‘Luring into a trap?’

After hearing what Abbas said, Robert, the helmsman of the Yeles organization, had such a thought in his mind.

Then, he fell silent.


And Abbas also felt Robert’s silence, and he immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

You know, he knew Robert quite well, after all, the relationship between their two organizations was pretty good.

This person had a strong desire for control.

And there was also a rumor that since his Haimai group accepted the funding from Uncle Dangerous Dong, it had become an affiliate of Uncle Dangerous Dong.

His reaction just now must have aroused the other party’s vigilance.

“Robert, Uncle Dangerous Dong thinks highly of you.”

After understanding what the other party was thinking, Abbas said directly.


After sharing intelligence with several forces with good relations, he also knew how Robert got those gas cylinders. It was Robert’s second-in-command who accidentally robbed a gas cylinder sales company, not directly from Uncle Dangerous Dong.

In Abbas's opinion, this must be Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's arrangement.

Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong went through so much trouble to deliver this batch of gas cylinders and other things to the other party, which naturally shows his appreciation for the other party.

In fact, before receiving this call, he thought that Robert should have been Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's man for a long time.

But just through Robert's reaction, he understood that the other party was not Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's man yet, just like when he first came into contact with Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, he was at the same stage.

"Robert, do you want to come to the arms of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong and become one of us?"

He invited Robert directly.


After hearing Abbas' words, Robert was stunned.

Before, he was a little worried that their Yers organization would follow the footsteps of the Haimai Group and become a vassal organization of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

Therefore, he still had a fear of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

However, now Abbas is so straightforward to recruit himself for Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

Doesn't the other party understand his character?

'Value? '

Suddenly, Robert's eyes flickered, and he thought of the word [value] that the other party had just said.


This word contains a lot of information.

At this time, he thought of his experience of getting this batch of gas tanks.

Isn't this too coincidental?

'Could it be that these gas tanks were actually deliberately designed by Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong to be sent to us? '

Such a thought popped up in Robert's mind.


And Jacks, the second-in-command of the Yeles Organization, is Robert's confidant. So, when Robert called Abbas, he did not carry his confidant on his back.

So, Jacks, the second-in-command, also heard what Abbas said.

At this moment, Jacks thought of more things.


You know, Jacks felt that he was a person with no real ability.

But due to a series of coincidences, the few tricks he came up with actually helped the Yers organization survive several crises, and he also sat in the position of the second-in-command of the Yers organization without knowing it.

And this time, the process of him getting these gas cylinders was also full of coincidences-

At that time, he accidentally learned that a gas cylinder sales company in Himiali bought a batch of gas cylinders from Longguo. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and robbed the batch of goods back.

'Now that I think about it, it's really too coincidental, isn't it? '

Jex's face changed slightly: 'Could it be that I can become the second-in-command of the Yers organization, actually under the arrangement of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong? '

If this is really the case, it's simply too amazing.


"So, I was calculated by Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong?"

Robert, the helmsman of the Yers organization, said to Abbas bluntly after a few thoughts flashed through his mind.

Upon hearing this, Abbas shook his head and said:

"What is calculation? If someone makes some arrangements that have an adverse effect on you, it is called calculation, and if the other party makes some arrangements that allow you to benefit from it, it is called valuing."

"In fact, after you fall into the arms of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong will not interfere with you in doing anything."

"The Yers organization is still yours."

"It's just mutual benefit at most."

"It is rumored outside that our Haimai Group has become a vassal of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, but in fact, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong has never interfered with our Haimai Group."


Abas did not lie to the other party with these words.

Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong did not interfere with their Haimai Group.

Even if he wanted them to do something, he would follow the principle of mutual benefit.

Even now, it can be said that their Haimai Group has taken a big advantage.


After all, Uncle Danger Dong provided them with high-quality and low-cost weapons, and cleared the checkpoints and sent these weapons to them because they had fought with many countries in the Middle East region.

"So, Robert, do you want to join us and throw yourself into Uncle Danger Dong's arms?" Abbas invited again.


When Robert heard Abbas's second invitation, his face changed.

According to his own personality, he naturally wanted to refuse directly.

But the words of refusal, when they came to his lips, were swallowed back by him.


You must know that the head of the Energy Department or the State Department of the Himiali Positive and Negative Army has already gone to Longguo.

And their Yeers Organization, as the user of the Hell Cannon, has already experienced the power of this high-quality and low-cost cannon.

If I refuse now, then the situation will be reversed?

I will become a victim of this Hell Cannon.

Thinking of this, Robert couldn't help but take a breath.

Now, he figured it out. It turned out that the head of the Himiali Energy Department went to Longguo under the calculation of this dangerous Mr. Dongshu.

Became a bargaining chip to pressure their Yeers organization.

This dangerous Mr. Dong's method is simply......

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