‘Mr. Zhao?’

The moment this “Mr. Zhao” entered the door, Li Weimin recognized his identity.

Mr. Zhao Xiangyang, the highest person in charge of the southern exhibition area.

After recognizing the other party’s identity, his heart skipped a beat.

You know, Mr. Zhao Xiangyang, as the highest person in charge of the southern exhibition area, usually pays attention to the general direction, and does not care about specific matters. Only in wartime will he convene the leadership agencies of the three armed forces under his jurisdiction to discuss the war, make combat deployments, and jointly promote the integrated coordinated operations of the three armed forces to ensure that the troops in the area under the jurisdiction of the exhibition area can come when called, fight when they come, and win when they fight.

However, the other party appeared in their office of the post-A plan for Li Yaodong.

Before, the people of the original A plan thought that their A plan was going to be disbanded.

However, now such a heavyweight figure has appeared here.


At this time, the senior executives of the southern exhibition area were somewhat surprised to see the top leader of their southern exhibition area, Mr. Zhao Xiangyang, appear here.

Because Mr. Zhao Xiangyang had been relatively friendly to the dangerous uncle Li Yaodong before.

And he had been appeasing Mr. Liu Wenwu, an old friend with a fiery personality and hatred of evil.

But at this time, the other party came to this office, and his attitude seemed to be completely different from before.

At this moment, they also felt more deeply that what the dangerous uncle Li Yaodong did this time really touched the sensitive nerves of the higher level.

"It's not about waiting until the end to arrest him, but we can prepare now."

Mr. Zhao Xiangyang said: "Which comrade just said to arrest him later."


Hearing this, Li Fei subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and then he raised his hand like a primary school student.

Then he realized that this was not right, so he stood up, saluted and said, "I said so, Boss."

"Okay, sit down." Mr. Zhao Xiangyang asked casually. Seeing Li Fei standing up nervously, he signaled him to sit down and not be too nervous.


"Like I just said, we can start preparing now." Mr. Zhao Xiangyang explained.

In fact, the reason why he said this is very simple, that is, super dangerous elements like Li Yaodong must be controlled under their noses.

To ensure that they can control and capture the other party at any time in any situation, so as not to let the situation go beyond their control.

While explaining this, Mr. Zhao Xiangyang sighed in his heart.

You know.

In his opinion, Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle, is definitely a talent.

No, not a talent but a genius.

No, not a genius, but a demon.


The other party connected several anti-Jia Alimai forces in Middle East with his own strength, and created such an impedance arc across the entire Middle East.

To a certain extent, the other party has accomplished what their official authorities cannot do.

But the other party's big move also shows the danger of the other party.

Moreover, the other party was a food criminal before, and had done smuggling in their Dragon Country. If the other party had not smuggled in their country.

In fact, there might be another attitude towards the other party.

After all, this shows that he does not harm the country.

So in their eyes, Li Yaodong, the dangerous uncle Dong, is a super dangerous element who will do anything to realize his ambitions.


‘Ah. ’

After sighing in his heart, Zhao Xiangyang continued:

“In fact, our arrest operation against him this time is much easier to operate than before.”

The previous action against Li Yaodong could only be secretly deployed.

After all, it was not possible to alert the enemy at that time.

But the current situation is that Li Yaodong thought that their official had compromised, and he didn't know what he had done to pull out that resistance alliance.The method was counterproductive.

In this case, they could have deployed troops to the vicinity of Ta Village in advance on the grounds of protecting the head of the Himyari Energy Department and the safety of those foreign businessmen.


Listening to the words of Mr. Zhao Xiangyang, everyone present nodded.

In this way, it is indeed easier to operate than before.

This is considered that the dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong shot himself in the foot.


At this time, the reckless man Li Fei listened to the words of Mr. Zhao Xiangyang, and his eyes kept shining.

This time, this uncle Dong Li Yaodong, it seems that he will not be able to escape.

Now to say something after the fact, in fact, in the previous actions against Li Yaodong, he had a vague feeling that he might not be able to catch him in the end.

But this time he had a strong premonition in his heart-

This time Li Yaodong will not be able to escape.

After all, the higher level has set the tone.

Now that they have started preparing for the arrest, he really can't think of any other way Li Yaodong can break the deadlock this time.


"Old Liu, you take charge this time."

Zhao Xiangyang looked at Liu Wenwu, and Old Liu said.

Although he also read a series of information about Li Yaodong, he certainly didn't know this Li Yaodong as well as Old Liu.

Hearing this, the people of the original A plan were moved. Before, when Old Liu Wenwu announced the entry into the post-A era, it meant that they, Li Weimin, Li Shu, would take charge, and he was just a supporter behind the scenes.

At that time, the so-called post-A era was just a verbal statement,

It just sounded bluffing.

After all, the person in charge was still someone of their Li Weimin Li Shu's level.

But now, whether it is this old Zhao Xiangyang who is in charge, or Old Liu Wenwu who is in charge, it shows that the post-A era is not just a verbal statement.

It has really entered a more heavyweight stage.

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