‘…What are you going to do?’

Old Liu Wenwu frowned.

Several bigwigs in the video conference also started to think.

At this moment, they all felt that there was a fog in front of their eyes, and they couldn’t see clearly what Li Yaodong wanted to do.


At this time.

In the office of the leader of the militia organization in Iraq.

“Have you submitted the inquiry letter?”

The leader asked his subordinates.

He saw the video of the hell cannon transformed from a gas tank by the Yeers organization bombarding the positive and negative troops of Himyari on the Internet, and then saw the news that the head of the Himyari Energy Department went to Longguo for inquiry, so he decided to go to Longguo or visit the gas tank in Longguo and then buy a batch of gas tanks.

“The secret inquiry letter has been submitted.” The subordinate said.


The reason why their inquiry was conducted in secret this time is not complicated.

After all, everyone knows the relationship between Jia Ali Mai and Long.

Moreover, Jia Alimei is very powerful in Middle East.

If they go to Longguofang to ask openly, Jia Alimei might come up with some conspiracy theory.

This is not good for both their Yiguo and Longguo.

"We have been replied and approved."

At this time, the leader's trusted subordinates said with a slight exclamation.


It turned out that Longguo had just replied to them and allowed them to come to Fangfang to ask.

Hearing his subordinates' words, the leader did not react, because this was expected, after all, they had a good relationship with Longguo.

After thinking about it, he called Abbas, the leader of the Haimai Group.

You know, the relationship between the two sides is also good, and even their militia organization has helped Pakistan to fight against Israel.

He called Abbas because the other party knew that dangerous uncle Dong.

And the things that the dangerous uncle Dong did in their Middle East area before were too scary, so he wanted to know some things in advance to see if there was anything he needed to pay attention to.


"What, you are coming to Longguo too?"

Abas had just checked into a hotel in Dongshan City when he received a call from the leader.

Soon after, both parties hung up the phone.

"The leader of the militia organization in the Iraqi country is coming too?" said Robert, the helmsman of the Yeers organization.

When Abbas received the call just now, he did not carry it behind his back.


After confirming the news, Robert could not help but take a breath.

'Danger Uncle Dong's move? '

The current situation is that their Yeers organization, Abbas's Haimai Group, the head of the Energy Department of the Himyari Army, plus the Iraqi country that just said it was coming, how many forces are there?

He was wondering what this Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong wanted to do, and how he could make such a big move.

Not only Robert was a little upset, but Abbas also had countless thoughts in his mind.

Abbas had already vaguely guessed that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong was going to play a big game, but now he felt that Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong's game seemed to be a bit big.

This involves several forces.

Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong, he...


"What on earth does he want to do?"

In the office of Mr. Liu Wenwu, the resident of the southern exhibition area.

Mr. Liu Wenwu also frowned tightly.

The other bigwigs in the video conference were also thinking about this problem.

However, before he could come up with anything, they received another call.


"Is Syria coming too?"

Soon after, these bigwigs hung up the phone.

Needless to say, they received the same news this time.

Syria also sent a letter of inquiry, just like the previous forces, for Uncle Dangerous orThe person said that Uncle Dong’s gas tank factory was dangerous.

At this moment, the bigwigs in the video conference were a little silent.

‘What does this Uncle Dong want to do? ’

Mr. Liu Wenwu couldn’t help but have such a thought again.


You know, Syria has a good relationship with their Long country.

And the other party has a good relationship with their Long country.

The arrival of this Syrian interviewer can’t be used as a bargaining chip for Li Yaodong.

Since it can’t be used as a bargaining chip, what does this Uncle Dong Li Yaodong want to do?

Although I can’t figure it out, the other party, as a country with a good relationship with my Long country, naturally approved the other party’s interview application.




After that, Iraq and Syria, which received the reply from Longguo’s interview, each had a special plane from the airport of the country to Longguo.


But it’s not over yet.

Liba Country and Karl Country also sent inquiries one after another.

These two countries also have good relations with Long Country.

Long Country naturally agreed to their secret inquiries.

Not long after.


These two countries also had a special plane each, heading towards Long Country.


In the video conference, Liu Wenwu, Mr. Liu and other bigwigs were a little scalp-numbing at this moment.

Before, when they sent the inquiry letter from Yi Country, they thought that it might be that the other party had seen the relevant information of the Hell Cannon and wanted to import some of this inexpensive and high-quality weapon from Long Country, and the other party might not have any relationship with Li Yaodong.

However, now they have completely denied this speculation.

After all, it can't be so coincidental.

So many countries' inquiry groups came together.


These countries or forces that came after Himiali have one characteristic.

That is, they all have a bad relationship with Jia Alimai.

'So what does this dangerous uncle Dong want to do? ’


“Actually, now is not the time to focus on this.” Old Zhao from the southern exhibition area said.

He also understood the doubts in the hearts of the people present, but he still said so.

Everyone was stunned when they heard what Old Zhao said.

At this time, Mr. Liu Wenwu also reacted and realized what Old Zhao meant by this.

“Yes, now is not the time to focus on this.” Mr. Liu Wenwu said:

“Our first priority now is to ensure the safety of these people!”

“If these people have problems in our Dragon Country, it will be a big deal.”


(The 32nd round of power generation is 912, June 13, 17:42. I would like to ask all the villagers to support it with a free love power generation. I want to add an egg to my noodles today, woo woo)

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