‘Idol! ’

Jex, the second-in-command of the Yeles organization, was also stunned by the generosity of the dangerous uncle Dong, who helped him get to the top and was a benefactor to him.

And when he digested it a little, his eyes showed admiration.


You know, the second-in-command Jax considers himself a person with no ability, and people like him admire people with great ability who can turn the tide.

And he looked at his leader Robert, which was a little dangerous.

I don’t know what he was thinking in his heart.


At this time, Abbas also slightly suppressed the shock in his heart.

“Mr. Li, are you okay?” He looked at Li Qisheng on the video call.

After arriving in Dongshan City, he opened a video call with Mr. Li Qisheng.

After all, they came to Dongshan City, and they must say hello to Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong. He couldn't contact Dangerous Uncle Dong directly, so he naturally contacted Li Qisheng.

The phone used to contact Li Qisheng was another one, which was encrypted multiple times.

So, just now, when he answered those calls, Li Qisheng watched the whole process through the video call.


At this time, Li Qisheng in the video call was a little dazed.

Seeing this scene, Yabas knew that Mr. Li Qisheng should not know the hand of Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong.

"I'm fine." And on the other end of the phone.

Li Qisheng only reacted slightly after hearing Yabas' words.

However, he still looked a little absent-minded now.

At this moment, he thought of the question that Uncle Dong Li Yaodong asked him when he was released from the detention center not long ago. At that time, Uncle Dong asked him if he knew who he was.

At that time, his answer was: "Uncle Dong, of course I understand. After going through so many things, how could I not know."

But now, he realized that he seemed to not know what kind of person Uncle Dong was.

This method is too outrageous.

Not long after, Li Qisheng hung up the video call with Abbas, but he was still a little distracted.

However, he is also a person with a strong ability to accept. After a while, he finally digested the news he just learned.

"But, it's not right."

Li Qisheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

He understood that Uncle Dong should use this arc alliance as his new bargaining chip.

But, is this bargaining chip too heavy?


"This bargaining chip is indeed enough, but it is too heavy.""

Southern exhibition area.

In an office.

Old man Liu Wenwu said to the video conference screen.

"It's indeed too heavy. "Hearing this, all the bigwigs in the video conference, including Lao Zhao, said with a serious look.

Everything is too much or too little, and if the facts are really as they think, then the stakes are so heavy that they have begun to touch their sensitive nerves.


After all.

The fact that Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle, can connect so many forces and thus pull up an arc alliance, although it is in the interests of their Dragon Country, it also shows the degree of danger of Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle. This degree of danger is an order of magnitude greater than what they had previously recognized.

Before, for the sake of the overall situation, although they temporarily let the other party go, in fact, deep in their hearts, they felt that the other party was a time bomb.

And now, it seems that this is not a time bomb.

In this case, their strategy for dealing with this dangerous uncle...

"All this is what we think, he may not really be able to pull up such an arc alliance."

Lao Zhao said.

"Yes! "Mr. Liu Wenwu took a deep breath and said, "The most urgent task now is to ensure the safety of these secret delegation members who come here as foreign businessmen."

Hearing this, all the bigwigs in the video conference nodded.

Afterwards, a document on protecting the personal safety of the secret delegation members was quickly drafted and issued.


At the same time, Li Yaodong was here.

At this time, Li Yaodong had already returned to Ta Village from the detention center by special car for some time.

After returning to his home, Li Yaodong started live broadcasting again.

However, looking at the speeches of the villagers in the live broadcast room, Li Yaodong was speechless.

These villagers were enough, and insisted that he was exposed.

They also said that the head of the Himyari Energy Department was coming to their gas tank factory, which was evidence.

Facing these barrages, Li Yaodong said helplessly: "I'll say it again, I'm just an ordinary contestant of "Professional Challenge" and an ordinary factory owner. The previous matter of supplying Junhuo to the fellow villagers of Middle East was purely a misunderstanding."

"The head of the Himyari Energy Department probably came to my Nuomin Gas Tank Factory to buy some gas tanks to improve the livelihood of their people. After all, there are frequent wars there, and the natural gas pipeline is not easy to build." He explained these words very seriously.

In fact, he also thought so in his heart.


After all, the quality of his gas tanks is quite good.

The gas tanks that were transformed into hell cannons were originally bought back by the gas tank sales company in Himyali, and were intended to be sold to local people for cooking. However, they were robbed by the Yers organization by mistake.

Moreover, the Yers organization did not simply transform these gas tanks into hell cannons.

Didn't the news also reveal that before launching an attack, the other party would usually use these gas tanks for cooking?

This also proves the quality of his gas tanks, which are simply used as gas tanks.

Although Li Yaodong felt that he did not understand the integrity of international monarchs, he felt that the Himyali Zhengfu Army was an official one, and would not use the hell cannon, a land reform weapon, like the Yers organization.

No way, no way.

There would not really be a serious Guojia Zhengfu who used land reform weapons, right?

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