In Li Yaodong's opinion, the reason why Li Qisheng behaved like this was because of his petty-bourgeois mentality, thinking that it was not good to owe the bank money.

Moreover, it was hundreds of millions of dollars.


In fact, Li Yaodong himself had the same idea before, thinking that if he owed others money, he had to pay it back quickly.

But now, he felt that this idea should be changed.

After all, now is not the time for him to feed the whole family alone. The villagers of the entire Ta Village and the workers in the factories under his name all depend on him.

If he wants to lead these people to become bigger and stronger, then he must change this idea.


Besides, these loans are interest-free loans from the bank, so it's a waste not to use them.

In addition, after winning so many orders, he is now full of confidence and feels that he is a good businessman. Then he also feels that the money from these interest-free loans can be paid back in minutes.

Naturally, he will not think about what will happen if he takes the money from the bank.


After hearing these words from his uncle Dong, Li Qisheng put his heart back in his stomach.

You know, the reason why he looked solemn because of these loans was that he vaguely sensed the intention of the government.

The government seemed to want them to produce enough products, so that those Middle East fellows would not lack Junhuo for a long time.

So why do they do this?

He had the answer in his heart.

And now, their uncle Dong Li Yaodong has said this, which means that their uncle Dong has already known about it and has made arrangements.

He was very confident in his uncle Dong, so of course he was not so worried.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

During this period, Li Yaodong delivered goods to those Middle East fellows several times.

In the past ten days, the factories under Li Yaodong's name have produced more than 600,000 gas cylinders, and other factories have added several production lines and worked at full capacity to produce a large number of products.

These products are enough for these Middle East villagers to use for a period of time.


During these ten days, there was also a small episode.

You know, the way they trade with these Middle East villagers is that when the goods are delivered, the other party will pay the money on the same day.

But the Himyari Zhengfu Army did not pay the money in time after a transaction.

At that time, Li Yaodong thought that this Middle East villager was going to cheat.

But later, the other party also made up the money.

"I'll go down first, Uncle Dong."

At this time, Li Qisheng was in Li Yaodong's office, reporting the situation of each factory. After the report, he left their uncle Li Yaodong's office.


After coming out, Li Qisheng looked up at the sky. Today's weather was not very good, and it was a bit gloomy.

For some reason, he felt a sense of depression in his heart.

"Congratulations, brother. You can enjoy your retirement life to your heart's content in the future." After Li Qisheng left, Li Yaodong received another call.

The person on the other end of the phone was Director Yao Haipeng.

After the Spring Festival, Yao Haipeng reached retirement age.

The reason why Yao Haipeng worked so hard when those Middle East folks came to visit Li Yaodong's factory was that he wanted to shine in his position.


During this period of time, Li Yaodong has been in contact with Yao Haipeng, the leader of the foreign trade department.

As the relationship between the two became more and more familiar, and Yao Haipeng also felt that he was more compatible with Li Yaodong, the two no longer called each other Leader Yao and Director Li, but called each other brother.

"Okay, noI told you, I still have to go through the retirement procedures, and the higher-ups have arranged a special person to take me, an old comrade, to go through the procedures. Hey, I'm here." Yao Haipeng said with a smile.

Li Yaodong was also on the phone and heard a knock on the door from Yao Haipeng's side.


"There is also a special person to take me to go through the retirement procedures, which is quite humane." Li Yaodong said in surprise.

Isn't it said that leaders who are about to retire are not taken seriously? Yao Haipeng was actually arranged to be taken by a special person to go through the procedures: "Brother, after you finish your business, you can come to our Ta Village. We are holding a temple fair today."

This is their tradition. They will hold a temple fair after the Spring Festival to worship their ancestors.

"Okay. "Yao Haipeng said.

After saying a few words, the two hung up the phone.


At the same time, in the office of the post-A plan.

Old Liu Wenwu was flipping through the documents.

These documents recorded a lot of things, including the factories under Li Yaodong's name, the quantity and types of exported products, and the information of several loans between Li Yaodong and the bank.

In fact, those loans were said to be lent to Li Yaodong by the bank, but they were behind it.

Once Li Yaodong was arrested, they could also arrange someone to take over Li Yaodong's factories with the loan, of course not to occupy the magpie's nest.

It was because the export business with the fellow villager of Middle East had to be done. After Li Yaodong went in, he would definitely have to choose someone else.

"Shashasha. "

The sound of flipping through documents was heard.


Soon after.

Mr. Liu Wenwu closed the document.

Everyone present looked at Mr. Liu Wenwu, as if they were all waiting for him to say something.

"It's almost time."

Mr. Liu Wenwu uttered a few words.


(Generation of electricity in the 34th round was 1258, 17:51, July 2)

(There are still a few hundred more to generate electricity, so I can add more. Dear folks, can you give me some votes?)

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