"I am mainly here to listen to the external affairs on behalf of the external affairs. The actual actions against the dangerous Uncle Dong Li Yaodong still depend on everyone present."

When the representative of the external affairs, who is known as the cold-faced war god, said this, a smile appeared on his face.

From this, it can be seen that this brother Geng, who is known as the cold-faced war god, is not so cold in character.

The cold face shown to the outside world is only a unique appearance in the work of the external affairs.

After all, there is no trivial matter in the external affairs.

And that kind of cold face has a higher tolerance rate.


"This is Mr. Hao, who is from your well management system. I won't go into details. Maybe you know him better than I do."

Grandpa Liu introduced Mr. Hao.

"Old leader, please don't say that. I worked under you for more than one or two years before."

This Mr. Hao obviously has a good relationship with Mr. Liu Wenwu. After hearing what Mr. Liu said, he "complained".

The two people's behavior also eased the atmosphere in the conference room.



Old man Liu Wenwu laughed twice and continued, "This is Zhang Yongren from your Guangdong Province. Zhang Sheng is the number one in your Guangdong Province. I don't need to introduce him, right?"

The reason why this number one figure in Guangdong Province appeared here was, on the one hand, because Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle Dong, was from their Guangdong Province. To a certain extent, this incident could be said to be something that happened in their Guangdong Province.

This incident had such a big impact. As the number one figure in Guangdong Province, he naturally had to participate in person and must ensure that the matter was under his control. Even if some accidents occurred, he could remedy it in time.


On the other hand...

Zhang Yongren's face became solemn.

You know, he also read the relevant report. In the report, Plan A suspected that Li Yaodong was involved with civil servants from top to bottom in Dongshan City.

There is even a saying that Dong in Dongshan City is the Dong in Li Yaodong.

All civil servants in Dongshan City have problems, and he, the top figure, must be out.

And subconsciously.

He also glanced at Hou Ping, who represented the Discipline Office.


It just so happened that Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu, also introduced Hou Ping.

This representative of the Discipline Office was also for the matter of civil servants in Dongshan City.

You should know that a certain important boss in their Discipline Office has also made his attitude clear. No matter how big or small the positions of civil servants in Dongshan City are, or how deep they hide, once it is found that these people are involved with Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle Dong, they must be severely punished.

Of course, it is only a suspicion without clear evidence so far.

And everyone in Plan A was shocked when they heard Liu Wenwu and Mr. Liu introduce Hou Ping's role in this matter.


"This is Gu Changhai, the little Gu from the customs..."

At this time, Liu Wenwu, the old man Liu, introduced the representative of the customs.

"I am here to listen as well." Gu Changhai from the customs said with a smile.

In fact, this matter involves their customs, and as for him personally, he feels a little wronged.

After all, although the products of Li Yaodong's factory have been sent overseas, they have passed through their customs several times. But the other party did follow the formal export process.

There is no problem with their process, and their customs can't block the other party.

But no matter what, this matter involves their customs, so their customs also need to know about the next action.


"This is a comrade from the special department, and it is inconvenient to introduce his name. His code name is instructor."

At this time, Liu Wenwu, the old man Liu, introduced the person from the special department, but due to the nature of the special department, Liu Wenwu, the old man Liu, could not tell the other party's real name, etc.Information was introduced.

Hearing this.

Several old agents on Plan A who had already guessed the other party's identity said in their hearts, "Sure enough."

Sure enough, they guessed right.


'What? Even the big guys of the special department are involved in this matter? '

The reckless Li Fei was shocked when he heard the introduction of Mr. Liu Wenwu.

Subconsciously, he looked at the old agent Sun Danian sitting next to him, wanting to share this shock with him and vent.

However, when he turned his head, he found that the old agent Sun Danian had a look on his face, and so did several other old agents.

Seeing this scene, Li Fei was stunned. Did he miss something just now?


The role of the special department in the next operation is also very simple.

Tailing, covering, technical support.

After all, the civil servants from top to bottom in Dongshan City are suspected to be involved with Li Yaodong.

But it was only a suspicion. They couldn't directly ask the people from the disciplinary department to take all these civil servants from top to bottom for interrogation. If so, the entire Dongshan City would inevitably be paralyzed.

So at this time, they needed people from their special departments to secretly keep an eye on these civil servants suspected of being involved with Li Yaodong to prevent them from tipping off Li Yaodong in the next action.


And the Junfang represented by Mr. Liu and others will naturally be the group of people who actually carry out the action in the next action.

After listening to Mr. Liu's words.

The people in Plan A also knew the role of these departments involved.

'What about our role? '

Almost at the same time.

Such a thought emerged in the minds of all the people in Plan A.

Could it be that letting them come to the Junqing Research Room this time is to inform them that the next action will be handed over to other comrades and they are no longer needed?


When these thoughts emerged in the minds of the people in Plan A.

The expressions of the people in Plan A could not help but dim, after all, they had invested too much energy in the matter against Li Yaodong.

And if there was nothing for them to do next, then what was their previous efforts?

Mr. Liu Wenwu also noticed the expressions of the people in Plan A.

He immediately understood what the other party and others were thinking.

"Don't think too much, the next action still needs your cooperation, after all, you are the ones who know this dangerous uncle Dong best."

Mr. Liu Wenwu said after a laugh.


Hearing this.

The people in Plan A were startled.

Immediately, their faces were shining again.

"And in the final analysis, this action is the end of your Plan A."

Mr. Liu Wenwu continued:

"This action can be called the end action."

He glanced at the expressions of Li Weimin and others and said again:

"But I would rather name it..."

"Post-A Plan!"


Hearing this.

Li Weimin and others from Plan A were startled and shocked.

Post-Plan A? !!!

In other words, we have entered the post-Plan A era? !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!


(28th round of power generation 994, 18:36, 5/28)

(There are still a few days until the end of this month, and I want some free love power generation in the last few days)

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