Ta Village.

Now Li Yaodong also knew that these Himyari people were the staff of the official gas tank sales company.

But he still didn't want to sell his gas tank to these Middle East villagers.

In fact, the experience of dealing with those Middle East villagers before made him a little scared.

And these Middle East villagers also saw what Li Yaodong meant, but they really wanted to continue to cooperate with Li Yaodong's gas tank factory, so they flattered Li Yaodong crazily.

Li Yaodong couldn't stand the flattery.

"Li, we Himyaris really need your gas tanks."

A fellow from Middle East, who was in the lead, said sincerely:

"The beginning of human civilization is when our ancestors discovered fire."

"Without your gas tanks, we Himyaris can only return to the stage of eating raw meat and drinking blood."

"This is equivalent to the degeneration of civilization."

"Li, can you really bear to do this?"

"For us, this gas tank is equivalent to a gas tank from heaven, which is extremely important to us."


Li Yaodong was speechless when he heard the other party's flattering words. Who said that foreigners don't know how to flatter? His gas tank became a gas tank from heaven in the other party's mouth.

"Li, selling us gas tanks is also a great deed."

And this guy who was flattering and flattering Li Yaodong crazily saw that his words did not seem to impress Li Yaodong, and he changed his words again.

He remembered that he didn't know where he heard this saying from. No Dragon Countryman could refuse to add merit, so he said:

"Think about it, your gas tanks are all over Himyali, so that all Himyali people can use your gas tanks and cook with fire. Isn't it also a meritorious thing?"


Listening to these words, Li Yaodong was even more speechless. How can this be related to merit?

Isn't this nonsense?

However, when he heard the other party talking about merit, Li Yaodong was really moved.

Although he did not believe in Buddhism, if he could really let the people of Himyali use the gas tanks produced by his factory, it would really be a meritorious thing.

Assuming that his system has the ability to count, maybe there will be a reminder of merit adding merit every moment.

"Ahem, let me think about it. You can stay in our Ta Village first."

Li Yaodong suppressed his thoughts and said to several Middle East villagers.


Seeing that Li Yaodong finally softened his attitude, the Himials were also happy. In this case, they naturally followed suit.

After arranging for someone to take the other party to rest, Li Yaodong turned his eyes to Zhao Jialiang: "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Let's continue."

At the beginning, Li Yaodong thought that after these Middle East people came, there might be some trouble again. Unexpectedly, these Middle East villagers turned out to be serious businessmen.

Now that the Middle East villagers have dealt with the matter, they will naturally continue the previous transaction. After the transaction, the matter will be completely over, and he doesn't have to worry anymore.


At this time, in the Junqing meeting room

After hearing what Li Yaodong said, everyone present couldn't help but frown.

You know, the current situation is that they have confirmed that those Middle East people are actually serious businessmen from Himyari.

In other words, they are international friends.

If they carry out the original plan, what if Li Yaodong is desperate and takes these international friends as hostages?


At this moment, everyone present frowned.

Should we not catch them?

The problem is that they have alreadyThe troops have been deployed, and it's such a big battle, so why not catch him?

At this moment, Li Weimin's phone vibrated.

Li Weimin hung up shortly after the call was connected, and then a happy look appeared on his face.

"It was Li Zonghui, the head of the third room of Ta Village, who found an opportunity to secretly call." He said.

It turned out that Li Zonghui, the head of the third room, also understood that the presence of international friends at this juncture might have an impact on this action.

And he was eager for the authorities to eradicate Li Yaodong, the tumor.

So he called Li Weimin and said that he would properly arrange these international friends so that they could act with confidence.


Hearing this news.

Everyone in the Junqing Research Room breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the only obstacle has been removed.

However, at this moment, Zhang Shuwen got the intelligence from Himiari.

"What? The Yers organization in Himyari launched an attack on the Himyari positive and negative army? Gas tanks..."

Listening to the voice coming from the phone, Zhang Shuwen's face changed again and again: "Okay, um, okay, pass the detailed information to me."


When hearing Zhang Shuwen's words, everyone in the Junqing Research Room couldn't help but have a bad premonition.

Zhang Shuwen forwarded the detailed information he got later to everyone present.

And looking at this information, everyone's face changed.

'What? The self-propelled mortar used by the Yers organization when launching the attack was actually modified from a gas tank? '


Everyone slid the information receiving device in front of them.

I saw the words "Nuomin Gas Tank Factory" written on the tank body of the gas tank on the next page.

Isn't this gas tank factory the gas tank factory under Li Yaodong's command?

They continued to slide.

It says below:

These gas cylinders were shipped by the gas cylinder sales company that the Middleeast fellows who just appeared in Tower Village worked for, using their own channels.

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