It turns out that since the Yers organization launched an attack on the Himyari Army yesterday, it has been suppressing the Himyari Army for a long time.

However, in the middle, the Himyari Army began to turn the situation around.

Because the Himyari Army took out a batch of arms purchased at a high price from Jiaalimei.

In fact, although Jiaalimei and Himyari are allies, because Himyari has not completely turned to their side.

So Himyari has given too much help in armaments.


And because the Himyari Army has recently shown a tendency to completely turn to their side, they gave the other side such a lot of equipment, but it was not given for free.

Instead, the Himyari side still needs to spend a high price to buy it.

After using this batch of equipment, the situation has indeed begun to turn around.

It also seems to prove the correctness of the Himyari Army turning to Jiaalimei.

However, after the Himiali army fought a wave, they found that the hell cannon on the side of the Yeles organization was transformed from a gas tank bought from a gas tank factory in Longguo.


After understanding this, Himiali fell into the same dilemma as Inler, that is, although they turned the situation around.

But every time they turned the situation around, they would lose once, after all, their weapons were imported from Jiaalimei at a high price.

And the weapons on the side of the Yeles organization were transformed from gas tanks that were not worth much at all.

And they can't compare with Inler, after all, Inler is a developed country, and although they are Himiali's positive and negative army, in terms of economic strength, controlled territory, and monarchy, they are actually not as good as the Yeles organization.

It was in this situation that the Himiali positive and negative suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that the Yeles organization could buy gas tanks from the gas tank factory in Longguo and transform them into hell cannons, so why can't they?


You should know that the relationship between Himyari and Longguo is different from that between Inler and Longguo.

Although they are allies of Jiaalimei, they have always had a good relationship with Longguo.

They can even be regarded as one of the earliest Arab countries to have diplomatic relations with Longguo.

Even with this favor, Longguo has also assisted Himyari in many projects over the years.

"Break the situation? The overall situation?"

Listening to the words of Mr. Liu Wenwu, Li Weimin seemed to understand something.

'The overall situation? '

At this time, the old agent Sun Danian seemed to have thought of something.


However, Li Fei and other young people from the original plan A did not hear it, and their brows frowned immediately.

I don't know what this has to do with Li Yaodong's break.

"Weimin, tell me?"

At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu also stopped talking. He saw that Li Weimin seemed to understand the key.

Then he said.

In fact, letting Li Weimin speak is not to test him, but he is not in the mood to speak now.

After all.

They were a step behind this time and were tricked by the dangerous uncle Dong.

And Li Weimin has dealt with this dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong more than once or twice.

It is just right to let the other party speak.


"I don't know much about International Integrity, but I also know that Himiali and Jiaalimei are allies in the Middle East region."

Hearing the words of Mr. Liu Wenwu, Li Weimin Himiali refused and said:

"But although the other party is an ally of Jiaalimei, they also have a good relationship with our Dragon Country."

"But as they Himiali are dealing with the matter of the Yeers organization, they are becoming more and more powerless, so now they have the idea of ​​completely turning to Jiaalimei."

"But the relationship between our Dragon Country and Jiaalimei is well known to everyone. We certainly don't want to see Himiali, a Middle East East country with which we have a good relationship, completely turn to Jiaalimei."

"In fact, some of our Dragon Country's recent aidThe measures to help Himiari are also trying to win Himiari's favor. "


Hearing this.

Li Fei nodded subconsciously. He also thought of some of the recent measures taken by their Dragon Country against Himiari. He had not thought about this before, but now after hearing the words of their Li Weimin, he suddenly realized it.

"But these measures on our side should have little effect. Himiari has gradually moved closer to Jiaalimei. "

Li Weimin continued.

After hearing this, some people who were confused about Plan A seemed to understand it now.

It's actually very simple.

This time, the head of the Energy Department of Himyari came to their side to ask, saying that he wanted to visit the gas tank factory. In fact, he wanted to buy a batch of gas tanks like the Yeers organization and transform them into weapons.

Originally, Himyari wanted to completely turn to Jiaalimei, just to win the war support from Jiaalimei.

But now they come to their Longguo to buy weapons.

In a sense, this is getting closer to them.

"......That is to say, this gas tank is already a crucial part."

Li Weimin continued.


Hearing this, Li Fei couldn't help but frowned: "But we don't have only one gas tank factory in Longguo, right? Can't we introduce other gas tank factories to the head of the Energy Department of Himyari? ”

This question also asked the original A plan of several people who were confused.

"Our policy is peaceful development."

Zhang Dongliang, the helmsman of Qinglong Group, was just listening to Li Weimin's words and sorting out his thoughts. When he heard Li Fei's question, he replied.


Zhang Dongliang's meaning is very simple. The other party came to visit their gas tank factory on their own initiative. That is the other party's business. No matter what the other party wants to do with the gas tank factory to buy gas tanks, it has nothing to do with them.

But if their official side takes the initiative to introduce other gas tank factories to the other party, then the problem will be big.

Of course, even if they don't take the initiative to introduce the gas tank factory to the other party.

Once the outside world finds out that Ximiyali bought gas tanks from them and put them into the battlefield, they will think that it may be led by their Dragon Country officials.

But the outside world thinks that this layer of cloth cannot be thrown away.

.. ......................................

Hearing this, Li Fei subconsciously wanted to say, there is no need for Li Yaodong, we can arrange for someone to sell the gas tanks of the gas tank factory to the Himyari Energy Department Buchang.

But he didn't say it when the words came to his lips, because this was the same as taking the initiative to introduce the Himyari Energy Department Buchang Gas Observation.

At this moment.

Li Fei's face changed again and again.

You must know that the current situation is that their current evidence is not enough to convict Li Yaodong. It can even be said that from the evidence they currently have, the other party is just an ordinary person and has not violated any laws at all.

And now there is a national level situation under pressure.


Now they have only one choice.

That is to directly......

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