But at this time, Yao Haipeng saw that no one had any constructive opinions, so he spoke up.

Wang Mingjie's relieved mood suddenly tensed up again, and he almost couldn't breathe and died.

This? Leader, if the opinion is immature, let's not say it.


"Leader Yao, you can say it."

Li Yaodong said, he was also a little curious about the other party's immature opinion.

Hearing this, Leader Yao Haipeng hesitated for two seconds before saying:

"As we all know, gas tanks are special equipment, which means they are more dangerous."

"In our lives, there are also examples of gas tank explosions."

"Although Director Li has made improvements to this gas tank and added an explosion-proof layer."

"But it is impossible and impossible to completely eliminate such a situation."

"My idea is, can we make a small design inside this gas tank to reduce the probability of explosion."


Yao Haipeng spoke out his immature little suggestions in one breath.

He didn't mention it just now because this small suggestion exposed a small flaw of the gas tank.

He hasn't thought of a solution yet, and exposing shortcomings in front of customers is a big taboo in sales.


Li Yaodong also instantly understood why the leader Yao Haiyao didn't make this suggestion at the first time.

However, immediately, his eyes lit up.

You know, after loading the template of the dangerous factory owner Dong Shu, he is very interested in technical things.

Especially technical problems.

And this is a technical problem.

And the next second, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he didn't even trigger his heaven-defying comprehension, and he thought of an improvement plan.

"It can be improved."

When he completely captured this flash of inspiration, he spoke.


Hearing this, everyone present also looked at Li Yaodong.

"It's very simple."

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Li Yaodong smiled and said confidently:

"In fact, in this gas tank, make several compartments. After adding several compartments, the gas in the next compartment will not start to burn until the gas in the previous compartment is burned out."

"The reason why the gas tank explodes is because the amount of gas in the gas tank is too large."

After making the compartments, the gas tank is equivalent to the amount of gas in the gas tank becoming less.

This way, you don't have to worry about it.

For example, the combustible gas in the lighter will also explode, but even if it explodes, it will not be very powerful.

And Li Yaodong's compartment is equivalent to dividing a whole gas tank into many lighters.

Of course, the amount of gas between the compartments must be much more than that of the lighter.

But it's almost the same reason.

After such an explanation, everyone understood Li Yaodong's thinking.


After·A Plan Office.

Everyone frowned when they heard what Li Yaodong said.

This seems to be a serious design.

This is not right.

Before, this dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong and this Yao Haipeng sang the same tune, but the power of the gas tank was improved a lot.

However, the current improvement is essentially at the expense of reducing the power of the gas tank explosion.


In the workshop of the Nomin Gas Tank Factory, a group of Middle East villagers couldn't help but think about it.

But they were a little confused.

If it was a real gas tank, such a design would be safer.

But they didn't want a serious gas tank.


And the leader of the Haimai Group, Abbas, couldn't help but frown, and he couldn't figure it out.

And suddenly, he noticed that the one who had been accompanying Mr. Dangerous Uncle DongLi Qisheng next to him.

Li Qisheng looked thoughtful after hearing what Mr. Dangerous Dongshu said. He seemed to be confused. However, a few seconds later, he suddenly realized what Mr. Dangerous Dongshu said.

‘Put yourself in the mind of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu.’

At this moment, Abbas thought of what Li Qisheng had said to him before.


During this period, Abbas has been training himself to think about problems from the perspective of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu.

But it has not become an instinct.

Seeing Li Qisheng's reaction now, he thought of this again.

Then, he put himself in the mind of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu.

This is not an easy thing.

However, after he put himself in the mind of Mr. Dangerous Dongshu with difficulty...

Ding Dong!

At this moment, a light bulb seemed to light up on his forehead.

"Mr. Li, can we decide the number of these isolation layers we want to install according to our needs?"

Abas understood, but he still wanted to confirm it.

"Of course." Li Yaodong nodded and said.

Suddenly, Abas understood what was going on.


Robert, who was next to him, also understood with his eyes lit up.

You know, the hell cannon that their Yeles organization transformed from gas tanks is very dangerous.

Sometimes the gas tank may explode in its own position before it is launched.

And after adding this kind of isolation layer, the effect of delayed detonation can be achieved.

Just now, he fell into a thinking error.

At that time, Mr. Dangerous Uncle Dong said that multiple isolation layers could be added, so he followed his thinking and thought that after adding multiple isolation layers, the power would be reduced.

However, if they can determine the number of isolation layers to be installed by themselves, they can just make two isolation layers.

One part is used as the explosive filling area of ​​the warhead.

One part is the fuse, which can achieve the effect of delayed detonation.

This is simply a genius design.


If they can understand it, then everyone in the Post-A Plan can also understand it.


(Generation of power in the 34th round 1005, 20:08, June 24)

(Generation of power, it is difficult to pass halfway, please generate power, the generation of power is small, I don’t have much motivation to type, woo woo woo)

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