimin's eyes flashed with a look of understanding.

"Yes, this uncle Dong Li Yaodong is deceiving us."

Li Weimin looked at everyone present and said.

He also said his own analysis: "Just now Li Fei was in a state of tension, and the other party didn't say it very clearly, or in other words, the other party said it deliberately. After hearing the seemingly ambiguous words from the other party, Li Fei automatically recognized it as Plan A."


"He is too cunning." As a genius girl and a high IQ talent, Liu Mei reacted quickly when she heard Li Weimin say this.

Suddenly, she seemed to be gritting her teeth:

"Uncle Dong Li Yaodong is a psychopath, and you can't use normal people's thinking to figure out his thoughts."

After saying this, she added another sentence in her heart, [Even if it is a god,Jingbing is a highly intelligent psychopath].

Then, Liu Mei continued:

"Just now, he didn't say the words Plan A at all."

"He just whispered a vague word with the word action."

"When our police have a big action, we usually name it, and name it as Operation XX."

"And just now, this uncle Dong saw that Li Fei was nervous."

"But he was not sure why Li Fei was nervous."

"So, he planned to test it."

"He first used words to relax Li Fei."

"Then, he suddenly asked if you were Operation XX."

"Li Fei, who had just been relaxed and relaxed, was suddenly questioned in this way."

"The mood would suddenly tighten."

"No matter what action he said, to What is the truth, Li Fei will automatically think that the other party is talking about Plan A. "

And Liu Mei couldn't help but grit her teeth again: "Cunning, this guy, too cunning."


"I think what Li Shu said to Liu Mei is very reasonable." Cai Yongqiang also said:

"Plan A cannot be leaked by any of us."

"Think about it, we have done a lot of work to ensure the confidentiality of our operation."


Their Plan A office has indeed done a lot of work for this.

All people who know the code name of Plan A, mobile phones and other communication devices, are included in the background monitoring.

Moreover, they also carry video recording equipment 24 hours a day.

Anyone of them, who they meet and communicate with, and what they do will be recorded by this video recording equipment.

Once someone removes the video recording equipment, the relevant monitoring system will issue an early warning at the Plan A office.

"Yes, that's right, how could it be our guys." Sun Danian also echoed immediately.

After Li Weimin, Liu Mei, Cai Yongqiang, Sun Danian and others spoke in succession.

Everyone in Plan A also felt that this was the truth.

Suddenly, they all spoke out.

"That's right, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong is too cunning."

"We should trust our own people."

"This Li Yaodong is a psychopath. His brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. We can't doubt our brothers because of his crazy words."


And listening to the words spoken by everyone in the office.

Sun Danian and Cai Yongqiang also looked at each other.

As veteran private detectives who have been on the front line for many years, they are the most sympathetic in the Plan A office.

With such an eye contact, you can see the meaning in each other's eyes.

Things are not that simple.

Although the two of them were the first to echo the remarks of the big boss Li Weimin, they didn't really think so.

Their real thought was: it is possible that someone in their Plan A office leaked the information. In other words, there is a traitor. Otherwise, how could the other party find Li Fei so directly?

After all, although there are various confidentiality measures, the measures are dead, but people are alive.

It is not impossible to bypass those confidentiality measures.

The reason why they agreed with Li Weimin, the big boss, is because they know that they cannot shake the morale of the army at this time.

"You continue to watch the big screen." Li Weimin said at this time: "I'm going to the toilet."

After that, Li Weimin walked outside.


Subconsciously, Sun Danian and Cai Yongqiang also looked in the direction of Li Weimin.

This big boss may not go out just to go to the toilet, but to do something for the traitor who may exist in their Plan A.

Soon, Li Weimin came out.


And just as Sun Danian and Cai Yongqiang thought, he just used the excuse of going to the toilet to make a phone call to their special department in Longguo.The people in the department will secretly investigate the people of their Plan A.

After returning, Li Weimin did not say anything, but returned his gaze to the big screen.

Looking at Li Yaodong's figure on the big screen, Li Weimin's eyes were deep.

'The first time he took the initiative, the heart of our Plan A was shaken. '


You know, at the entrance of Ta Village before, although their Plan A had fought with the other party once.

But strictly speaking, they took the initiative before, and Li Yaodong passively accepted it. It was just that in the process of accepting it, they formed an offensive against them - their people went to Ta Village to install surveillance, and Uncle Dong Li Yaodong used words to test their people.

And this time, the other party used this method of deceiving themselves, which was equivalent to the other party taking the initiative.

At this time, Li Weimin's evaluation of Uncle Dong Li Yaodong rose to a new level.

Before, his evaluation of Li Yaodong was that he was an opponent who made him, an old wizard, feel pressure and had to go all out to deal with.

Now, his evaluation of the other party has become that the other party is an opponent that he needs to be extremely alert and cautious.

'But it's still low. '

But in Li Weimin's own opinion, his evaluation of Li Yaodong is still low.

The reason why he deliberately gave a lower evaluation than the actual situation in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't want to give the other party too high an evaluation in his heart, so as to boost the other party's ambition.

And why is it said that the evaluation he gave just now is still low?

It's very simple. He, Li Weimin, is a person who doesn't use people he doubts, and doesn't doubt people he uses.

So, he thinks it shouldn't be leaked by his people.

And the reason why he asked the secret department to investigate is just to be on the safe side.

In other words, Dongshu Li Yaodong was not tipped off by others, so he didn't know the existence of their plan A.

However, their plan A did target the other party.

To put it simply: the other party doesn't know the existence of himself and others, but he and others know that the other party is smuggling rice.

It's equivalent to the other party being in the open and himself in the dark.

The other side, without knowing who the opponent was, relied on the instinct of a wild animal to sense something was wrong and launched an attack.

Moreover, this attack was very effective, which shook the morale of their people.

This kind of opponent is terrifying.


Since the psychological evaluation of the opponent has been raised to a higher level.

Li Weimin also took out his due attitude.

This time, when he looked at the big screen, he was more serious and did not miss any details.

At this time, Sun Danian also noticed the subtle change in the attitude of his idol.

Not only him, but everyone in the A Plan office also noticed the change in the other party's expression.

Suddenly, they looked at Li Yaodong's figure on the big screen and became more solemn.

And at this time.

What happened on Li Yaodong's side made Li Weimin's face change.


"Is he demonstrating to us in this way?"

Seeing that scene, Liu Mei, the talented girl who had been repeatedly frustrated in her battles with Uncle Dong, Li Yaodong,

also looked unhappy in an instant.

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