"......Why are you here again?" Old Master Liu Wenwu just felt a little strange.

But it's not that strange, after all, maybe they really have a high demand for gas cylinders.


Ta Village.

In the reception room.

Li Yaodong looked at the documents the other party took out, and he was sure that the other party should be an ordinary gas cylinder seller.

He was relieved immediately.

He really thought that these Middle East fellows came to him to buy Junhuo at this juncture. If so, he couldn't wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

However, he was really scared of dealing with these Middle East fellows, and he didn't want to continue doing business with Middle East.


Time moved forward about an hour.

Location: [Himiari], a country in the southwest of the Middle East region.

This country inherits the characteristics of Middle East and is also a country full of war.

The main dispute in Himyari is the dispute between the country's largest civil organization, Yers, and the official positive and negative army of Himyari.

If you dig deeper into this dispute, the biggest factor is still the world's number one troublemaker, Jia Alimei.

And the Yers organization is therefore an organization that is against Jia Alimei.

At that time.

In a secret station of the Yers organization.

"You are so mysterious, what are you going to show me?"

Robert, the helmsman of the Yers organization, looked at his second-in-command and said speechlessly.


Just now, his second-in-command found him mysteriously and said that he had got a batch of good things.

But when he asked the other party what it was, the other party said it was confidential and he would know when he arrived.


Robert came to a warehouse under the leadership of his second-in-command.

"Is this the good thing you said?"

Robert looked at the blue gas tanks in the warehouse and said to his second-in-command with some annoyance.

He really believed in his second-in-command's ghost, and actually thought that the other party had got something good.


You know.

Their Yers organization is a resistance organization in the same camp as the Haimai Group.

So after seeing such a big commotion over there, Robert was unwilling to fall behind.

But he had no way out.

So he thought of his second-in-command who was full of wisdom and played the role of a think tank in their Yers organization.

Let the other party think of a way.

Originally, after knowing that the other party had got something good, he thought about it in this direction, thinking that the good thing the other party got was related to the task he had assigned before.

But now, what the other party brought him to see was actually a gas tank?


To be honest, this gas tank is indeed a good thing. At least with these gas tanks, it is more convenient for their soldiers to cook.

After hearing the words of his leader Robert, the second-in-command knew that the other party did not see the mystery.

"Chief, please observe for a while."

The second-in-command, Jax, said mysteriously.


Jacks felt that he was a person with no real ability.

However, due to a series of coincidences, the few tricks he came up with actually helped the Yers organization survive several crises, and he also sat in the position of the second-in-command of the Yers organization without knowing it.

Before that, their leader saw that the Haimai group had made such a big fuss.

He was also a little unwilling to be lonely, so he asked the second-in-command, who was famous for his wisdom, to come up with a feasible plan.


At that time, the second-in-command showed the story in Journey to the West, where the little monster Ben Bolba escaped from death and went back to report to the Nine-headed Insect that Tang Monk and his disciples were very powerful, butThe expression of the Nine-headed Monster asking him to "get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples".

After all, his own people know their own business.

He is not so smart, but just lucky.

He didn't know that those few ideas could actually help their Yers organization survive the crisis.

But he didn't expect that when he didn't know what to do, he accidentally learned that a gas tank sales company in Himiali bought a batch of gas tanks from Longguo.

Suddenly, the second-in-command had a flash of inspiration and robbed the goods back.

This is why the gas tank sales company just imported a batch of gas tanks from Li Yaodong's factory and now went to Li Yaodong to buy another batch.


After hearing the words of his second-in-command, the leader of the Yers organization began to observe.

"Steel pipe?"

At this time, he noticed that in addition to these gas tanks, there were hundreds of thick steel pipes in the warehouse.

You know, that gas tank seller also bought hundreds of thick steel pipes.

At this time.

The helmsman of the Yers organization frowned.

"Do you want to use these steel pipes to make rockets? These steel pipes are not enough?"

The helmsman took a look.

The quality of these steel pipes is indeed good, but the quantity is too small. They can't learn from the Haimai regiment to send a wave of rocket rain to their Himyali's positive and negative troops.

"No, no, no, please observe for a while."

The second-in-command continued to keep it a secret.


Hearing this.

Robert, the helmsman, looked back at the thick steel pipe and the gas tank.

Then he noticed that there was a pile of fertilizer in a corner of the warehouse.

"Gas tanks, steel pipes, and fertilizers?"

His eyes condensed.

Suddenly he understood what his second-in-command meant: "This combination is a mortar?"

And the next second.

He took another breath.


And this is not an ordinary mortar. You should know that ordinary mortars can only hold a dozen kilograms of explosives at most.

But the volume of these gas tanks can hold dozens of kilograms of explosives.

"No, no, no, leader, please continue to observe."

However, after hearing Robert's words, the second-in-command shook his head again.

But the next second, he saw the dangerous look of his own helmsman.

The mysterious expression on the face of the second-in-command collapsed instantly.


At this time, Robert slapped the back of the second-in-command's head: "Hurry up and say it."

He felt that his second-in-command was a little bit floating, and he couldn't tell the big and small kings. He actually put him here to test?



The second-in-command no longer kept it a secret, and said directly: "Look, there are still cool tractors over there. There are dozens of such tractors in another warehouse."

Following the second-in-command's gaze, the helmsman Robert looked over.


When his eyes fell on the tractor, Robert's eyes were straight.

At this time, this tractor in his eyes was no longer a tractor, but an artillery tractor.

Before, the thick steel pipe + gas tank + fertilizer = mortar.

And with such an artillery tractor...

Thick steel pipe + gas tank + fertilizer + artillery tractor =?

"Is this a self-propelled mortar?"

At this moment.

Robert, the helmsman, had already thought of the scene where he pulled out dozens of self-propelled mortars, and then these self-propelled mortars would bombard the enemy's positions with gas tank bombs containing dozens of kilograms of explosives.

As soon as he thought of this scene, he felt his adrenaline was secreted crazily.

Thinking about it, he felt that such a scene was even cooler than the round of rocket rain of the Haimai Regiment.


Soon after.

Outside a position of the Himyari positive and negative army...


(Generation of electricity in the 29th round: 2358, 19:06, 6/02)

(Add more next week, I will go home to harvest wheat, it is a harvest season, but I am a little tired)

(Please help me generate electricity, folks in this harvest season


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