"All units, get ready!"

While saying this.

Mr. Liu Wenwu's eyes never left the big screen in the Junqing Research Room.

Prepare to issue the arrest order when the time comes.


Hearing this, everyone in Plan A subconsciously clenched their fists.

Will their Plan A, which has lasted for so long, have a final result? Will they bring the dangerous Li Yaodong to justice?

And the old agent Sun Danian couldn't help but smile.

You know, after reaching middle age, he has accepted his ordinariness and understood that he is just a small police agent, but he didn't expect that he would be involved in such a big operation by mistake.

During this period of time, he felt that he had never lived so fulfilled.

Even at this moment when the result was about to come, he still felt a little reluctant.

He knew that from then on, he would return to his ordinary life.


At this time, everyone in Junqing Research Room was staring at the big screen.

Time passed by, and the car carrying agricultural and sideline products was only a short distance away from the open space.

It took the car only a few minutes to reach the open space, but at this moment, everyone in Junqing Research Room felt that time was infinitely stretched.



With a barely detectable brake sound, the car carrying agricultural and sideline products finally arrived at the open space and stopped.


And at this time, looking at the car carrying smuggled goods just a few steps away.

Zhao Jialiang subconsciously took a deep breath, and his heart was lifted at this moment.


'Finally, the dust has settled, and we will return to a stable life without worrying. '

Looking at the car, Li Yaodong's mouth also crossed a relaxed smile.

At this time, Li Zonghui, the head of the third room, who was standing next to Li Yaodong, was staring at Li Yaodong. He was extremely nervous at this moment.

After all.

There is a saying that a journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step, and accidents often occur in the last step.

He was thinking that if Uncle Dong Li Yaodong wanted to resist at the last moment, he would stop him even if he risked his life.

Li Qisheng looked at the car and his heart twitched.

The feeling of uneasiness hidden deep in his heart became stronger at this moment, just like the rich night.


"Uncle Dong, the goods are here."

At this time, the door of the cab of the truck was pushed open.

A driver jumped out of the car, said something to Li Yaodong, and then came to the back of the car and opened the door of the rear compartment of the car.

At this moment, everyone present looked at the truck, and Yaodong looked at Zhao Jialiang and said, "Mr. Zhao, check it."


Looking at the truck, Zhao Jialiang's eyes flickered, and then he made a gesture, asking Zhong Wei and others behind him to check the goods.

"Da Da Da."

Footsteps sounded, and several people walked towards the truck.

At this time.

In the Junqing Research Room.

Looking at this scene, Mr. Liu Wenwu immediately said directly: "All units move..." Move.


At this time, in a mountain forest north of Ta Village.

The bird that was foraging on the ground covered with yellow fallen leaves suddenly flew up as if frightened.

The special team members hidden under the dead branches and fallen leaves stood up and prepared to act.

Several Wujing troops that had been stationed here a long time ago also began to act.

One by one, Wujing soldiers boarded the troop carrier.

Boom boom boom, at the same time, the propellers of the armed helicopters began to spin wildlyGet up and prepare to take off.


Near Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory and other factories.

In front of the squads of soldiers who dropped in here under the pretext of training.

The captain of a squad pressed the headset and quickly conveyed the order to the squad the moment he received the order.


In the Junqing Research Room, Liu Wenwu, the last word of Mr. Liu was about to fall.

At this time, several beams of light cut through the dark night in front of Ta Village.

Mr. Liu Wenwu's face changed, and the word [Move] that was on the tip of his tongue was swallowed again.

"What? How many foreigners have arrived in Ta Village?"

Listening to the on-site intelligence just obtained, Mr. Liu Wenwu frowned tightly.


I saw that under the beams of light were several foreigners who looked very embarrassed. At this time, these foreigners were holding flashlights to illuminate the dark night road ahead.

"Wait a minute!"


Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu, then issued another order, asking the action personnel of each unit to suspend the action first.

At this juncture, several foreigners appeared, which was a big story.


And the teams that were preparing for action in various places also stopped their actions and hid again.

At this time, in the Junqing Research Room, Mr. Liu Wenwu frowned tightly.

You know, they have laid a net near Ta Village. It stands to reason that there are strangers or foreigners coming here, they should have known it long ago, but they didn’t notice these foreigners until they arrived at the entrance of Ta Village.

But then they reported the detailed information.


These foreigners have come to Ta Village a long time ago.

It’s just that these foreigners got lost here and have been circling in the nearby mountains. They only got here tonight.

Their people also found the broken-down cars of these foreigners nearby.

It’s not that these foreigners crossed their heavy blockades near Ta Village and got here unnoticed.

"These foreigners are suspected to be from Middle East?"


The information reported next made Mr. Liu Wenwu's eyes flash with a gleam of light.

At this critical moment, there are people from Middle East here?

"Are these people from Middle East the fellow villagers from Middle East who came to Li Yaodong to buy Junhuo?"

Zhang Dongliang, the number one boss of Jun of Qing Group, couldn't help but speculate.

When everyone in the Junqing Research Room heard Zhang Dongliang's words, their hearts moved at the same time.

There is really such a possibility.

In that case......

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