Li Yaodong was stunned because he didn't expect that the leader of the foreign trade department could see his small design at a glance.


After hearing what Li Yaodong said, Yao Haipeng was quite pleased.

However, he was still modest:

"No, no, I just know a little bit because I have been in contact with it more."

"We in the foreign trade department are not only doing administrative work, but also going to factories for inspection."

Li Yaodong's words successfully diverted his attention and he no longer thought about the abnormal reactions of others.


Next to Yao Haipeng, a subordinate named Wang Mingjie, who looked quite upright, had sweat on his forehead.

You know, Wang Mingjie had been in the army before entering the foreign trade department.

Moreover, he had won a second-class merit. If he hadn't been injured later, he might have been in the army.

It can be said that his accomplishment in the affairs of the king is very high.

Therefore, he just realized that this gas tank has a particularly high military potential.

And looking at the reactions of the foreigners around him, he almost guessed the truth with a little association.


In fact, when he just came, Wang Mingjie felt something was wrong. He felt that these foreign businessmen did not seem to have much of the business temperament.

Moreover, after entering the road to Ta Village, Junfang actually set up a lot of checkpoints.

'And the news about Director Li Yaodong, Middle East Junhuo? Still selling agricultural and sideline products in grams? '

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

At this time, seeing his leader Yao Haipeng chatting and laughing with the other party, he felt that his leader seemed to be on a very criminal path.


At the same time.

In the sanatorium.

Li Zonghui looked at this scene in the live broadcast room, and his scalp was tingling.

Although he knew that their uncle Dong Li Yaodong was not a dangerous person at all, but that this misunderstanding was caused by a series of misunderstandings, he had no idea how it happened.

Now, after watching the live broadcast, he understood a little.

It should be that every time their uncle Dong Li Yaodong was around, there would be Lao Liu.

Some of the things that Lao Liu did would add fuel to the flames and make a very ordinary thing very serious.

Before, it should be Li Qisheng who had always been with Uncle Dong who played the role of Lao Liu.

And now, this Lao Liu is the civil servant of the foreign trade department.



After Yao Haipeng and Li Yaodong talked and laughed for a while, he suddenly exclaimed: "The inner layer of this gas tank has patterns?"

After hearing this, everyone was attracted by the other party again, and subconsciously, they followed the other party's gaze.

I saw that the gas tank that had taken off a layer of explosion-proof clothes had a circle of patterns carved around it.


When they saw these patterns, everyone was stunned, and then their expressions were brightened.

Unconsciously, such a scene appeared in everyone's mind.

The gas tank filled with explosives exploded after being ignited.

The gas tank will break along these patterns, and it will break more thoroughly than without the patterns.

The shrapnel harvested large areas of soldiers around.

"Director Li, the pattern on yours is not right, right?"

Yao Haipeng looked at Li Yaodong.



When Yao Haipeng's subordinates noticed the patterns, they were completely sure that something was wrong this time.

At this time, he heard his leader say that the pattern on it was wrong, and he was relieved.

His leader also saw that something was wrong.

That's good.

Otherwise, his leader's performance just now, just like cooperating with this, is obviously not an ordinary person, and may even be dangerous.Director Li of the Middle East Institute is the same as Li Yaodong. People who don't know would think that the two are in the same group.

"If I'm not mistaken, there is a circle of Bodhisattva patterns carved on it." Yao Haipeng said.


Hearing this, Li Yaodong was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Oh, I understand, these gas tanks are supplied to our country."

Yao Haipeng continued: "Director Li, if you supply these Middle East folks, you should replace them with the patterns of the true God, right?" He winked at Li Yaodong.

Li Yaodong now understood what the leader Yao said.

Only then did he think that Middle East believed in the true God, and if Bodhisattva was carved on it, it would conflict with the other party's beliefs.


The reason why Bodhisattva was carved on it was actually a pattern that Li Yaodong randomly chose.

The reason for carving the pattern was to increase the added value of these gas tanks. This should be easy to understand, right? After all, a dry gas tank must not be better than one with exquisite patterns carved on it.

For the same gas tank, when consumers buy it, they will definitely choose the one with a little more added value, even if this added value is actually useless.

Li Yaodong has studied the psychology of consumers. And he is a very serious person. He loves what he does and will study it carefully.

However, after hearing the words of the foreign trade leader, he still felt that he had not considered it.


"Leader Yao, you are right. Why didn't I think of it?"

Li Yaodong sighed, "It has to be you."

"No, no, Director Li's idea of ​​engraving patterns on it is also very innovative. With this little added value, consumers will want to buy it more." Yao Haipeng also sighed at Li Yaodong's wonderful ideas.

And those "foreign businessmen" listened to the conversation between the two, and their eyes became brighter and brighter.

Gas tanks engraved with the true god pattern? True god cannon?

Use the true god cannon to send the enemy to see the true god.



Yao Haipeng's subordinate Wang Mingjie had more sweat on his forehead.

"Director Li, I have a suggestion."

At this time, Yao Haipeng suddenly said.


Hearing this, Yao Haipeng's subordinate Wang Mingjie's heart skipped again.

Leader, please don't make suggestions. If you make suggestions again, I'm afraid you will go straight to jail.


Li Zonghui, who was in the sanatorium, had the same idea.

But if you don't make suggestions, it's better to shut up, otherwise, the official will misunderstand our Uncle Dong even more.

At the same time, he also confirmed that this guy was the old sixth character who would push Uncle Dong in the direction of a serious punishment.

It's a hammer!


(Generation of electricity in the 34th round: 251, 18:32)

(Woo, at the end of the last round of generation, the electricity was generated very quickly, and even a few villagers gave inspiration pills, but today, there are not many people who can generate electricity with love.)

(Woo, woo, please generate electricity, tomorrow is the weekend, Xiao An wants to add an egg to the noodles when he eats them)

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